精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
BOMBERS TAKE IT ON THE CHIEN By GEORGE KING PACK IT IN: Derek Jeter and the Yankees headed for home last night after losing three of four games to the Devil Rays in St. Petersburg. http://www.nypost.com/sports/yankees/23843.htm May 6, 2005 -- ST. PETERSBURG - In Chien-Ming Wang's language, the word is "lang." Hideki Matsui's countryman use "warui." The Spanish translation is "malo." And in English it's "bad." Lang. Warui. Malo. Bad. Pick one when describing the Yankees and you can't be wrong. It's official, the Yankees are this century's "Worst Team Money Can Buy." And there isn't a soul breathing that can argue that after the Yankees were beaten, 6-2, by the Devil Rays last night in front of 16,662 at Tropicana Field. That's three straight losses to the Devil Rays for the 11-18 Yankees who are tied for last place in the AL East with the Devil Rays. "The way we are playing we deserve to be in last place," Derek Jeter said. Ask Bellamy Road, George Steinbrenner's Kentucky Derby favorite, to measure the Yankees and he would find a way to say, "Horse manure." Ask The Boss? Good luck. Yesterday he told his PR firm he wasn't talking. Today Steinbrenner leaves for Churchill Downs while his Yankees' miserable season continues in The Bronx, where the natives are looking to extract their pound of $200 million pinstriped flesh. Joe Torre held his third (and the Yankees' fourth this year) meeting before the game, and it resulted in three mental mistakes and a two-run, seven-hit outing against Mark Hendrickson, a lanky lefty they normally punish. "Now we are out of things to say," said Jeter, who called a player's only meeting. "You can talk all you want, you still have to play the game." And play it well, something the Yankees don't do. Wang threw to the wrong base in the third. Trailing by three with one out in the sixth inning, Jorge Posada got caught off second on a grounder to third. Robinson Cano failed to cover second on an Aubrey Huff steal in the seventh when Posada's throw to a vacant bag was perfect. "Everything has been talked about, now it's time to go out and play baseball, starting with the little things," said Alex Rodriguez, who dropped a foul pop in the fifth but wasn't charged with an error. In his second big-league start Wang was serviceable but was hurt when he couldn't keep the fastball below the knees. "I got the fastball a little bit up," said Wang, who surrendered five runs and eight hits in six innings. Wang wasn't great but he was the highlight because Hendrickson limited the Yankees to the two runs Gary Sheffield's fourth homer produced in the fourth. The last time the Yankees were in the cellar this late in the season was 1995, when they were 20-29. Devil Rays leadoff hitter Alex Sanchez went 3-for-3, scored four runs, swiped two bases and homered off lefty Buddy Groom. Not bad for a player the Tigers released in spring training and the Yankees passed on when Bill Emslie, the de facto head of Steinbrenner's Inner Circle in Tampa, recommended the Yankees pass because of Sanchez' makeup. "We are being tested right now," Torre said. "There is no magical formula." Just Lang, Warui, Malo and Bad. And if you stop by Bellamy Road's Churchill Downs barn, "Horse manure." -- ★☆^^滿滿ㄉㄟ幸福與感動^^☆★ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lesley7373:笑死.....真是苦中作樂阿 05/06
fightback:XD 05/06
doistrakh:挺狠的報導,算是狠狠修理洋基的離譜戰績... 05/07