精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《a020497919 (精子很好喝)》之銘言: : NEW YORK -- Through 10 Major League starts, Chien-Ming Wang has earned rave : reviews from coaches, teammates and scouts for an icy cool composure on the : mound. 在十場大聯盟出賽後,王建民獲得來自教練團、隊友以及球探們給予冷靜、沈著的高度 評價。 : But Wang's ability to turn the other cheek and grit his way back to work : didn't help much Thursday. The Devil Rays presented a little too much of : Jorge Cantu, and Derek Jeter committed a costly fifth-inning error, sending : the Yankees to a 9-4 defeat in the Bronx. 但是王建民在關鍵時刻冷靜處理的能力,對他週四的出賽並沒有太大的幫助。魔鬼魚隊 Jorge Cantu 的出色表現和 Derek Jeter 在五局所犯下的嚴重失誤,使得洋基隊以九 比四的比數落敗。 : One of the great surprises of the Yankees rotation, Wang has been dominant at : times against opponents, but he has not been able to solve the last-place : Devil Rays. Tampa Bay has defeated Wang in both of his starts against the : team this year. 雖然王建民在洋基隊的投手輪值表脫穎而出,但是他仍然無法順利解決排名墊底的魔鬼 魚隊。坦帕灣魔鬼魚隊已經讓王建民今年連續兩次先發對決取得敗績。 : The main culprit Thursday was Cantu, a 23-year-old rookie infielder who : clubbed his first Major League home run at Yankee Stadium last September. : Fresh off a two-homer game on Friday against St. Louis, Cantu repeated the : feat against Wang, victimizing the rookie right-hander for a pair of two-run : blasts, in the first and third innings. 去年九月在洋基球場打出生涯第一支全壘打的二十三歲菜鳥內野手 Cantu 是週四比賽的 罪魁禍首。在上週五對聖路易紅雀打出單場雙響砲的 Cantu,在今天的比賽對王建民仍 然形成相當大的威脅,這個受害的菜鳥右投手在第一局和第三局分別被他揮出了全壘 打。 : Bernie Williams clubbed a two-run homer in the first inning off Devil Rays : starter Mark Hendrickson, and the Yankees added a pair to tie the game in the : third on Gary Sheffield's sacrifice fly and Hideki Matsui's run-scoring : single. 伯尼威廉斯在第一局面對魔鬼魚隊先發投手 Mark Hendrickson 轟出了兩分打點的全壘 打。洋基隊在第三局靠著 Gary Sheffield 的高飛犧牲打和松井秀喜的一分打點一壘安 打追平比數。 : But Cantu was back in the mix as Tampa Bay took the decisive lead in the : fifth. With two outs and Nick Green at third, first baseman Jason Giambi : could not scoop Jeter's throw on a Cantu grounder, unable to save what could : have been an inning-ending groundout. 但是 Cantu 讓坦帕灣隊在第五局取得決定性的領先優勢。在兩出局加上 Nick Green 在 三壘的情況下,Cantu 擊出滾地球,基特傳給一壘手 Jason Giambi,但是 Giambi 無法 接住這個讓本局結束的關鍵滾地球。 : The errant toss charged Jeter with his ninth error and proved to be all the : support Tampa Bay would need, taking the final game of a four-game series : from the Yankees. 這個失誤記在基特的身上,基特今年已經出現第九次的失誤,而這個失誤幫助坦帕灣隊 取得這一次在洋基球場四連戰中最後一場比賽的勝利。 : The Devil Rays added a sixth run in the sixth inning on Carl Crawford's : run-scoring single, the final frame Wang would toss in an eight-hit : performance. Wang was charged with five earned runs in the 94-pitch effort, : tying his career high -- set in Tampa Bay on May 5. 魔鬼魚對在第六局靠著 Carl Crawford 的一分打點一壘安打取得第六分,王建民在這一 局結束後,帶著單場被打出八支安打的表現提前下場休息。王建民今天用球數為九十四球 ,而丟掉的五分自責分則追平他在五月五號面對坦帕灣隊比賽的生涯新高。 : The Yankees offense was silent against Hendrickson after the third inning, as : the right-hander retired a string of 12 in a row before Alex Rodriguez : doubled with two outs in the eighth. 洋基隊的攻勢在三局後完全被 Hendrickson 封鎖,這個左投手此之後連續解決了十二名 打者。這種情況直到第八局二人出局後,才讓 Alex Rodriguez 再度擊出二壘安打。 : New York threatened in that inning when Matsui followed with an infield hit : and reliever Danys Baez walked Jorge Posada. But Baez got Ruben Sierra to : ground to second base, leaving the bases loaded. 洋基對在此局展開反攻,松井秀喜接著擊出內野安打,而魔鬼魚隊中繼上場的投手 Danys Baez 對 Jorge Posada 投出保送,但是 Baez 讓 Ruben Sierra 擊出二壘方向的滾地 球讓此局以滿壘的殘壘收場。 : Damon Hollins' base-clearing double off Tom Gordon with two out in the ninth : tacked on three insurance runs and provided the final margin of victory. Damon Hollins 在第九局從 Tom Gordon 打出清壘的兩壘安打,取得三分打點的保險分, 讓魔鬼魚隊取得最後的勝利。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hinabi:推魔人! 06/24
bachelour:什麼叫"戰犯"...有規定不能贏洋基球嘛..怪詞 06/24
Joeng:Cantu..是內野手 06/24
CapsuleUSA:罪魁禍首如何 06/24
pooreric:是要改原文嘛? 06/24
CapsuleUSA:官方就是 culprit 這個字,我也沒辦法 06/24
hww2027:因為這是洋基官網新聞,若是魚隊的官網新聞就不會 06/24
hww2027:這麼講了~~ 06/24
bachelour:喔喔喔~沒注意到是譯文..0rz...謝謝呀~辛苦了 06/24
Agency:兇手啦 :p140.112.242.222 06/24
jamen:94球是最高嗎?? 06/24
※ 編輯: CapsuleUSA 來自: (06/24 12:35)
fnac:Hendrickson是洋基剋星嗎?他對別隊明明沒啥威脅... 06/24
hww2027:平生涯最高紀錄的好像是指單場責失,不是投球數.. 06/24
payton123:推 辛苦了 06/24
※ 編輯: CapsuleUSA 來自: (06/24 12:42)
CapsuleUSA:我覺得我改的比記者認真耶,一直修正 06/24
CapsuleUSA:謝謝大家的糾正 06/24
hww2027:就怕到時翻半天修半天被人家抄去~~XD 06/24
KGenius:兇手不錯. 06/24
vivider:@"@ 不是左投手嗎 06/24
※ 編輯: CapsuleUSA 來自: (06/24 14:01)
CapsuleUSA:官方也寫錯了 06/24