精華區beta CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下是小弟的破翻譯 請多見諒XD Planetary mine field 行星軌道機雷 (翻成地雷或者是水雷都一樣怪 乾脆湊在一起稱作軌道機雷) Minefields are an exellant perimeter defense to protect your planet as these mines float in orbit. Using an energy-based propulsion these mines head at approaching ships to create a large amount of damage while detonating. 軌道機雷是一種漂浮在行星軌道上的廣域防禦設施. 軌道機雷使用能源為推進動力並且在船隻靠近時會觸發軌道機雷並且產生大量的傷害 (應該是這樣翻._.不負責任的翻譯XD) The number of mines needed to create an effective defense depends on the enhancement level of your planet, as unused areas dont have to be protected.The needed area for minefields is allocated by quadrants. The total number of quadrants is equal to the total upgrade level of all buildings together. 依星球等級的提升而定,軌道機雷可以建立一個有效的防禦,當一個區域未使用時軌道雷 就不需要去防禦. 軌道機雷會分配在需要區域的象限上. 所有象限內的軌道機雷會隨著建築物的等級提升而提升. (這裡應該指的是Defense Station的等級) At least a half of the quadrant needs to be equiped with mines to have a functional defense effect.The more quadrants are equipped, the higher is the level of effectivity. 一個象限最少要配備一半的軌道機雷(應該是指涵蓋蓋象限要超過一半)才能收到實質的 效果. 越多的象限有配備軌道機雷, 就能收到越高的成效. Defense level doubles to 200% if all quadrants are supplied with mines.(+100%) 如果所有的象限都備有軌道機雷, 防禦等級會提升兩倍 Further equipment with more than the number of mines needed strengthens defense even more. 使防禦變的更堅固就必須要進一步的配備更多數量的軌道機雷. Resources needed(需要資源): Pig-Iron: 400 crystals: 400 Building requirements(需要建築): Defense Station level 10 Research requirements(需要科技): Tactical Warfare level 7 High Explosive Substances level 2 == 剛好盟內討論版有人再問就給他順手翻譯了 我還是覺得第一段翻譯的有點怪 倒底是軌道雷以能源為基礎推進動力 還是以能源為推進動力的船隻... 2005-10-21第二次修改 依照tokikaze的建議將第一段稍微修改 :) == Agas@X-Wars -- ξ 前輩 ∕∣ 來了 〒〒 ∠∠ 小弟粗茶而已,請多笑納 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tokikaze:我會把mine field翻成機雷原或雷場 10/21 01:23
tokikaze:應該是雷場以能源做為推進動力 :Q 10/21 01:25
sanerce:那用行星軌道機雷如何? 翻譯的話 暫時不改好了 等明天睡醒 10/21 01:30
sanerce:再來看總評論 XD 我要下睡了... 10/21 01:31
※ 編輯: sanerce 來自: (10/21 09:11) ※ 編輯: sanerce 來自: (10/21 09:12)
sanerce:修改完畢 話說回來...AK大怎麼不去新的留言版逛逛 10/21 09:17
sanerce:很期待盟主來個精神講話XD 10/21 09:18
cancer22:所需資源是 nob的阿 XD 10/21 09:52
sanerce:反正其他種族要把所需資源再除以0.8就好啦 XDD 10/21 10:42