精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
很多鄉民水球我技巧的問題,我再來補充一下技巧要怎麼選擇 技巧的多樣性是影響VOTE的重要因素沒錯,但你總不能老是被人閃躲吧 一開始歡樂的把可學的技巧全買,每個都等級1 那你只有被你的對手肛了又肛的結果 其次,練技巧等級非常的燒錢,你搞太多技巧結果只有每招都弱 到後期你技能等級達到可學強招沒錢練技巧等,你只有哭哭的份 解完新手任務的錢總資產會有4萬還是4萬5? 不要以為是花不完 科科 1等的收入只有每天BONUS的9個VOTE的450和每一場戰鬥的5塊錢而已 你花錢的速度跟不上你升LV增加收入的速度 後期會有沒錢練新學到的高級技巧窘境
Ain0418:等級低時就不要客氣,拼著被觀眾噓爆也要用老招(炸)05/18 20:31
一開始不要急著買新技巧,請先把你現有的升高,每個升到Attack Bonus 10以上 新技巧一次買一個,並把他訓練到有足夠的Attack Bonus 仔細的規畫你的過場技和傷害輸出技 過場技 能把你的對手帶到你傷害輸出技的體位 Obtained Position: 有夠高的基本Attack Bonus避免被閃躲 傷害就不重要了 傷害輸出技 高的技巧基本傷害輸出 技巧等級訓練到高 技巧Attack Bonus 可以不要求像過場技Attack Bonus那麼高 只要升級後的Attack Bonus等於或大於過場技升級後的就好 新技巧有許多是垃圾,學到垃圾等你以後還是要換掉 投資在這些垃圾技巧等你以後想換可拿不回花在他們身上的錢 http://www.thewrestlinggame.com/tabella.php 全技巧表 自己規劃以後要學啥技巧 重新推那3個好用的技巧 SAMOAN DROP - LEVEL 20 Damage: 8 - 60 Attack Bonus: 22 Required Position: Groggy Obtained Position: Grounded Forced Position: Bent down Price: 945 fantaeuros Time: 5 hours 30 minutes 45 seconds KNEE STOMP - LEVEL 20 Damage: 6 - 36 Attack Bonus: 20 Required Position: Grounded Obtained Position: Grounded Forced Position: Grounded Price: 651 fantaeuros Time: 3 hours 47 minutes 51 seconds DOUBLE AXE HANDLE - LEVEL 10 Damage: 4,5 - 27 Attack Bonus: 15 Wounding Possibility: 1 ‰ Required Position: Stunned Obtained Position: Grounded Forced Position: Groggy Price: 341 fantaeuros Time: 1 hours 2 minutes 31 seconds 尤其是KNEE STOMP,Grounded這種體位實在是太常出現了!! 還有一個 Forearm Smash Minimum Damage: 1 Maximum Damage: 6 Attack Bonus: 6 Bleeding %: 3 Required Position: Standing Obtained Position: Groggy Suffered Position: Groggy 1st Ability: Toughness 2nd Ability: Force of Will total Ability: 0 這一招雖然比起上面的3招實在是弱很多 但是Standing這種Required Position出現機率很高 Obtained Position: Groggy也不錯 再加上Standing體位的技巧都很鳥,所以這一招也可衝高 Out of the ring (Ground) Out of the ring (Standing) 這2種體位的命中和傷害全部都很好很強大,但出現的機率實在是太低太低了! 你戰個20場還不見的會出現一場有一場擂台外的情況 所以不要肖想用這個體位做傷害輸出技解決掉對手 不過出現Out of the ring的戰鬥場面是很歡樂的 XD 裁判一邊在台上讀秒2位強者一邊在台下戰! 分享一下我出現的情況 UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that OtakuQ has fallen out of the ring!!!! Eros leaves the ring Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Eros puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm then raises OtakuQ and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming OtakuQ down to the steel step shoulder and neck first, performing a light Suplex on Step Ladder!! Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" Eros lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Eros lifts the adversary on a shoulder OtakuQ avoids a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!" OtakuQ removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections Eros avoids a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Eros lifts the adversary on a shoulder to crash the adversary on it with a light Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Eros lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a light Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!" Eros lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a light Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!" Eros lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!" Eros goes up again in the ring Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!" OtakuQ goes up again in the ring Eros takes the adversary's head and OtakuQ lowers avoiding a Hard Headbutt, taking back the initiative 基本MOVE教學就到這邊,剩下的就需要你自己研究再戰鬥時常出現何種技巧 以及你常使用你種技巧會被閃躲,針對這些技巧來做等級加強 好久不見的小費箱:http://www.thewrestlinggame.com/wg.asp?w=270519 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tylertsai:真的很歡樂,今天玩出兩次場外互毆 XD 05/19 17:31
tylertsai:原來是拉哩拉雜的招太多,所以attack bonus = 命中率?? 05/19 17:38
couldfly:attack bonus翻成命中加成較好,bonus不是機率也沒% 05/19 17:46
Jerrydemon:推推 我要重新練了 科科 05/19 17:49
scring:我想藉這篇問一下 升到LV2的條件是什麼 05/19 20:02
Jerrydemon:樓上 前面幾篇爬一下 有寫喔 = =" 05/19 22:07
scring:還是沒找到哪一篇 XD 05/19 23:15