精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
試譯 請指教 ※ 引述《iceman0603 (iii)》之銘言: : The New York Times : http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/04/sports/baseball/04yankees.html : Chien-Ming Wang and John Flaherty sat together at a table in the clubhouse : lounge after Sunday's game, talking the international language of baseball. : Wang had fired seven shutout innings against the Detroit Tigers, leading the : Yankees to a 1-0 victory at Comerica Park. Flaherty had caught the game and was : still excited, gesturing with his hands, mimicking the movement of pitches and : reaction of hitters. 禮拜天的比賽結束後,王建民跟John Flaherty一起坐在球員休息室的桌邊 聊著沒有國籍界線的棒球 王建民剛剛才在對底特律老虎隊的比賽中送出了七局的完封 帶領洋基以一比零在老虎隊的主場Comerica Park取得勝利 Flaherty才剛剛捕完這場球 興奮的他用手邊比劃著球路和打者的反應 : Wang, the first Taiwanese player in American League history, stared intently at : Flaherty and repeated some of the hand motions. Wang speaks some English, but : he is a better listener, off the field and on. 王建民,美國聯盟史上的第一位台灣球員,專心地盯著Flaherty的表演 有時也幫著示範一些出手的姿勢 王建民會說一些英文 但不論在球場內外,他總是用心地聽多於發表意見 : His final line on Sunday was terrific: five hits, no runs, one walk, two : strikeouts. But Wang also hit three batters, and he retired the side only once, : in his final inning. It was a struggle, Flaherty thought, but Wang made : adjustments much quicker than most rookies do. 他在星期天的演出真是太棒了......五安打、沒有失分、一個保送跟兩個三振 不過王建民也K中了三個打者,而且只有一局是三上三下 Flaherty覺得那真是一場苦戰 可是王建民調整得比其他新秀都要快上很多 : Flaherty spent five years with Tampa Bay, catching for many young pitchers. : If a rookie flies open with his front shoulder early in a game, he typically : does not last long. Wang is different. Flaherty在坦帕灣待了五年,對於接接捕年輕投手的投球很有經驗 他說,如果一個菜鳥在比賽裡 投球時的肩膀早早就開了的話,大概都撐不久 不過王建民不一樣 : "With Chien, it doesn't seem like you have to really work too hard to get him : back on track," Flaherty said. "You make a simple suggestion - keep the ball : down, or whatever - and he seems to pick up on it right away." 「阿建投球時,你不用花很多力氣去幫他調整回來」,Flaherty說 「你只要稍微建議一下,像是『把球投低』或什麼的,他就會馬上抓到那感覺了」 : In the first inning, Wang gave up a leadoff single and hit the next batter. : Flaherty went to the mound and encouraged Wang to get a ground ball. He did not : do that, but three fly outs ended the inning. 第一局的時候,王建民一開局就被安打上壘,然後又K中了下一棒 Flaherty上投手丘鼓勵王建民以滾地球化解危機 不過他沒能做到,反而是以三個飛球出局結束了那個半局 : The Yankees had trouble with Detroit's starter, Nate Robertson, who pitched a : complete game. But they scored in the fourth inning, when Robinson Cano led off : with a double to left-center and scored on a single by Gary Sheffield. 洋基的打者們打不太到老虎隊先發投手Nate Robertson的球,以致讓他能完投九局 不過四局的時候他們還是得分了 Robinson Cano首先上場就敲出左中外野的二壘安打 然後靠著Gary Sheffield的安打回來得分 : It was an impressive display by Cano - left-handers cannot be taught to hit : high pitches so far to the opposite field, Manager Joe Torre said - and it : somehow accentuated Wang's performance. The Yankees' unlikely youth movement : scored a victory. 「Cano打得真的很讚,左打者很難把偏高的球打到左外野那麼深遠的地方」,Torre說 「而這也為王建民今天優異的表現加了分(勝投?)」 是洋基隊啟用新秀的大膽政策幫助他們取得了這場勝利 : "The story of our year in a nutshell has been Wang and Cano," Alex Rodriguez : said. "Boy, what a shot in the arm those guys have been. They've played like : All-Stars. They've brought a fountain of youth to our ballclub that was very : much needed." 「我們隊今年基本上就看王建民跟Cano的」Alex Rodriguez說 「挖賽,他們在比賽中表現得真是太神奇了」 「他們簡直打得跟那些明星球員一樣好」 「他們已經為我們球隊注入了我們最需要的年輕泉源」 : Wang (5-3) kept finding jams and hanging in. With two outs and two on in the : second, he got a groundout from Brandon Inge to survive. A double play helped : him in the third. 王建民(五勝三敗)一直製造自己的麻煩,不過也一直堅持下去 第二局,兩出局兩人在壘時,他讓Brandon Inge打出了一個滾地球,救了自己一次 第三局的時候,他也是靠著雙殺打度過危機 : Wang shook off a two-out triple in the fifth. He started an inning-ending : double play in the sixth. Knowing that a misstep could knock his teetering team : back to .500, Wang never wavered. 王建民在五局兩人出局時被幹了一支三壘安打 他第六局時自行策動雙殺守備結束那一局 明明知道一個失投就會讓他那支已經快不行的球隊掉回五成勝率 王建民卻一點也不畏懼 : "It's really unusual to have anybody that young be that consistent with his : starts," Torre said. "And the fact that he's gotten into a lot of trouble, : that's very impressive for me. He'll make a pitch, he'll field his position, : he'll do a lot of things. 「他每次先發都很穩定,這對年輕人來說真的很少見」,Torre說 「而且事實上他在投球中其實遇到很多危機,這真的很讓人讚嘆」 「他會投、會守,會有一番成就」 : "One thing that punctuates it is how he pitches with men on base, especially in : a low-scoring game like today. There was obviously no breathing room." 「最重要的是他如何對付壘上有人的情況,特別是像今天這種低比數的比賽。」 「投手其實沒有什麼喘息的空間啊」 : Wang's pitching helped as much as his poise. He threw 98 pitches, and Flaherty : estimated that only 10 were off-speed. Wang might rush his fastball up on a : hitter, for variety, but usually he throws it down and away, the sinking action : conducive to ground balls. 王建民不僅沈穩,投得也蠻好 他投了九十八球,Flaherty估計大概只有十個是比較慢的變化球 王建民有時候為了配球會投內角球以致於K中打者 不過通常他都投外角偏低的球路,靠著下沈的變化製造滾地球出局 : "If he's got his good two-seamer, it's almost like you know what's coming, but : you can't put it in play hard," Flaherty said. "It's almost like Mariano." : That was heady praise for Wang, especially considering that Mariano Rivera, : with his devastating cutter, is pitching as well as ever. Rivera converted his : 18th consecutive save opportunity, retiring three hitters in a row after Ivan : Rodriguez's leadoff double in the ninth. Craig Monroe broke his bat on the : game-ending ground out. 「如果他的二縫線可以投出水準的話,那幾乎是看得到,卻打不太到」,Flaherty說 「那簡直就像是Mariano Rivera站在投手丘一樣!」 這樣的讚美好像有一點興奮得太誇張了 Rivera今天的投的cutter還是跟以前一樣恐怖 他今天拿下了第十八場救援成功 在Ivan Rodriguez的二壘打之後連續解決三名打者 Craig Monroe最後出局那球還把棒子打斷了 : The victory was the Yankees' first this season while scoring three runs or : fewer. They had never gone so long at the start of a season without such a : victory, and every other team in the majors had at least two. The Yankees had : been 0-27 until Sunday. 這是洋基本季第一次在只得三分以內的情況下獲勝,他們以前還沒有這麼慘過 而且其他球隊都至少贏過兩場這種球,洋基隊的紀錄卻是零勝二十七敗 : "It's significant, because our game is keeping the score low and pitching well : ," Torre said. In that case, it is saying something that Wang, a replacement : for the injured Jaret Wright, has been the Yankees' most consistent starter. : In 8 of his 11 starts, he has worked at least six innings and allowed no more : than three earned runs. 「這場球很重要,因為我們靠防守跟好投來贏球」,Torre說 這也就是說,王建民這個Jaret Wright的替補已經變成洋基隊最穩定的先發了 在他十一次登板主投中,有八次他能至少投滿六局而且不掉超過三分 : "You could make an argument that when he goes to the mound, we feel like we : have our best chance to win," Flaherty said. "We've gotten a lot more out of : that guy than anybody would have thought." 「你甚至可以說,當他站上投手丘時,我們就覺得我們會贏球」,Flaherty說 「他已經給我們帶來太多沒人料想得到的貢獻了!」 -- 星 愛 在 歸 在 天 還 人 土 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cadream:大致上都沒錯 辛苦了218.166.131.207 07/04
IN9:謝謝你的翻譯啊218.162.232.183 07/04
cadream:而且翻的蠻通順的耶 翻譯要通順是很辛苦的說218.166.131.207 07/04
yadayada:推挖賽 07/04
iceman0603:恩 翻得不錯! 07/04
leosee:翻的很nice140.112.248.124 07/04
lookers:翻的很棒 感謝妳 07/04
Hoopt:推!越看越順! 07/04
hackererick:謝謝你的翻譯ㄚ... 07/04
doyna:王建民,美國聯盟史上的第一位台灣球員->原作是不갠 07/04
doyna:是搞錯了(不是翻譯的問題 謝謝你的翻譯^^) 07/04
iceman0603:沒錯阿~是AL第一個 07/04
iceman0603:曹是NL~ 07/04
doyna:喔 是AL 不是MLB 抱歉抱歉 我眼花@@ 07/04
godshome:翻的真不錯阿~ 07/04
austin111:A-Rod講那句話感覺很沒志氣~ 07/04
kuokevin:想問問,Rivera投的那麼好,怎麼不讓他先發? 07/04
kuokevin:不要只是投1,2局的closer 07/04
iceman0603:體力、續航力、球種~都比較適合當closer 07/04
yuankwei:這內容看起來真爽(感謝翻譯) 07/04
oumo:感謝你!辛苦了! 07/04
Shanye:謝謝您的翻譯 辛苦了~ 07/04
starsky007:push 07/04
lennmoon:真羨慕你英文好..英文是我的痛 07/04
Aroman:狂推! 07/04