精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseball/yankees/story/319903p-273566c.html 節錄王建民相關部份 REST ASSURED: Chien-Ming Wang starts tomorrow against the Cubs on eight days' rest, but Torre said he doesn't believe the long layoff will be a problem for the rookie. "Not the way he pitched with a great deal of rest before," Torre said. Wang won a start on six days' rest earlier this year. The Yankees held Wang back from throwing a bullpen session during Wednesday's game in case Brown's back cramped early. He was going to throw later that night , but the Yankees held him up again in case the game went into multiple extra innings. He threw a light session yesterday to prepare for tomorrow, Torre said. Wang was clobbered for seven runs (four earned) in four innings last Friday in St. Louis, and while Torre said it was Wang's worst game, the manager noted, "He wasn't as much of a nightmare as everyone else that night." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
david31408:所以明天就要先發囉!? 06/17
solonwu:美國時間,今天的明天先發 06/17
david31408:美國的明天也是我們的明天啊 只是差一天XD 06/17
a020497919:再說啥阿~明明就是後天218.165.112.139 06/17
springxx:.............. 06/17
bkm1:昨昨天就是前天........... 06/17
a020497919:明天的隔天就是後天218.165.112.139 06/17
fnac:講那麼多,還不就是美國週六,台灣週日.... 一"一| 06/18
eis72:我們明天的現在!!也就是明天的今天!!哈我來亂的 06/18
david31408:我知道了XD 06/18