精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The terrans originally came from planet earth. While achieving great advancements in space travelling and the resources at their home planet got scarce, they decided to colonize new planets.Further improvements of their space travelling abilities helped them to cross even larger distances during their progress.But soon they realized that they were not alone in this universe... Terrans are the most flexible and balanced race at the X-Wars universe.They are able to join every faction and are well-trained at the use of every technology. Upgrade facility and recyclers offer them the advantage of upgrading and recycling ships. Terrans(人類)興起於地球.當他們在太空航行中取得重大的突破而且他們的母星資源耗竭 他們決定去殖民新的星球.之後更先進的太空航行技術使得他們可以飛行更大的距離. 很快的,他們發現他們並不是宇宙中唯一的高智慧生物 人類是X-Wars裡面最有彈性而且最為平均的種族,他們可以加入任何陣營,而且有良好的訓練去 使用各種科技.升級設備和回收者使得他們有利於船艦的升級和回收 --- 其實看上面這一段就知道他們是平均的種族 XD 下面是詳細的數據,我也不知道詳細情形,可能要問有用到的@@ 這裡把最後面的優缺點拿上來 advantages 優點 * terrans may join every fraction 人類可以加入任何陣營 * ship models available at trading post 船艦設計圖可以在交易所買到 * balanced specializations 平均 * fast construction 建築快速 * fast construction of spaceships 建船快速 * upgrade and recycling of existing ships 升級和回收現有的船 disadvantages 缺點 * expensive ship production 船艦價格昂貴 --- Terrans 人類 self-developed specialization 自我發展特性 attack 攻擊 projectiles: 投射武器 rays: 雷射武器 missiles: +10% 飛彈 plasma: -5% 電漿 high explosive: +5% 高能爆裂武器 biological: 生化武器 antimatter: 反物質 spaceships 船艦 construction cost: +15% 建造價格 construction time: -20% 建造時間 resources 資源 production: 生產 trading: 貿易 finances: 經濟 cargo: 運輸 defense 防禦 metal: +5% 金屬 shields: 護盾 carbon: -5% 碳(這啥@@?) teleporters: -10% 傳送(這又啥?) defense units 防禦單位 construction cost: 建造花費 construction time: 建造時間 other 其他 espionage: 間諜 defense: 防禦 sabotage: 破壞 defense: 防禦(??) special features 特殊功能 * terran power plants receive an energy bonus 人類的電廠有電力加成 * special building upgrade facility 特殊建築upgrade facility(升級設施) * special building recycler 特殊建築recycler(回收者) trading connections 交易網(跟各個陣營) X-Wars consortium: -10% fraction X-Wars聯盟 Ajuvar: fraction affiliation Ajuvar(不會翻) Trading Guild: fraction affiliation 冒易公會 Confederation: fraction affiliation 聯邦 Fraternity Of Obolos: fraction affiliation Obolos兄弟會 Rokhar: fraction affiliation Rokhar(洛克哈??) Terran League: +5% fraction affiliation 人類同盟 Space Pirates: fraction affiliation 星際海盜 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
greydust:剩下的晚上再慢慢翻... 09/11
openfire:推一下 辛苦了 09/11
Kenqr:推 09/11
※ 編輯: greydust 來自: (09/12 00:58)