精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
簡單翻,有錯誤請大大指正 與原POST的朋友一樣,最後一段讓小弟感觸最深.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 4, 2005 -- DETROIT - George Steinbrenner woke up today to his 75th birthday and even The Boss had to be grinning a bit about the gift his Yankees sent to Tampa from the Motor City. Steinbrenner今早起床後迎接他的是75歲的生日,而他的洋基隊從底特律 送來Tampa的這個生日大禮,相信會讓他一展笑顏。 Finally - and thanks to Chien-Ming Wang - the Yankees won a game in which they didn't score at least three runs by beating the Tigers, 1-0, in front of 40,056 at Comerica Park yesterday. 終於,洋基打破了本季得分若低於三分就贏不了比賽的紀錄,昨天在4萬 多名客場觀眾的前面,以1:0擊敗了底特律老虎隊--而這都要感謝王建民。 So, after not winning a game in 79 tilts in which they didn't score at least three runs - a franchise record - the Yankees wired Steinbrenner a victory everybody in the organization hopes is the start of something big. 確實是如此,在寫下79場比賽得分在三分以內就贏不了球的隊史記錄後, 洋基答應為Steinbrenner贏得一場球團上下都期望的勝利,這正是其後而 來的甜美果實的開端。 The fact that the second straight win was manufactured by Wang's seven shutout innings only made it sweeter for the Yankees, who are relying heavily on the 25-year-old from Taiwan. Initially, Wang was in the big leagues until Jaret Wright returned from a shoulder problem. Not any more. 在王建民七局無失分的投球下所贏得的二連勝讓這個勝利更加的甜美。這 個來自台灣,目前讓球隊大為倚重的年輕人,一開始應該只會在大聯盟待 到肩傷痊癒的Jaret Wright歸隊,就只是這樣而已。 "We are halfway through the season and you can make the argument that he gives us the best chance to win," catcher John Flaherty said of Wang, who is 5-3 with a 3.87 ERA and a serious AL Rookie of the Year candidate with teammate Robinson Cano. 王建民場上的「老婆」Flaherty在談到他時表示:「我們才到球季的一半 ,你就可以看到他總是為球隊帶來勝利的最佳機會」。王建民目前戰績來 到5勝3負,防禦率為3.87,而且和隊友Cano都是角逐美聯年度新人王的候 選人。 Considering Randy Johnson and Mike Mussina are housed in the top of the rotation, that's strong praise for Wang, whose best traits are the ice running through his veins and a turbo sinker that he throws at the knees and on the corners. 看看目前佔據在投手輪值名單前兩位的可是RJ和Mussina,就知道這對於 王建民是多強烈的讚美。王建民最重要的特性就是利用在膝蓋、好球帶角 落位置的快速下沈球,加上沈穩的態度來凍結對手的得分。 "He never gets rattled," Flaherty said. "Today, mechanically he was a mess. He was flying open and underneath the ball, but he made the adjustments." 「他從來沒有慌亂的時候」,Flaherty 接著說,「就技術上而言,今天 他的狀況實在糟糕,肩膀開的太快,球也不聽控制,不過他還是馬上調整 了過來。」 The victory improved the Yankees' record to 41-39, carried them to a 3-2 road trip and pulled them to within five games of the first-place Red Sox in the AL East. 這場勝利讓洋基的戰績提升到41勝39負,這一次的客場征戰則是3勝2負, 在美聯東區與排名首位的紅襪隊的勝差也拉近為5場。 Wang found trouble quickly and often since his lone perfect frame was his last. 昨日王建民的投球,除了第七局的三上三下外,其餘局局有危機,但他總 能很快找到問題在哪。 (感謝unused大大指點!) Brandon Inge opened the first with a single in front of Wang hitting Placido Polanco for the first of his two plunkings. 王建民昨日一開賽就被Brandon Inge擊出一壘安打,接著對Placido Polanco投出觸身球,形成一局下的危機。 But Carlos Guillen flied to left, Magglio Ordonez lined to left and Pudge Rodriguez flied to right. 但是緊接著讓Carlos Guillen、Magglio Ordonez、Pudge Rodriguez三人 分別擊出外野飛球度過了危機。 Wang retired Inge to end the second with runners on first and third. Polanco was hit leading off the third but erased on an inning-ending double play. 二局下,在兩出局一三壘有人的情況下,解決了Inge;三局下,雖然再對 Polanco投出觸身球,但最終還是以一個雙殺守備守住那個半局。 A two-out single by Chris Shelton didn't lead to anything in the fourth and Wang pitched around Polanco's two-out triple in the fifth. 四下,兩出局後被Chris Shelton擊出的一壘安打沒有形成傷害;五局下, Polanco在兩出局後再度擊出安打,這次是一隻三壘安打,同樣沒有得分。 Nursing a 1-0 lead provided by Robinson Cano's double and Gary Sheffield's single in the fourth off hard-luck loser Nate Robertson (3-7), Wang walked Ordonez and hit Pudge Rodriguez to start the sixth. 洋基緊守的一分領先,是在四局上半時,Cano及Sheffield從悲情投手 Robertson (3勝7負)手中接連擊出二壘及一壘安打所得到。而王建民在六 下時,以保送Ordonez並對Pudge Rodriguez投出觸身球揭開那個半局的序 幕。 But Dmitri Young fanned and Wang induced Shelton to hit into a 1-4-3 double play. 但是Dmitri Young揮空遭到三振,Shelto擊出投手前的反彈球而遭到雙殺 ,也結束了這個半局。 "He has the ability to get a ground ball and a double play to get out of trouble more than anybody on our staff," Flaherty said. Flaherty認為:「他讓打者擊出滾地球以及雙殺打以化解危機的能力,比 我們其餘的投手都要好。」 After Tom Gordon worked a perfect eighth that included Guillen chasing Hideki Matsui to the warning track in left, Mariano Rivera made the Yankees sweat by giving up a leadoff double to Pudge Rodriguez in the ninth. 靠著大松井行進間在全壘打牆前接殺Guillen的深遠飛球後,Gordon完美 的度過了第八局;Rivera九局一上場就讓Pudge Rodriguez擊出二壘安打 則讓所有人都嚇出一身冷汗。 Rodriguez never got off second because Young grounded back to Rivera, Shelton fanned on a 95 mph fastball and Craig Monroe grounded to third to give Rivera his 18th save. 但是Rodriguez也沒能離開二壘壘包,因為接下來的打者,Young擊出投手 前滾地球出局、Shelton揮空三振,最後Craig Monroe的三壘方向滾地球 讓Rivera獲得第18次的救援成功。 "It was a big game because we haven't been able to win low-scoring games," Joe Torre said. Torre賽後表示「這是一場重要的勝利,因為我們已經好久沒能贏得這樣 低比分的比賽了。」 And the reason they won it was Wang, a pitcher who has made the long journey from Triple-A starter to perhaps the most dependable Yankee arm inside three months 而這一場勝利來自於王建民,從3A到成為或許是洋基近三個月來最受倚 重的投手,一個經歷了這段漫長旅程的年輕投手。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 其實,這段旅程的漫長,豈止是從3A到大聯盟.... 數年的小聯盟征戰、奮鬥、手術、復健,加上台灣、美國長途的往返.... 這段旅程,遠比文中所提的,還要更漫長阿~~~ 祝福王建民!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sacpeja:感動頭推 07/04
jeff0811:好譯文就是要推一下 07/04
Homepage:祝福王建民!! 07/04
sacpeja:另外,翻的真好。謝謝大大用心的翻譯.. 07/04
jared1121:推~~~ 07/04
vincealan:投手的狀況果然還是捕手最清楚 推! 07/04
chorus33:感動推~~~一定要推!! 07/04
eatpeanut:推一個!! 07/04
eatpeanut:時也 運也 命也 大老闆生日 來這麼一場218.169.214.218 07/04
eatpeanut:冥冥之中 是否真有主宰...至少大老闆應該對王218.169.214.218 07/04
eatpeanut:印象深刻了吧.... 07/04
iceman0603:真的是命阿~ 07/04
xers:"Polanco was hit"是被觸身球打到 不是打安打喔 07/04
※ 編輯: limoki 來自: (07/04 16:34)
solonwu:底特律是Motor City,美國汽車製造重心 07/04
honda:翻得很棒, 但不要用 "老婆" 形容捕手, 謝謝... 07/04
jamen:感恩阿220.140.192.179 07/04
lunya:Moter City=Detroit=車城 07/04
cclimb:老婆~~來自於安達充,沒有貶低的意思,大家看得懂218.162.199.214 07/04
cclimb:懂就好了,我倒覺得無傷大雅218.162.199.214 07/04
limoki:我都忘了原來是來自安達充....:p 07/04
※ 編輯: limoki 來自: (07/04 17:02)
pdself:推218.162.115.132 07/04
Oidioi: ~~ 推 ~~ 07/04
sachem:推最後一段...夢想讓人能夠忍受現實..老虎王加油! 07/04
ktpp:推220.130.156.236 07/04
spchen:有個建議,版主應從賭資的抽成中撥出一些ptt幣獎勵 07/04
spchen:這種好文 07/04
spchen:不然這文只值31銀,也太... 07/04
yalamina:好文推一下, 翻的真好 07/04
SaviorWen:有安達充 當然推 07/04
Shanye:翻的太好了 謝謝您 辛苦了~ 07/04
skycloudtw:大大辛苦了 推~~~ 07/04
f2002:推一下203.204.182.174 07/04
YiHam123:好文~一定要推一下 07/04
bkm1:辛苦啦 翻的好棒! 尤其是 "老婆" ^^b 07/04
Dsalg:推你自己寫的最後一段,令人感動啊 07/04
huskie:推 07/05
gbi:感動推翻譯 小王加油~~ 07/05
nsbs:好文~幫推 07/05
bluevivia:推!好文 07/05
andy00111:推 07/05