精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
王的連續二年19勝的成績化為烏有。 官網上罵的非常難聽。 節錄於下。 如不能忍受,請勿往下看。 Did Ching Ming Stink Explain Why He Choked? I know the idiot Wanker brought his parents over from China to see him pitch. They must feel embarrassed like every Yankee fan right now. Taiwan and Japan stink for baseball players. Please no more garbage from the Far East. We need to stick with Latin America for talent. So does anyone have Ching Ding Dong's postgame comments? ------------------------- wang and melky for johan santana? In a heartbeat!!! Then sign tori hunter - a real CF who can actually hit and take proper angles to fly balls. Melky can not hit for anything. Im so sick of seeing his putrid weak swing. Wang - He is done. Never ever can be trusted in a big game. Can you ever see Wang pitching in another post season game again?? No way. Deport him immediately. --------------------------- It's all Wang's fault. Start two games, and get two L. It could not be worse. Give lots of ER, H, and HR. Cannot pitch 5 innings, (no only one inning). We never see his sinkers. Giambi can pitch better than Wang (Giambi was a pitcher). Wang should say sorry to Joe, coaches, his teammates, and Yankee fans. Joe Torre should give Wang a knife. Let Wang slice his belly open on the mound. WANG SCREWED US -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
SpiderMan:這個時候英文不好就有好處了 10/10 00:15
james0850:好在我看不懂英文 10/10 00:15
geoemia:我的英文很爛 我還是看了orz 10/10 00:17
maki517510:輸了三場有兩場是王被爆...被淘汰王的責任太大了 10/10 00:16
easyhappy:最後一個實在很酸 又不是日本人 給刀幹麻 殺韓國人喔 10/10 00:17
liuse:罵的太難聽了 美國鄉民? 10/10 00:18
chihhsien:T_T 10/10 00:18
liuse:Please no more garbage from the Far East 10/10 00:18
LMakoto:好險英文爛+1 10/10 00:18
sony1256:..我看的懂 也不想看 再加上原PO你一定要現在PO嗎?? 10/10 00:18
liuse:這句罵到所有亞籍球員耶 10/10 00:18
Sunbright:唉...講的真難聽... 10/10 00:18
melmel1114:對王有點信心吧 這個世界什麼人都有 10/10 00:19
jackou:FROM TAIWAN OK?!!! 誰跟他china 10/10 00:19
zingaro:夠機車 = = 10/10 00:19
liuse:台灣鄉民要上嘛? 10/10 00:20
flygirl:有種族歧視的感覺...把19勝放哪了...雖然說的確是戰犯... 10/10 00:20
chaiwang:作這種人身攻擊的行為最可恥!!!只會鬼叫的傢伙!!! 10/10 00:19
budfe:轉隊吧 總教練走 小王也走 明年洋基多去買些人吧 10/10 00:20
laiweitin:鄉民無所不在 10/10 00:20
lazybonesla:鄉民無國界 10/10 00:21
tupacshkur:真的罵得超難聽..... 10/10 00:21
LMakoto:哪天小王浴火重生之時再把這文還給他吧 10/10 00:21
ppc:最後一個罵得很難聽 10/10 00:21
derekhsu:鄉民無所不在,但是罵人前要把王建民哪國人搞清楚吧 10/10 00:21
sony1256:後 可不可以刪了 板內已經戰到烏煙瘴氣 又看到這種文 10/10 00:21
applewash:有夠不爽 嘴炮美狗 10/10 00:23
derekhsu:嗯,用英文罵人原來要寫成這樣那真不容易 10/10 00:23
nikjoeebox:看完這篇 讓我有種想叫小王去紅襪來打洋基的感覺 10/10 00:23
Ivan414:還罵到人家父母,這真的很誇張 10/10 00:24
geoemia: 看完這篇 讓我有種想叫小王去紅襪來打洋基的感覺 10/10 00:24
sooooooo:紅襪也不錯 洋也不錯 至少都是強隊=.= 10/10 00:25
Ivan414:台灣 跟中國 分不清嗎?美國鄉民 10/10 00:25
phoenix7: 看完這篇 讓我有種想叫小王去紅襪來打洋基的感覺 10/10 00:25
ohmyjesus:球場的現實面就是這樣 有成績有呼聲 沒成績剩噓聲... 10/10 00:25
aiueoRu:真希望王建民不要看到or看不懂 唉!! 10/10 00:25
Ivan414:他一定看得懂,只希望他不要看到,尤其是父母那裡 10/10 00:26
xiemark:這只是官網第一頁。 10/10 00:27
標題: [閒聊] 國外論壇的震撼,(非常難聽,非喜勿進) 時間: Wed Oct 10 00:15:13 2007 王的連續二年19勝的成績化為烏有。 官網上罵的非常難聽。 節錄於下。 如不能忍受,請勿往下看。 Did Ching Ming Stink Explain Why He Choked? I know the idiot Wanker brought his parents over from China to see him pitch. They must feel embarrassed like every Yankee fan right now. Taiwan and Japan stink for baseball players. Please no more garbage from the Far East. We need to stick with Latin America for talent. So does anyone have Ching Ding Dong's postgame comments? ------------------------- wang and melky for johan santana? In a heartbeat!!! Then sign tori hunter - a real CF who can actually hit and take proper angles to fly balls. Melky can not hit for anything. Im so sick of seeing his putrid weak swing. Wang - He is done. Never ever can be trusted in a big game. Can you ever see Wang pitching in another post season game again?? No way. Deport him immediately. --------------------------- It's all Wang's fault. Start two games, and get two L. It could not be worse. Give lots of ER, H, and HR. Cannot pitch 5 innings, (no only one inning). We never see his sinkers. Giambi can pitch better than Wang (Giambi was a pitcher). Wang should say sorry to Joe, coaches, his teammates, and Yankee fans. Joe Torre should give Wang a knife. Let Wang slice his belly open on the mound. WANG SCREWED US -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
SpiderMan:這個時候英文不好就有好處了 10/10 00:15
james0850:好在我看不懂英文 10/10 00:15
geoemia:我的英文很爛 我還是看了orz 10/10 00:17
maki517510:輸了三場有兩場是王被爆...被淘汰王的責任太大了 10/10 00:16
easyhappy:最後一個實在很酸 又不是日本人 給刀幹麻 殺韓國人喔 10/10 00:17
liuse:罵的太難聽了 美國鄉民? 10/10 00:18
chihhsien:T_T 10/10 00:18
liuse:Please no more garbage from the Far East 10/10 00:18
LMakoto:好險英文爛+1 10/10 00:18
sony1256:..我看的懂 也不想看 再加上原PO你一定要現在PO嗎?? 10/10 00:18
liuse:這句罵到所有亞籍球員耶 10/10 00:18
Sunbright:唉...講的真難聽... 10/10 00:18
melmel1114:對王有點信心吧 這個世界什麼人都有 10/10 00:19
jackou:FROM TAIWAN OK?!!! 誰跟他china 10/10 00:19
zingaro:夠機車 = = 10/10 00:19
liuse:台灣鄉民要上嘛? 10/10 00:20
flygirl:有種族歧視的感覺...把19勝放哪了...雖然說的確是戰犯... 10/10 00:20
chaiwang:作這種人身攻擊的行為最可恥!!!只會鬼叫的傢伙!!! 10/10 00:19
budfe:轉隊吧 總教練走 小王也走 明年洋基多去買些人吧 10/10 00:20
laiweitin:鄉民無所不在 10/10 00:20
lazybonesla:鄉民無國界 10/10 00:21
tupacshkur:真的罵得超難聽..... 10/10 00:21
LMakoto:哪天小王浴火重生之時再把這文還給他吧 10/10 00:21
ppc:最後一個罵得很難聽 10/10 00:21
derekhsu:鄉民無所不在,但是罵人前要把王建民哪國人搞清楚吧 10/10 00:21
sony1256:後 可不可以刪了 板內已經戰到烏煙瘴氣 又看到這種文 10/10 00:21
applewash:有夠不爽 嘴炮美狗 10/10 00:23
derekhsu:嗯,用英文罵人原來要寫成這樣那真不容易 10/10 00:23
nikjoeebox:看完這篇 讓我有種想叫小王去紅襪來打洋基的感覺 10/10 00:23
Ivan414:還罵到人家父母,這真的很誇張 10/10 00:24
geoemia: 看完這篇 讓我有種想叫小王去紅襪來打洋基的感覺 10/10 00:24
sooooooo:紅襪也不錯 洋也不錯 至少都是強隊=.= 10/10 00:25
Ivan414:台灣 跟中國 分不清嗎?美國鄉民 10/10 00:25
phoenix7: 看完這篇 讓我有種想叫小王去紅襪來打洋基的感覺 10/10 00:25
ohmyjesus:球場的現實面就是這樣 有成績有呼聲 沒成績剩噓聲... 10/10 00:25
aiueoRu:真希望王建民不要看到or看不懂 唉!! 10/10 00:25
Ivan414:他一定看得懂,只希望他不要看到,尤其是父母那裡 10/10 00:26
xiemark:這只是官網第一頁。 10/10 00:27