精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《cadream ( 數大那是美 純收信就好)》之銘言: : Wang simply great, but Jeter grand Newsday 2005/6/19 這是我邊看MLB.TV邊翻譯的, 如果有啥覺得有誤的地方歡迎指教喔 :) : Slam and solo shot by the Yanks' captain bolsters rookie pitcher who went : eight, giving up five hits and a run 洋基隊長老大的滿貫以及陽春全壘打,支持了這位投完八局, 只被擊出五支安打以及被得一分的新秀投手 : BY BOB HERZOG : STAFF WRITER : June 19, 2005 : On the other side of the world, in Chien-Ming Wang's homeland of Taiwan, : Derek Jeter's first career grand slam is a mere footnote to the 25-year-old : righthander's pitching gem Saturday. But even with a limited grasp of the : English language, Wang fully understood who is the darling of the Bronx. : "A lot of 'Jeter, Jeter,'" Wang said with a laugh. 在這地球的另一端,王建民的故鄉,台灣星期六的報導中, Jeter職業生涯第一支滿貫砲,只不過會是這位25歲年輕右投的完美表現中的小註腳, 但是儘管對英語的理解仍很有限, 王建民卻也完全的瞭解到誰是布隆克斯區(紐約北區)心中的最愛, "全場都是Jeter,Jeter"王建民笑著說 : He didn't get the crowd's thunderous inflection quite right -- as Bleacher : Creatures and all Yankees fans know, it's "De-rek Je-ter! De-rek Je-ter!' : -- but he got the sense of the moment. Jeter's mighty blast into the home : bullpen with the Yankees leading 3-1 in the sixth inning, broke open the game : and made it easy for Wang to beat the Chicago Cubs, 8-1. 其實他並沒有完全正確瞭解到球迷這如雷的歡聲, 就如同Bleacher Creatures以及全部洋基球迷知道的, 是"De-rek Je-ter!De-rek Je-ter"--不過他的確有瞭解到這重要時刻 Jeter在第六局洋基3:1領先的狀況下,那巨大的一記重擊, 直接將球打入自家的投手熱身區,將比賽打開了一個大缺口, 也幫助王建民可以更輕鬆的擊敗芝加哥小熊隊,最後的比數就是8:1 : It was the Yankees' fifth straight victory on the current 13-game : homestand, and gave them 39 runs and 64 hits in that span as the offense : continues to flourish. The commanding victory also included a solo home run : by Jeter, who extended his hitting streak to 11, three singles and an RBI : by Gary Sheffield and RBI hits by Jorge Posada : (extending his hitting streak to 10) and Alex Rodriguez. 這是洋基隊在他們目前主場13連戰中的連續第五場勝利, 而且在這五場中,他們的攻擊持續的保持在高檔的狀況, 他們已經擊出了64支安打並且得到了39分, 這場威風的勝利,也包括了Jeter的一支陽春全壘打,這也讓他將連續安打延伸到11場, 以及Gary Sheffield的三支安打以及一分打點, 還有Jorge Posada以及Alex Rodriguez的具有打點的安打。 (Posada已經是連續10場擊出安打) : Glendon Rusch, a former Met, took the loss, going five innings and giving : up five runs and nine hits. The latest outburst helped Wang raise his record : to 4-2 with his best and longest outing as a Yankee. Glendon Rusch,這位前大都會隊的球員,承擔了敗戰, 他在五局的投球中,被擊出了九支安打,並且失掉了五分, 近來洋基的打線爆炸也幫助了王建民將他的紀錄提升為4勝2敗, 而這也是他成為洋基球員後所投出最棒也是局數最長的一場比賽。 : "This kid has been a bonus," Joe Torre said of Wang, who like rookie second : baseman Robinson Cano, has been the silver lining in the ominous clouds : that were hanging over the team during its poor start. "We knew he'd be the : guy we would go to if someone got hurt, but no one could have expected him to : pitch this well." "這小夥子一直給了我們額外的好處" Joe Torre這樣提到王建民, "他就跟我們的新秀二壘手Robinson Cano一樣, 是在當初我們籠罩在一片不祥之兆時, 被挑上來協助隊伍撐過這段先發投手狀況不佳的時期, 而現在他們都已經成為隊上可靠的先發。" "我們知道王建民是那個當我們隊上萬一有人受傷時,我們會第一個派上來的孩子, 但是我想沒有人可以料到他會表現得如此出色" : Wang lowered his ERA to 3.97 and won his fourth game in his last five : decisions with his five-strikeout, one-walk performance marred only by : a home run to Jason Dubois in the sixth. 王建民這場只失一分,五三振,一次四壞球的表現,不但將他的自責分率降低到3.97, 並且贏的了他最近五場先發中的第四場勝利, 這唯一的一分污點就是在第六局被Jasno Dubois所擊出的陽春全壘打。 : "He's special. He seems very calm out there," Torre said. "There's a : certain deception involved in what he does, but the biggest plus is his : command of the strike zone. He doesn't mess around. He throws a lot of : strikes and his pitch count was impressive." "他真的很特別,他在場中似乎總是異常的冷靜" Torre如此說到 "在他的投球中好像潛藏著某個詭計似的, 不過他最大的優點就是在於他對好球帶的控球力,他一點都沒有搞砸。 他投出了許多的好球,而且他的投球數實在是令人印象深刻" : Wang threw only 88 pitches and said, with a sly smile, of going out for the : ninth inning: "I wanted to. I wasn't tired. I felt more power." That's : because Wang hadn't pitched since June 10, having been skipped when Kevin : Brown was able to start Wednesday night. But with the news that Brown is : going on the disabled list and the slow recovery of Jaret Wright, : Torre said he told pitching coach Mel Stottlemyre to inform Wang, : "We need you in five days, so you won't pitch the ninth," and sent out : Tanyon Sturtze to finish the game. 當提到挑戰第九局完投的事情時,前八局只投了88球的王建民淘氣的笑著說 "我想投,我並不累,我感覺到更多力量" (台灣五點多的元氣玉) 這是因為Kevin Brown可以在星期三時先發,所以王建民又被跳過一次先發輪值, 他的上一場先發是10號時的事情了。 不過最近的新聞表示,Brown及將要進入傷兵名單, 而Jaret Wright的復原速度又很緩慢, 所以Torre說他告訴投手教練Mel Stottlemyre,請他告訴王建民,說到 "我們需要你在五天後上場,所以你將不會在第九局繼續上場" 然後派出Tanyon Sturtze來終結這場比賽。 : The Cubs were finished long before that because of Wang's dominance. The : deception Torre spoke of comes from a long, slow windup, with a hesitation : while his hands are over his head that belies the accurate 92-mph fastball : that accompanies it. Wang threw that pitch inside to both righties and : lefties Saturday, and mixed in an effective slider and changeup. : "It certainly seems that this isn't surprising him," Torre said. 在王建民如此優質的表現下,其實小熊隊早在更早之前就被終結了, Torre曾經說過,王建民投球特別(詭詐)的地方在於他那緩慢的揮臂動作, 以及他那溫吞的將手高舉過頭的姿勢, 完全掩飾了他那擁有92mph以上的精準快速球。 王建民在這場比賽中不斷的將球塞入左打者以及右打者的內角, 配合混合運用著有效果的滑球以及變速球。 "對他來說這似乎一點都不讓人感到意外" Torre說到 : Jeter was impressed, too. "It's fun to play behind him because he throws a : lot of strikes," the shortstop said. "He reminds me a lot of [former Yankee : Ramiro] Mendoza. He seems unflappable out there. He's kept us in every game : he's pitched and that's all you can ask." Jeter同樣對這位投手感到印象深刻。 "在他背後打球真的相當有趣,因為他總是投出許多好球" 這位游擊手說到 "他總是讓我想起Mendoza(前洋基投手),他在那邊總是保持冷靜, 他的投球下總是讓我們每場比賽可以保持在一個很好的局勢下, 而你也不能要求他再多。" : When the pitcher was asked if he is as calm inside as he appears outwardly, : Wang said with a laugh, "Yeah." Asked if that calmness is because he is : confident, he said, "I think so." As for his popularity in Taiwan, Wang said : he isn't receiving a lot of e-mail or phone calls from home, but : acknowledged that when he pitches: "The people are very happy. There are a : lot of people watching the game [on television]." 當我們問到這位投手他私底下是不是也跟他在場上的表現一樣冷靜, 王建民笑著說"是呀" 而問到他的冷靜是否來自於他的自信,他說到"我想是吧" 而提到他在台灣受歡迎得程度,王建民說他並沒有收到很多來自台灣的e-mail及電話, 但是他知道每當他投球時,"台灣的大家都非常高興,有很多球迷都會看著電視轉播" (我的肝啊!!!) : A lot of people in Taiwan today are buzzing about a different grand : performance Saturday at Yankee Stadium. 今天在台灣的人民,將會不斷得談論今天在洋基球場中, 他們心中另一個不同的滿貫表現 (應該是指王建民的表現吧) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: yingchi 來自: (06/20 00:57)
daphnewu:推^^ 06/20
JJLi:甘拜下風…^^~以後還有很多詞要請教咯~~ 06/20
newgunden:難怪很多之前很多轉撥比賽都有保肝藥的廣告^^; 06/20
YAFU:翻的真好.....推 06/20
godshome:推台灣的元氣玉 XD 06/20
dalireal:我的肝啊!!! 06/20
HcdEing:推~ 辛苦了 ^^ 06/20
cadream:你翻的很好阿 最後一句就是這個意思啦. 06/20
cadream:記者指這個意思 也推崇王建民表現.. 06/20
hojoe:謝謝~翻譯的很棒! 06/20
gloglo:大大辛苦你了造福大家 06/20
jurrasic:silver line是稱讚王與cano的話 06/20
jurrasic:has been a bonus 一直是一個加分的 my $0.02 06/20
scchang4:推樓上。如果是『曾經』,應該要用過去式> 06/20
pleased:翻得真好... 請多光臨王版啊!! 06/20
verygoodcici:那要怎麼寄信跟MAIL給老虎?來自家鄉的祝福 06/20
Aragom:挖~~~翻的好 06/20
※ 編輯: yingchi 來自: (06/20 07:32) ※ 編輯: yingchi 來自: (06/20 07:33)
yingchi:已稍做修正,感謝指教喔 :) 06/20