精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《darkgam (拓斗)》之銘言: : 主要的攻防數值是怎麼計算呢? : 1那跟人數有關係嗎? 2那跟裝備的關係呢? : 那決定戰鬥勝負的計算是? 官方論壇上有關於裝備與軍隊的FAQ..試翻如下.. FAQ: Armory and Troops This FAQ was originally written by Authorus_Dale, but it was buried in another thread. These really are some of the most frequently asked questions that people have about the armory and equipping troops. This topic comes up so often and half the posters tend to answer it incorrectly. Q1. What is the difference between a Knight and a Soldier or a Archer and a Guard? //問題一. 騎士與士兵或弓箭手與守衛有什麼不同? A1. Knight and archers are upgraded Soldiers and Guards, respectively. As of 20 Aug 2004, Soldiers and Guards have a strength of 5; Knights and Archers have a strength of 50. Knights and Archers give more strength/gold, but can not be untrained. //回答一. 騎士與弓箭手分別是從士兵與守衛升級而來的. 到2004年8月20日為止的設定, // 士兵與守衛的力量是5點; 騎士與弓箭手的力量是50點. 騎士與弓箭手的本益比 // 較高, 但是他們不能轉職. Q2. What are Berserkers and Elite Archers? //問題二. 狂戰士與弓箭手精英又是什麼? A2. Berserkers are an unique undead unit, better than a Knight. Elite Archers are an unique elf unit, better than regular Archers. As of 20 Aug 2004 Berserkers must be trained directly from Soldiers, you can not upgrade a Knight to a Berserker, yet. Lazarus has posted that this will likely be changed, eventually. They have strength of 75. //回答二. 狂戰士是不死者的獨特單位, 比騎士還強. 弓箭手精英是精靈的獨特單位, // 比一般弓箭手還強. 到2004年8月20日為止的設定, 狂戰士必須直接由士兵升級, // 你無法把騎士升級為狂戰士. 拉雜螺絲表示過這項規則將會改變. 這二種單位 // 的力量是75點. Q3. Why don't humans/goblins have special troops? //問題三. 為什麼人類與哥布林沒有特殊兵種? A3. Because they have special weapons -- Great Sword for Humans and Great Bow for Goblins. //回答三. 因為他們已經有特殊武器了--人類的巨劍與哥布林的巨弓. Q4. Who can use what weapons and armor? //問題四. 誰能用那些武器與裝甲? A4. All offensive troops (Soldiers, Knights, Berserkers) can use one each of the five offensive classes of weapons and armor. Likewise for the defensive troops. At present there is no different in strength of a weapon when wielded by a regular or upgraded troop. //回答四. 所有攻擊性的兵種(士兵, 騎士, 狂戰士)都可以使用那五種攻擊性的武器與 // 裝甲. 防禦性兵種也是同理. 同一件裝備給不同兵種裝備, 其表現出來的強度不會 // 有所改變. Q5. Why don't upgraded troops show up in the Armory summary box? //問題五. 為何不在裝備統計表上秀出那些升級兵種? A5. It's an oversight. The developers will get to it eventually. //回答五. 這是遠景之一. 程式開發人員將會實現它. Q6. What are Steeds and Towers? //問題六. 座騎與箭塔是什麼? A6. Steeds and towers are special upgrades on the Battle->Upgrade menu (not the Structure->Upgrade one). Each knight or bezerker may ride one steed, upto five archers or elite archers may occupy one tower. These upgrades are expensive but give a great strength/gold ratio. //回答六. 座騎與箭塔是"戰鬥->升級"選單裡的特殊升級物件(不是"建築->升級"裡的). // 每一位騎士或狂戰士都可以有一隻座騎, 一個箭塔最多可以容納五位弓箭手或 // 弓箭手精英. 這些升級都很貴, 但可以獲得極高的本益比. Q7. Are more troops or better weapons better? //問題七. 有更多的軍隊或有更好的武器哪個比較好? A7. This is partially a personal preference issue. More troops tends to be easier to build as you can buy small numbers whenever you need. More weapons tends to be harder to save for (you want to try to buy the more expensive ones and avoid buying the less effective ones). Your causualties in battle are partially determined by the size of your army -- more troops more casualties. Thus better weapons and smaller armies will help keep your troops alive. //回答七. 這部份要依個人因素而定. 軍隊越多則建軍比較容易(武器就可以買少一點). // 想買多一點武器但是不容易存夠錢(你應該要試著買較貴的武器而避免買廉價質差 // 的武器). 你在戰鬥中對敵人造成的戰損部分取決於你軍隊的規模--軍隊越多, 所 // 造成的戰損就越多. Original author: Authorus_Dale -- 我的她~~穿著一件~~黃顏色~~的襯~~衫~~黃襯衫~~在她身上~~更顯出~~美麗大方~~~ 挖ㄟ咖~~係鳥仔咖~~哩ㄟ咖~~係長短咖~~伊ㄟ咖~~係踩到咖~~曳累咖~~三咖溝欠一咖~~~ ~廖駿澎澎脫口秀 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: