精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文連結:http://0rz.net/4d0tz 這篇賽後報導後來又修改過,內容比版上的版本多了許多,主要是補充Yes Network Post Game記者會Kim Jones對教練與球員訪問的內容,這裡補上一些前文沒有的訪談: Jeter談洋基近期的比賽狀況: "It's up and down, what can I say?" Jeter said. "That's how we've played so far this year. We really haven't had much consistency. All we can do is move on from here. You can't look back. We could be in a whole lot worse shape." 總教練Torre對Devil Rays的評語: "They're good against us," said Yankees manager Joe Torre. "I know what the record says. Certainly when we play them, it's not the way it's been [in prior years]." 王建民對自己狀況的評語: "I felt good," said Wang, who allowed six runs (five earned) in six innings. "My sinker was so-so tonight." (ps. 還蠻像他的講話風格XD, 但為什麼他會說"覺得很好"啊?是認為自己狀況 並不差嗎?Torre在Yes的訪談中說王被打的第二隻HR是hanging splitter, 這場比賽用的變化球好像不少) 捕手Posada對王建民昨晚狀況的評語: "He was up in the zone," said catcher Jorge Posada. "I tried to do everything possible to get him to do what he does with the sinkerball. It just wasn't there." 後面還有一些Jeter, Posada對魔鬼魚先發投手Hendrickson的評語, 這裡就不引了,大家有興趣可以由開頭的連結進去看。 另外在NY_Yankees版的置底影片區可以找到今天Torre, Posada, Jeter的訪問, 配合影片大家或許可以更瞭解他們說了什麼。可惜王太過寡言,Yes的post game video clips從來沒出現過王的訪談,無從得知他到底說了什麼。 我個人感覺Torre對王建民還是挺有信心的(特別是他結束第六局滿壘危機後才下場) Kim Jones問到王建民單場被打兩支全壘打的狀況: "When you look at Wang, the long ball hasn't been a problem for him. What was the difference tonight?" Torre的回答: "He made a couple of bad pitches. I think it was a hanging splitter with the second homerun by Cantu. It was just unusual because in the first 50 plus innings he gave up two homeruns and in the first 3 innings tonight he gave up two homeruns. Again, he battled this way through and pitched a decent ball game. And the one thing about him is he just started badly." 以上是我根據videoclips transcribe, 省略了you know...等語助詞,內容可能稍有 出入。總之Torre認為王有處理危機的能力,而且"pitched a decent ball game", 算是蠻正面的評價了。 推薦大家直接去看訪談影片。:-) ※ 編輯: noral 來自: (06/24 23:46)