精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
"The kid pitched really well. It has to go a long way toward his next start," said a grateful Joe Torre, who called the 23-year-old Taiwanese's debut stronger than any other he could recall during his first nine years at the Yankees' helm. "We haven't seen one like it since I've been here. Even when he got into a little trouble, he wiggled off. He didn't do anything wrong." "But he's very sneaky. His fastball jumps, and he jammed a lot of people and broke a lot of bats," Torre said. "His delivery may be deceptive because it's so deliberate." Way to go! Wang!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: shomu 來自: (05/01 07:28)
kauw:TORRE對他評價超高 說是他在洋基見過新人最佳表現 05/01
TSAO159:真是最好的消息了218.166.156.233 05/01
gidapops:現在才發現 用一堆昂貴的老車還不如王老虎 05/01
KETANKO:因為洋基很少用新人的關係嗎@@? 05/01
yLi:哪位高手可以幫忙翻一下 總覺得翻得不順 05/01