精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
隨手亂翻 大家將就 ※ 引述《yuhnyang (........)》之銘言: : 標題: Re: [情報] Yankees pitcher has plenty of fans : 時間: Tue Jun 21 22:51:32 2005 : : : 重新斷行和分段~~~ : : ※ 引述《wings2u2me (飛)》之銘言: : : 轉載來源: http://www.thejournalnews.com : : Yankees pitcher has plenty of fans : : By KEVIN DEVANEY JR. : : [email protected] : : THE JOURNAL NEWS : : (Original publication: June 19, 2005) : : NEW YORK — Chien-Ming Wang had thrown only 88 pitches through eight : : innings and was sitting on the Yankees bench with a seven-run lead. Still, : : pitching coach Mel Stottlemyre approached the rookie right-hander on the : : bench between innings to deliver a mes: sage. 在八局投完88球並領先七分後,王建民坐在洋基的休息區內。如往常的,投手教練 沒耳司拖列瞇瑞在洋基進攻時靠近這位右投的菜鳥投手並傳達他的指示。 : : : : "You're done," Stottlemyre said. "I'm going to need you in five days." 「你已經完成你的任務了」司拖列瞇瑞這樣說「五天之後我還需要你」 : : : : It was probably the only excuse Wang was going to happily accept for having : : his career day cut short. A pitcher who's bounced in and out of the rotation : : because of off-days and injuries, Wang was just satisfied to know he'd : : finally found some stability. 這或許是王能願意接受無法完投的唯一理由。在他因為休息日或是有人受傷而無法依 照固定時間輪值的狀況下,王對他終於能得到固定先發的輪值感到滿意。 : : : : Wang followed up his worst career outing with his best in yesterday's 8-1 : : win over the Cubs at Yankee Stadium. Starting for the first time since a : : brutal loss in St. Louis eight days ago, the 25-year-old from Taiwan struck : : out a career-high five and allow: ed five hits for his fourth win in six : : decisions. 在王MLB生涯中最糟糕的一場比賽後,他投出他的最佳代表作,8比1在主場贏了小熊 隊。在八天前對聖路易紅雀那場殘酷的敗投後,這位25歲來自台灣投手第一次先發 上場,送出了MLB生涯最高的單場五次三振,並且只被擊出五支安打,得到了在他六 場有勝敗結果比賽中的第四勝。 : : : : "He went out there with some aggressiveness and was outstanding," : : Stottlemyre said. "I was real surprised with the command he had after : : such a long layoff." 「他就帶著企圖心上場並且表現得相當傑出」司拖列瞇瑞如是說「我相當訝異他居然 在這麼多天的休息之後,還有這樣良好的掌握能力」 : : : : Since being called up on April 27, Wang has carried the end of the rotation : : when he's been in it. His ERA dropped to 3.97 yesterday. 自從四月27日被Call up以來,王已經擔負起輪值表中第五號先發的角色,這也是他被 賦予的任務。經過昨天的比賽,他的自責分率已經降到3.97了。 : : : : Wang kept his fastball down, threw his slider and changeup effectively and : : even mixed in a handful of splitters to keep the Cubs guessing. 王將他的快速球壓低,有效率的使用滑球跟變速球,並且有時參雜一些有用的 splitters讓小熊的打者摸不著球路。 : : : : The only mistake he made came in the sixth when he grooved a first-pitch : : fastball to Jason Dubois, who sent a leadoff home run over the wall in : : left-center. Wang remained aggressive after that and retired nine of his : : final 10 batters in order. 他唯一的錯誤是在第六局面對劫森丟破以司時,第一球投出了快速直球卻被擊出左 外野方向的破蛋全壘打。但那之後,王繼續保持著強烈的企圖心並且讓接下來的十 名小熊打者中的九名都必須直接回休息區養老。 : : : : "When we brought him up, I don't think anyone could have envisioned this," : : manager Joe Torre said. "There is a certain deception in what he does. A : : big plus for him is that he can command his stuff, which he did today." 「當我們召喚他上來時,我不認為有誰能預知到這樣的狀況」球隊經理橋頭銳說 「他所投的球都像是有陷阱一般,最加分的部分是他能夠控制自己的球質,就像他 今天表現出來的一樣」 : : : : What strikes the Yankees most about Wang is his confidence. Stottlemyre : : said he's never seen any signs of nervousness or emotion, good or bad, and : : when he's not pitching, Stottlemyre barely knows he's there. 王最令洋基吃驚的應該是他的自信心。司拖列瞇瑞說他從未從王身上看到任何緊張或 是激動、好或壞的情緒表現徵兆。甚至當王不是在場上投球的局數而在休息區時,王 的冷靜讓司拖列瞇瑞幾乎感覺不到是王在主投。 : : : : "(Wang) reminds me a lot of Ramiro Mendoza," Derek Jeter said, referring : : to the former Yankees pitcher. "(Wang) is unflappable. He throws strikes : : and doesn't really mess around out there. He's kept us in every game he's : : pitched." 「王讓我想起了棉多炸」德瑞克基特說起以前的一位洋基投手「王是不會被擊垮的, 他投了很多好球而且沒有搞砸任何事,當他投球時他能有效地控制對手的得分」 : : : : Prior to his seven-run, four-inning effort against the Cardinals a week : : ago Friday, Wang had pitched at least six innings in every start. He will : : remain in the rotation and start Thursday against the Devil Rays, and : : likely beyond. 在他上週五面對紅雀投出四局失七分的比賽前,王在每次先發都至少能投滿六局。 他將會待在輪值表裡以在星期四先發對上魔鬼魚,甚至在輪值中待得更久。 : : : : Back again: Torre said that Kevin Brown, who left Wednesday's start because : : of back spasms, was placed on the disabled list following the game. The : : 40-year-old right-hander threw only 4 1/2 innings in a 10-inning win over : : the Pirates. "We decided to take : it slow," said Torre, who was holding : : out hope that Brown (4-6, 5.48 ERA) would miss only one start and not have : : to be put on the DL. Sean Henn will be recalled today and start tomorrow : : against Tampa Bay. In Henn's only big-league appearance, he allowed : : six runs in 2 1/2 innings in a 11-8 loss to the Devil Rays on May 4. "I : : know he didn't have a good outing last time," Torre said. "But I like his : : presence. He's sneaky. I think he's going to be a big-league pitcher one : : day." 重申:拖瑞說,星期三因為背部痙攣先發退場的凱文布朗在那場比賽後被放入DL。 這位四十歲的右投手在當天打敗海盜隊的十局鑒戰中只投了4又1/2局。 「我們決定要慢慢來」拖瑞說,他已經放棄了布朗(四勝六敗,防禦率5.48)只 須被跳過一場先發療傷並且不用進入DL的期望。尚恩漢今天將被重新召喚以準 被明天對戰塔怕灣。在漢唯一一場的MLB(5/4)表現中,他在2又1/2局的投球 中被得了六分,並以11比8輸給了魔鬼魚隊。「我知道他那場比賽沒有表現得 很好」拖瑞說「但是我喜歡他呈現的投球方式,他相當的刁鑽,我認為他有一 天會成為一個大聯盟投手」 : : : : Extra bases: First baseman Jason Giambi didn't start yesterday due to : : tightness in both hamstrings. Giambi, who's 12 for his last 39, was : : available to pinch hit but didn't see any action. He should be back in the : : lineup today. ... Jeter's grand slam in th: e sixth extended his : : season-high hitting streak to 11 games. ... Jorge Posada doubled in the : : fourth to push his hitting streak to 10 games. 其他的壘包:一壘手劫森吉昂比因為肌腱緊繃而並沒有在昨天的比賽中先發(該說 感謝上帝嗎!?)。吉昂比在最近的39個打數中有12支安打的表現, 應該可以進行少量的揮擊動作或是少量的上場打擊,但卻沒看到有這 樣的情況出現。他應該今天會回到先發陣容。另外基特第六局的滿貫 砲將他的本季最佳的連續安打場次增加到第11場。僑居波煞打在第四 局的二安將他的連續安打場次推進到第十場。 : : : : Reach Kevin Devaney Jr. at [email protected] or : : 914-696-8522. : : : -- : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) : ◆ From: : 推 blus:@@? 06/21 : → vodos:?? 06/21 : 推 lcu481131:斷行分段在哪裡 06/21 : 推 HcdEing:是不是上一篇的單字都被切到了! 所以才這樣!! 06/21 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: CCYuan 來自: (06/22 01:25) ※ 編輯: CCYuan 來自: (06/22 01:27) ※ 編輯: CCYuan 來自: (06/22 01:29)
CASTIA:推司拖瑞迷瑞 06/22
CASTIA:再推 棉多炸 06/22
redFishs:那我推沒耳司拖列瞇瑞好了 06/22
kallao:推劫森丟破以司 06/22
hippo523:別忘了還有"橋頭銳" XD 06/22
milien:4又1/2局?棒球沒有這局數吧 謝謝大大的翻譯 06/22
CCYuan:耶!?對耶,可是原文是這樣寫的啊 我翻錯了嗎? 06/22
foreigner00:"很少發現他就在旁邊" 這段話是怎樣 QQ 06/22
我做了一些修改,加入一些話讓那句話更清楚。 之前的很少發現他在旁邊有點亂翻,覺得現在的翻法比較對。 ※ 編輯: CCYuan 來自: (06/22 02:15)
peggie:我覺得:當他沒上場投球時,幾乎讓人忘了他的存在 06/22
peggie:前兩句形容他是個內斂型的人,喜怒不形諸顏色.... 06/22
pigface:0rz 史陶德邁爾改名的超帥 06/22
uray:不是僑居波煞打 是齁黑波煞打 06/22
saikoles:"Jorge"唸成"ㄏㄡ黑" 西班牙文吧 06/22
mtm:dreye? 06/22
DAVIDD0629:推劫森丟破以司 XDDD 06/22