精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 Little-Games 看板] 作者: achihc (星小光) 看板: Little-Games 標題: [DT]種族和職業介紹 時間: Wed Aug 25 17:28:48 2004 去翻了 forum 後發現 FAQ 轉貼一下 Race / Subclass When you first sign up you are given the option to choose your race and subclass. There are 4 different races and 4 different Subclasses. 一開始註冊能選擇你的種族和職業 Race Bonuses Humans: Great Sword (350,000 gold/1,600 ATK) 人類有巨劍, 35萬一把 增加1600的offense值 Goblins: Light Crossbow (350,000 gold/1,600 DEF) 哥不林有光十字弓, 一樣35萬, 但是是加1600的defense值 Undead: Recieve 1 citizen for every 10 killed, Berserkers (offense) 不死系, 每殺10名就能增加1名市民... 還有 berserkers 兵種 攻擊系用 Elves: Spy Attack and Defense (+10% on Spy Defense and Spy Offense), Elite Archers (defense) elf 增加spy的 offense跟defense值10%, 還有elf archer兵種 防守用 Sub-Class Bonuses Cleric : +5% to defence Fighter: +5% to offence Assassin: +5% to income gold per turn Thief: +5% spy def/off 這不用講了吧? 看就知道了 主要是 assassin 會增加 5% 的收入在每一回合(30分一次) Some subclass combination which have proved to work. 這是種族和職業結合的效果 有加成效果 請參閱 :D Goblin/Cleric, 15% bonus to DEF and light crossbows. This combination is your co mbination if you like to defend a lot. Goblin/Assassin, 10% bonus to DEF, Light crossbows and 5% bonus to mining. These mostly just build up defence and try to get most money in the game by mining. Human/Fighter, 15% bonus to ATT and Great swords, This combination is your combi nation if you like to attack a lot. Elf/Thief, 15% bonus to spying, Be a james bond and specificly point out your en emies and make them crowl in your dust. Elf/Fighter, Sounds odd but very usefull. The 5% fighter bonus makes you capable of winning more attacks with less soldiers (read why in the attack pages) Undead/ALL, Fun to be undead and usefull. They get 1 citizen for each killed sol dier in battle which reduces your casualties. Not working combinations. 還沒做的 Human/Cleric, Being a human means you attack a lot, not defend. Goblin Fighter, Being a goblin means you defend a lot, not attack. Lvl proficiencys are very usefull. You get 1 proficiency for each lvl up (100 lv ls so 99 pts because you dont gain 1 when you start). 每升一級會有1點可以增加屬性 These can be spend in: Strength (Offense) 力量 +% 在 offense值 Constitution (Defense) 體質 +% 在 defense值 Wealth (Income) (mining) 財富 增加每回合收入 +% Dexterity (Intelligence) (spies) 速度 增加spy的 offense和defense +% Charisma (Reduced Prices) (only in armory) 魅力 裝備店買裝備減價%數 They each give 1% bonus for each point for that specific attribute. (100% charisma wont work, its capped at probably 50%) 以上就是種族和職業 還有屬性的關係 -- Smile, and the world smiles with you. Cry, and you cry alone. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- Smile, and the world smiles with you. Cry, and you cry alone. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: