精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
因為這一週THW慶生,趁著難得的時間, 我把MATCH的學習順序把它給排了出來,後面附加MATCH編號 並且將MATCH的勝利方式做出說明,希望對大家能有幫助 這些Match似乎可以大略區分成肉盾型,關節技型,放血型跟亂鬥(?)型....? 其中有一些MATCH因為本身學不到或者沒人跟我打過,只好留白 敬請見諒,並且希望大家可以幫忙補充完畢, 在MATCH report一開始,都會有MATCH的勝利方式說明,大家可以注意一下喔 XD pinfalls:用pin技能獲勝 knockout:不確定,猜測是對手出血到最嚴重的程度而獲勝 submission:用關節技的招式勝利 disqualification:不確定,猜測是時間到判定平手 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Man Standing Match (1) -->Casket Match (6) 跟 Last Ride Match (14) ---->Buried Alive Match (7) Submission Match (2) -->I Quit Match (11) 跟 Ladder Match (15) ---->Last Blood Match First Blood Match (3) -->Hardcore Match (4) ---->Ambulance Match (5) 跟 Cage Match (12) Triple Threat Match (8) -->Three Way Dance Match (10) 0.One Fall 無說明 1.Last Man Standing Match There are no pinfalls, no disqualification and no submission! The only way to win is to incapacitate your opponent to the point they’re unable to answer the count of ten 2.Submission Match There are no pinfalls and no disqualification! The only way to win is by submission 3.First Blood Match There are no pinfalls, no submissions and no disqualification! The only way to win is make your opponent bleed 4.Hardcore Match In this contest, anything goes, and there will be no disqualification 5.Ambulance Match There are no pinfalls, no submission and no disqualification! The only way to win is to load your opponent inside the Ambulance, lock the doors and drive him outside the arena 6.Casket Match In this contest, there are no pinfalls, no submission and no disqualification, the only way to win is to lock your opponent inside the casket! 7.Buried Alive Match The only way to win is to put your opponent inside the hole, activate the shovel and cover the hole with dirt, burying him alive! 8.Triple Threat Match the first individual to score either a pinfall or a submission will be the winner 10.Three Way Dance Match 無說明,就是Triple Threat Match進階版本, 三人中最後還在台上的人才能勝利 11.I Quit Match The only way to win is to force your opponent to say "I QUIT!" 12.Cage Match The only way to win is to escape from the cage 13.Last Blood Match The only way to win is to knockout the opponent 14.Last Ride Match 無說明,但根據打過的經驗,跟CASKET MATCH非常相似 只是把棺材換成馬車而已 15.Ladder Match --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: jafacc 來自: (08/10 22:28)
ttty789:這次一週年 每個人都有贊助者嗎? 我變SUPPOTER了= = 08/10 22:48
jafacc:一週年所有玩家有一星期免費supporter可用 08/10 22:57
※ 編輯: jafacc 來自: (08/11 00:16) ※ 編輯: jafacc 來自: (08/11 18:30) ※ 編輯: jafacc 來自: (08/11 18:49)