精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/news/gameday_recap.jsp?ymd=20050628&content_id=1107716&vkey=recap&fext=.jsp&c_id=nyy Yankees drop heartbreaker in extras Stanton allows 10th-inning walk-off long ball to Roberts By Mark Feinsand / MLB.com 僅翻譯關於王建民的部分。 BALTIMORE -- After two dramatic comeback victories on Sunday and Monday, the Yankees were poised to win their third in a row on Tuesday, carrying a lead into the late innings against the Orioles. But the Bombers had the tables turned on them, as Baltimore rallied with a run in the eighth inning to tie the game before winning it in the 10th on Brian Roberts' 13th home run of the season, a walk-off shot on Mike Stanton's only pitch of the night. "It's hard to take," Stanton said of the 5-4 loss. "It's just disgraceful. Somebody swings like that, you hear how solid he hits the ball, you don't even need to turn around." With the Red Sox blowing a lead of their own in Boston on Tuesday, the Yankees could have climbed within 4 1/2 games of the first-place Sox, but instead remain 5 1/2 back in the American League East. They also lost a game in the standings to the O's, who occupy second place in the division as well as a tie with Minnesota for the Wild Card spot. "It's devastating," said Tom Gordon, who allowed the tying run in the eighth. "It's a tough loss." "You know how tough it is to do what we do, fighting from behind," said manager Joe Torre. "Tonight, they were like a mirror image of us, doing what we did last night and the night before." For a while, it looked like rookies Chien-Ming Wang (seven innings of three-run ball) and Robinson Cano (2-for-4, home run, two runs scored) would be the heroes for New York, giving the club further reason not to deal either of them as the trade deadline approaches. 在今天的比賽之中,有一段時間看起來,王建民(七局的投球僅失了三分)和Robinson Cano(4之二,包含一支全壘打)會成為紐約的英雄,而在交易截止日接近前給球團找到更多 不要交易掉他們的理由。 Wang, who stayed in after being struck on the meaty part of his right forearm on the first play of the game, gave up seven hits without walking a batter. The big blow against him came in the sixth, when Rafael Palmeiro belted a two-run homer, cutting the three-run lead to one. 王即便在面對第一個打席時就被球擊中了右上臂的上半部,但他堅強的繼續往下投,整場投 球被打了七支安打而保送一個都沒有。對王最大的打擊發生在六局,他被Rafael Palmeiro 轟了一支兩分全壘打,但他隨即穩住將失分控制在三分,並帶著一分的領先退場。 "I'm sure he'll be sore. I never dreamed he'd be as effective as he was," said Torre. "The kid was great tonight. Unfortunately, we couldn't take advantage of it." Torre說;「我很確定他很痛,但我作夢也沒想到他可以用如此有效率的方式投球,這個 小子今晚投得真的很棒,只是不幸的,我們似乎沒有因為他的好表現而佔到多少優勢。」 The Yankees plated two runs against Sidney Ponson in the first, then one more in both the third and sixth. Larry Bigbie, who homered in Monday night's game, repeated the feat on Tuesday, belting a 2-1 pitch from Wang over the right-field wall for the O's first run, then Palmeiro hit his shot, sparking Baltimore's comeback. 洋基在首局面對金鶯隊的先發投手就得了兩分,三局和六局又各得了一分。 Larry Bigbie,延續了前一晚的好表現,在首局面對王建民時,在2好一壞的球數下硬是 將球扛出了右外野的全壘打大牆,形成了金鶯隊的第一支安打,而這支安打就是一支全 壘打。而Palmeiro在比賽後半段的全壘打狙擊,宣告金鶯隊不會在這場比賽的勝利者 候選人名單中缺席。 The homer was No. 563 of Palmeiro's career, tying him with Reggie Jackson for ninth on the all-time list. It was also his 2,990th hit, leaving him just 10 shy of the 3,000 club. 這是Palmeirog職業身涯打出的第563支全壘打,使他追平了 Reggie Jackson並列史上 第九名,同時這也是他身涯第2990支安打,距離3000俱樂部只差十支了。 "He was hitting spots all night long," said Jorge Posada of Wang. "The one pitch he didn't, he paid for it, but it was still a pretty good pitch, down and away." 「他整場比賽都控球相當精準,但被Palmeiro轟出去的一顆球不是,為此他付出了代價 ,但那仍然是一次不差的投球,夠低而且有尾勁。」Posada如此評論王今天的表現。 Wang tossed up a zero in the seventh, handing over a one-run lead to Gordon, but the right-hander couldn't hold it. Gordon walked Roberts to start the frame, then committed a throwing error when Bigbie laid down a sacrifice bunt, putting runners at first and third. 王帶著一分的領先退場,將保持戰果的任務交給了Gordon,但這位右投手卻無法達成任 務。他先在一開始保送了 Roberts,接著在Bigbie執行犧牲短打的戰術時,發生一個傳 球失誤,使跑者分站一三壘。 "It just sailed," Gordon said. "I didn't try to overthrow it, I just tried to get it there. It sailed on me." Miguel Tejada didn't wait long to tie it up, lining the first pitch up the middle, scoring Roberts. With runners at first and second and nobody out, Gordon beared down, striking out Palmeiro and Jay Gibbons for the first two outs. Sammy Sosa then hit a ball in the hole at short, where Derek Jeter fielded it and made an off-balance throw to third. Alex Rodriguez made a great play to catch it, keeping his foot on the bag to end the inning with the score tied. "We fought hard. After they tied the game, we had first and second with nobody out and Palmeiro 3-0, and Flash pitched out of it," Torre said. "We didn't back off, we just couldn't close the deal." Torre went to Stanton to start the 10th, trying to turn Roberts around to hit right-handed. Roberts had hit .403 with 10 homers from the left side, and just .266 with two homers from the right side. But on this night, it didn't matter, as he crushed Stanton's fastball into the left-field seats for the game-winner. "I was just trying to hit something hard," Roberts said. "At first, I was going to take the first pitch, actually. But I decided not to, and I went up there and just swung. I wasn't trying to hit a home run." "It's supposed to be a fastball-sinker, down and away, and I throw it right down the middle," Stanton said. "I could have hit that one out." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: chunye 來自: (06/29 13:58)
daphnewu:推一個 06/29