精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
上班試翻,有錯敬請改正。 ※ 引述《SONYPl ()》之銘言: : Yanks facing trade deadline dilemma : GM Cashman has no plans to part with Cano, Wang 洋基面對交易的兩難。 經理Cashman並沒有計畫將Cand及王建民分開。 : NEW YORK -- For the past few years, the common perception of the : Yankees' Minor League system is that it lacked any legitimate big : league prospects. 在過去的幾年中,一般對洋基球團小聯盟系統的看法就是, 他們缺少由正統農場裡培養出的潛力新星。 : This season, however, the Bombers have promoted a pair of players : -- second baseman Robinson Cano and right-hander Chien-Ming Wang -- : that have become significant pieces of the team's everyday structure. : With the trade deadline rapidly approaching, the question now becomes: : Will Cano and Wang be given the chance to develop into proven big league : players while wearing a Yankees uniform, or will they be shipped off : like so many pinstriped prospects before them? 然而,在這個球季中,洋基啟用了一對新人-- 分別是二壘手Robinson Cano以及右投手王建民, 而他們也已經成為了這支球隊整體架構中相當重要的一部份, 而隨著交易的最後期限快速的逼近,現在洋基的問題已經變成: 王建民以及Cano是否有機會以穿著洋基制服的身份,來證明自己可以成為明星球員, 還是他們會被交易出去,就像他們之前那些同樣相當有潛力的前輩一樣, : According to general manager Brian Cashman, he has no plans to deal : either youngster. : "I'm not opposed to anything that can help," Cashman said. "But this : isn't currently a circumstance in which I would recommend we go make : a big trade, trade a whole bunch of prospects for a veteran player." 根據經理Brain Cashman的說法,他說目前沒有計畫要去處理這兩位年輕的選手, "我不反對任何對球隊有幫助的事情" Cashman說到 "不過在目前的情況下,一宗大交易, 也就是用一群有潛力的新人來交易一個經驗老道(大獎保證)的球員, 並不是我現在所建議執行的。" : Since 2000, the Yankees have sent several prospects packing in trades, : including Yhency Brazoban, Ted Lilly, Jake Westbrook, Wily Mo Pena, : Brandon Claussen, Dioner Navarro and Brad Halsey. When it came time to : talk trades, New York offered up its top prospects without a second thought. : So, with Cano and Wang seemingly off the trading block, where does : that leave the Yankees before July 31? 自從2000年起,洋基球團已經將數位相當有潛力的新秀,一整團的交易出去, 其中包括:Yhency Brazoban, Ted Lilly, Jake Westbrook, Wily Mo Pena, Brandon Claussen, Dioner Navarro and Brad Halsey 每次當交易日的到來,洋基總是不加思索的提供他們最優秀的新人, 因此,當今年Cano以及王建民似乎不在這交易的名單裡面, 那今年在7.31之前,是哪些人會在這名單中而離開洋基隊呢? : For starters, the Yanks don't have a specific area of need. With : Jaret Wright's health in question and Kevin Brown having already visited : the disabled list twice this season, a starting pitcher to bolster : the back end of the rotation is a possibility -- something along : the lines of last summer's deal for Esteban Loaiza. 對先發球員(野手)來說,洋基並沒有特定的需求。 而隨著Jaret Waight的健康問題,及Kevin Brown在這球季中已經二度進入傷兵名單, 交易一個到球季末都可以託付予先發輪值的投手可能性是最大的-- 就像去年夏天他們處理Esteban Loaiza一樣(這段我最沒信心,我不知道他是誰!_!) : A left-handed specialist could also be a target for Cashman, as : Mike Stanton and Buddy Groom haven't proven to be effective against : left-handed hitters. 另外,一個專門對付左打者的投手也可能是Cashman的目標, 因為Mile Stanton以及Buddy Groom這兩位左投, 似乎都無法證明自己可以有效率的解決左打者。 : The big league roster is very inflexible in terms of potential trades, : with several star players such as Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, Jason Giambi : and Bernie Williams all possessing no-trade clauses. Ditto for pitchers Brown, : Mike Mussina and Randy Johnson. 許多大牌選手都是不可動搖的,也是不太可能被交易的, 像是幾位明星選手Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, Jason Giambi(不會吧!?) 以及Bernie Williams都簽有不可交易條款。 同樣的,Brown以及Mike Mussina及RandyJohnson也是不太可能被拿來交易的。 : Those without no-trades -- Jorge Posada, Tino Martinez, Wright -- : simply make too much money for most teams to consider dealing for them. 而那些沒有不可交易條款的,像是"Jorge Posada, Tino Martinez, Wright" 這些選手對別的球隊來說,都因為他們的薪資實在太高昂而無法考慮去簽下他們。 : "The answers are all here. They have to be," Cashman said. "The : frustration is more from the fact that the talent level is all here, : we just have to be able to get it going." "所有的答案都在這裡了,他們也必須是,他們是我們爭冠的答案" Cashman說到 "更令人洩氣的是所有的明星球員都在這裡的這個事實, 我們必須能夠讓事情有所進展,設法贏球贏下去。" : A quick scan of the roster shows Tony Womack as the player most : likely to be dealt, as the infielder-turned-outfielder could offer : stability to a team looking for a second baseman. With Hideki Matsui, : Williams and Gary Sheffield in the outfield, the Yankees could surely : part with Womack, who was displaced as the second baseman in early May : by Cano. 快速掃瞄過整個球員名單,Tony Womack似乎是最有可能被交易出去的球員, 他是個內外野皆可以防守的球員, 可以提供給正在尋找一個穩定的二壘手的球隊, 而洋基的外野已經有松井秀喜,Williams,以及Gary Sheffield, 加上在五月初二壘手的位置已經被Cano取代, 洋基幾乎可以確定會將Womack處理掉。 : In the Minors, the Yankees do have some prospects that could draw : the attention of other teams, including third baseman Eric Duncan : and outfielder Melky Cabrera, both playing with Double-A Trenton. : At Triple-A Columbus, hard-throwing reliever Scott Proctor could : also garner some interest. 在小聯盟,洋基的確還擁有一些可以引起別隊注意的潛力新秀, 包括三壘手Eric Duncan,以及外野手Melky Cabrera,他們目前都在2A的球隊中。 而在3A的哥倫布隊中,Scott Proctor這位有極佳球速的投手,一樣也可以吸引注意。 : When the deadline passes, the Yankees will likely look very much : like they do now. Whether or not that's good enough is the $200 million : question. 當交易期限的到來,洋基隊將可能看起來就像他們現在的樣子。 不論這樣的陣容是否夠好,他們這超過兩億的薪資總和都是個問題。 : 資料來源: : http://mlb.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/news/article.jsp?ymd=20050625&content_id= : 1103211&vkey=news_nyy&fext=.jsp&c_id=nyy --- 目前關於王建民的紐約新聞,已經翻過三篇,這是第四篇 這三篇我也都放在http://www.wretch.cc/blog/inkychi&category_id=636778 若有興趣看舊聞的,歡迎參觀囉 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
newgunden:沒錯,而且技安比還有長約6年210.202.252.109 06/28
newgunden:好在技安比最近打擊回穩.. 06/28
elk2000:Giambi的約是02~08年+09年的club option 06/28
holtonn:The answers are all here. They have to be. 06/28
holtonn:所有的答案都在這裡了,而他們(現在的洋基們) 06/28
holtonn:也必須是(答案)。 06/28
holtonn:這段的意思是,Cashman認為應該靠現在的球員 06/28
holtonn:設法贏球,而且應該以現在的陣容就夠了。 06/28
holtonn:The answers mean the answers to win the games 06/28
※ 編輯: yingchi 來自: (06/28 15:37)
yingchi:以稍做改正,謝謝呦 ^^ 06/28