精華區beta CHSH-93-319 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這一篇的較完整板 From ESPN:http://tinyurl.com/7qr563o Michael Jordan's good friend and fellow Hall of Famer Charles Barkley has a theory as to why the Chicago Bulls legend has largely failed as an NBA executive, and it has to do with the people around him, including those in the Charlotte Bobcats' front office. 身為Michael Jordan的好友也同樣是籃球名人堂的成員,Charles Barkley對傳奇球星 Jordan在NBA球隊執行上失敗多於成功的現象提出了看法,癥結點就在於包含了山貓隊制 服組在內,他身邊的那群人(簡單來說就是親信)。 "I think the biggest problem has been I don't know if he has hired enough people around him who he will listen to," Barkley said Thursday on "The Waddle & Silvy Show" on ESPN 1000. "One thing about being famous is the people around you, you pay all their bills so they very rarely disagree with you because they want you to pick up the check. They want to fly around on your private jet so they never disagree with you. I don't think Michael has hired enough people around him who will disagree." 「我認為最大的問題在於他沒有雇用夠多他願意聆聽(意見)的人」Barkley在ESPN節目中 談到:「當你有名時,你身邊的人也會有所改變。你付他們薪水所以他們很少會反對你( 的意見),他們希望跟你一起乘坐你的私人噴射機所以他們從來不會反對你。我不認為 Michael在他身邊雇用了足夠願意反對他的人。」 Barkley, who is a TNT analyst, did not mince words when evaluating his friend's performance in the front office. 現任TNT球評的Barkley對他好友在制服組的表現直言不諱的道出批評。 "I love Michael, but he just has not done a good job," Barkley said. "Even though he is one of my great friends, I can't get on here and tell you he's done a great job. He has not done a great job, plain and simple." 「我愛Michael,不過他目前做的(球團營運)不好,」Barkley說:「即使他是我最好的朋 友之一,我也不能在這裡跟你說他做的很好。他做的不夠好,就這麼簡單、清楚。Jordan's Bobcats have the NBA's worst record at 4-29 and have lost 19 of their last 20 games. Jordan fired coach Larry Brown early last season with the Bobcats coming off their first and only playoff berth and purged payroll when he traded one-time All-Star Gerald Wallace for two first-round picks and let point guard Raymond Felton leave in free agency. Jordan的山貓目前戰績是全聯盟最差的4-29,最近20場比賽更是只贏了1場。在山貓第一 次也是唯一打進季後賽的球季後,Jordan上季開除了教練Larry Brown並且開始節省開支 ,他把一次入圍明星賽的Gerald Wallace 交易來兩個後段首輪簽,也讓控衛Raymond Felton在自由球員市場中被簽走。 Jordan became part owner of the Bobcats in 2006, taking the final say on all basketball decisions away from then-coach and general manager Bernie Bickerstaff. He hired former Bulls teammate Rod Higgins as general manager in 2007 and then promoted him to president of basketball operations when Rick Cho was hired as GM in June. Jordan在06年買下山貓部分的股份,並且從教練兼總管Bernie Bickerstaff手中取得籃球 事務的最終決定權。他在07年雇用前公牛隊友Rod Higgins當總管並在今年六月將他升任 為籃球事務營運總裁然後簽下Rick Cho擔任總管。 But basketball decisions still ultimately fall on the desk of Jordan, who has struggled as a talent evaluator in the draft. As president of the Washington Wizards, Jordan took Kwame Brown with the No. 1 overall pick of the 2001 draft. He amounted to little more than a role player in the NBA. 不過籃球事務的決定仍然會由Jordan處理,而他在選秀球員天分評估上的表現不好。01年 身任巫師總裁的Jordan選了Kwame Brown當狀元。而Brown在NBA的價值只是略高於一般角 色球員。 When Jordan told him the Bobcats were eyeing Gonzaga star Adam Morrison with the third overall pick of the 2006 draft, Barkley said he questioned his friend on the decision. 當Jordan告訴Barkley山貓打算將06年的探花簽用在Gonzaga大學球星Adam Morrison身上 時,Barkley問了好友一個問題。 "I said 'Michael, I think you should take Brandon Roy, and he said 'We like Adam Morrison,' " Barkley said. "I said 'Adam Morrison can't play. I said let me ask you a question, did you say Adam Morrison first and [the Bobcats front office staff] agreed with you or did they say Adam Morrison first? He said 'What do you mean?' I said 'Michael, nobody wants to disagree with you. You are such a powerful personality nobody, especially your flunkies as I call them, the flunkies are never going to disagree with you.' Adam Morrison is a nice kid. He can't play in the NBA." 「我說:『Michael,你應該選Brandon Roy。』而他說:『我們喜歡Adam Morrison』」 Barkley回憶道:「我說:『Adam Morrison不行。讓我先問個問題吧,是你先提到(喜歡 ) Adam Morrison然後你的制服組同意你,還是你的制服組先提到(喜歡) Morrison呢?』」 「他問:『什麼意思?』我說:『Michael,沒有人想要反對你。你的個性這麼強,沒有 人,特別是我稱為馬屁精的這些人,他們永遠不會反對你。』Adam Morrison是個很棒的 孩子。(只是)他沒辦法在NBA打球。」 Morrison started just 28 NBA games and is now playing overseas. Morrison只在NBA先發了28場比賽,現在他在海外打球。 -- 將心比心,便是佛心。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
CW4 :老巴真是好朋友 03/02 21:45
spittz :老巴真敢講@@ 03/02 21:45
MaRiaNi :內文跳針不斷...還是我電腦有問題?? 03/02 21:46
因為電腦Lag,我貼了三次。XD 已修。
wii128 :上帝是公平的 他讓你成為籃球之神 而經營就 03/02 21:47
sky419012 : 洪瑞河 03/02 21:47
serendipity :近親交配? 變得全部只是會說好話的人,還會打壓說壞話 03/02 21:49
magicwei :樓上好中肯XDDDDDDDD 03/02 21:49
allizon :有做好省錢工作阿 03/02 21:49
MrDownload :重覆好幾遍 我還以為 我沒按 鬼打牆? 03/02 21:50
Kulan :老巴講話就是直啊 中肯 03/02 21:52
Giuliani :老巴聰明 03/02 21:52
Rain0224 :老巴大概是唯一敢在MJ面前講真話的 XD 03/02 21:53
jtch :老巴的意思是 找我就對啦 03/02 21:53
※ 編輯: HardER 來自: (03/02 21:54)
jtch :真的有跳針 我也以為是我自己的問題 03/02 21:54
amadopz :鬼打牆+1 03/02 21:54
doratofu :幹 真的 朋友就是要交這種 中肯 03/02 21:55
dj6601 :靠 中間是鬼打牆喔 害我上頁下頁一直翻..... 03/02 21:56
※ 編輯: HardER 來自: (03/02 21:58)
jack19931993:忠言逆耳 03/02 21:58
hung31017 :老巴真是太中肯了 03/02 21:58
RobertAlexy :中肯 Jordan是全NBA最爛的老闆了 03/02 21:58
Herlin :這版的翻譯文大部份錯誤蠻多的 這篇翻得還不錯 03/02 21:58
stocktonty :當年選了ROY可能他膝蓋就不會在波特蘭加速惡化了XDD 03/02 22:04
lingsk :最差的4-29 出現2次了 03/02 22:05
minoru04 :Morrison:感謝JORDAN給我健康的膝蓋 03/02 22:06
※ 編輯: HardER 來自: (03/02 22:08)
BnLou :老八大概球評當膩了想接總管?XD 03/02 22:11
iio :真心的朋友就是要這樣 敢不怕的說出真心的話出來 03/02 22:12
betterworld :山貓也有嵐教頭這號人物嗎? 03/02 22:13
HardER :Morrison的膝蓋被Luke Walton毀了 03/02 22:14
HardER :17秒:http://tinyurl.com/6t22tp5 03/02 22:15
Herlin :最後兩段講得不錯 而且可以感覺喬丹完全沒意識到 03/02 22:16
Herlin :他的問題在哪裡.. 03/02 22:17
HardER :Jordan今年請了Rich Cho,一個不是他朋友的人來工作 03/02 22:19
HardER :只能希望這是個轉機 03/02 22:19
ccl007 :Roy 可惜了 03/02 22:24
barbossa :靠 原來山貓有機會選ROY喔 03/02 22:25
verydisco :老巴講話越來越中肯 03/02 22:32
freijaking :老巴 has nothing to lose from MJ (冠軍都輸了) 03/02 22:40
freijaking :不愧是最強地球人 敢嗆神 XD 03/02 22:40
xajx :影片中是自己重心轉換造成膝蓋的傷害? 03/02 22:53
tassadar1 :老喬穿球衣在場上時是神, 穿西裝在辦公室時… 03/02 22:53
newtypeL9 :老巴真的是MJ的好朋友,了解他又跟他講真話 03/02 22:57
redplum :MJ可以就當老闆就好了嗎? 他就是想當GM 但問題是沒人 03/02 23:05
redplum :想請他當GM 因為選秀會選到笑話 所以他只能自己花錢 03/02 23:05
redplum :當老闆來過GM的癮 認清事實好嗎?好球員不一定會看人 03/02 23:06
Odyseus :就像是古時候皇帝的人格特質,強勢而偏執 03/02 23:20
Odyseus :這種特質可以成為偉大的運動員,但未必是好的管理者 03/02 23:20
eric93 :老巴我又再次對你另眼相看了! 03/02 23:23
krara :這才是真正的好友會說話的啊。 03/02 23:35
god2 :老巴很中肯 03/03 01:53
longface :Jordan:沒差啦,反正選Roy也是掛掉 03/03 03:06
wacidila :或許~Roy不在拓荒者就不會掛XD 03/03 03:27
yeustream :老巴眼光這麼準!!? 03/03 04:10
aaagang :請老巴來管XD 03/03 09:23