精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The bugserians are a very aggressive race coming from planet Xaar. Their powerful spaceships are known to be one of the hardest enemies known as well as their brutality is unlimited during war. Enslavement of planets is a typical strategy of the bugserians in order to gain rulership of the whole universe. Bugserians是一個非常具有侵略性的種族,來自Xaar.他們的船艦是眾所皆知的十分強大 同時他們的在戰爭時的極端暴力也惡名昭彰.奴役一顆星球是他們控制整個宇宙常用的 辦法 Bugserians only make little use of diplomacy prefering the power of their weapons to make things clear.According to this they have only very litle trade connections and are less wealthy compared to other races. Bugserians喜歡用拳頭講道理勝過外交.也因為如此,他們也只從事一點交易所以相對於 其他種族來說比較貧窮 Their primary advantage is warfare concentrating on attacks of foreign planets. Bugserian conventional weapons are known to be the strongest throughout the galaxy, but their achievements in more complex technologies are rather low. The ship production is quite cheap for bugserians, but planetary defence is one of their weaknesses.Good choice for players prefering an aggresive game strategy. 他們主要的優點是戰爭時集中攻擊其他星球.他們一向被認為擁有宇宙間最強大的武器. 但他們在複雜的科技方面的成就就比較低.船隻的價格頗為便宜,但星球的防禦是他們的 弱項.是想玩侵略性戰略的玩家的好選擇 --- 一樣先把優缺點拿上來 advantages 優點 * strong in combat 擅於戰鬥 * cheap ship production 船隻價格便宜 disadvantages 缺點 * weak defense 弱小的防禦 * very weak trade connections 非常差的交易網 * expensive defense 昂貴的防禦 * low interests 利息很低(銀行的) * high transfer fees 運輸價格昂貴 --- self-developed specialization 自我發展特性 attack 攻擊 projectiles: +40% 投射武器 rays: +20% 雷射武器 missiles: +15% 飛彈 plasma: +5% 電漿 high explosive: 高能爆裂武器 biological: 生化武器 antimatter: -10% 反物質 spaceships 船艦 construction cost: -20% 建造價格 construction time: 建造時間 resources 資源 production: 生產 trading: -20% 貿易 finances: -5% 經濟 cargo: 運輸 defense metal: +5% 金屬 shields: -15% 護盾 carbon: 碳(這啥?) teleporters: -20% 傳送(這又啥?) defense units 防禦 construction cost: +20% 建造價格 construction time: 建造時間 other 其他 espionage: 間諜 defense: 防禦 sabotage: 破壞 defense: 防禦 special features 特殊功能 none 無 trading connections 交易網 X-Wars consortium: -15% fraction X-Wars聯盟 Ajuvar: none fraction Ajavar: 無(即不能貿易) Trading Guild: -20% fraction 冒易公會 Confederation: none fraction 聯邦 無 Fraternity Of Obolos: fraction affiliation Obolos兄弟會 Rokhar: +5% fraction affiliation Rokhar(洛克哈??) Terran League: none fraction 人類同盟 無 Space Pirates: fraction affiliation 星際海盜 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kurahoshi:純推不下XD 09/12
greydust:來玩啦~ 09/12
※ 編輯: greydust 來自: (09/12 01:31)