精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Yankees' Night, Like Their Season, Gets Better as It Goes Along By JOE LAPOINTE Published: July 9, 2005 http://0rz.net/dc0uF (文末附全文翻譯) An unseasonably unpleasant evening began in an unfavorable way for Chien-Ming Wang of the Yankees. His first pitch last night sailed through the rain drops off the bat of Cleveland's Grady Sizemore and landed in the right field seats of Yankee Stadium. Things got better after that for Wang, including the weather. He outlasted the rain and left with a two-run lead in the seventh inning. With help from a steady bullpen, Wang was the winning pitcher in a 5-4 victory. "He showed a lot of grit," said Joe Torre, the Yankees' manager, who has become increasingly happy to see a rookie establish himself as third man in the starting rotation of a veteran team. Wang improved his record to 6-3 despite giving up three walks and not having his best control. One Cleveland run scored on Wang's wild pitch. "He looked like he was on the brink of something disastrous," Torre said. "For not having his good stuff, he kept us in the game." On three occasions, Wang worked out of trouble by getting the Indians to ground into double plays. The victory increased the Yankees' winning streak to six games, tied for their second-longest of the season. (Their best is 10). It raised their record to 45-39 to tie their season high for games over .500. Because Boston defeated Baltimore last night, the Yankees remained three and a half games behind the first-place Red Sox in the American League East, but they moved into second place, a half-game ahead of the Orioles. Jason Giambi, one of five Yankees to drive in a run, said of Wang: "He's unbelievable. The guy is ice out there." Giambi left in the sixth inning with a hip flexor injury, but it was not considered serious. Catcher Jorge Posada who also drove in a run, said of Wang, "He's one of those guys who seems like he's been there forever." Wang was not the only bright spot in the pitching picture. Wayne Franklin, making a bid for a bullpen position, retired all four hitters he faced. Mariano Rivera, working the ninth inning, recorded his 19th save of the season despite giving up a run for the first time in 23 appearances. Aaron Boone, a former Yankee, had four hits for the Indians. In 2003, Boone's home run for the Yankees won Game 7 of the American League Championship Series against Boston. A crowd of 52,938 was announced, although there were many empty seats, including some entire rows. Keeping dry in his private box was George Steinbrenner, the Yankees' principal owner, who attends some, but not all, of the games. This one began at 7:25 p.m., 17 minutes after its scheduled start, and the rain continued at a steady pace through the first inning before lessening in the second and virtually stopping in the third, just in time for a Yankees rally. After trailing by 2-0, the Yankees took a 4-2 lead in the third off the left-hander Cliff Lee when Derek Jeter doubled home Bernie Williams, Robinson Cano brought home Melky Cabrera by grounding out to second, Alex Rodriguez scored Jeter with a single to left and Giambi scored Sheffield with a single to right. Giambi's hit was his ninth in the past five games, and his run batted in was his eighth in the same span. But Giambi left the game in the top of the sixth, replaced by Tino Martinez at first base. Hideki Matsui of the Yankees led off the bottom of the sixth with a double to extend his on-base streak to 34 games, the longest active streak of its kind in the majors. He is hitting .316. He moved to third on a groundout to the right side by Martinez and scored on a sacrifice fly by Posada to take a 5-3 lead into the seventh. Torre and several players praised the "small ball" of recent weeks, scoring runs on outs and moving up runners with smart hitting. Wang left the game with two outs in the top of the seventh with a man on first base and a 5-3 lead. Franklin relieved him and got the final out of the inning. Wang gave up seven hits and walked three. Franklin, who joined the team last week from Class AAA Columbus, was making his second appearance. He stayed for the eighth inning and retired the side in order, notching two strikeouts. "I like this role," he said. "I like any role when you get the ball." His contribution was especially important because Torre did not want to use Tom Gordon, his usual setup man for Rivera, because Gordon had a stiff shoulder. Gordon had an M.R.I. exam yesterday and said after the game that there was nothing structurally wrong and that he would probably be available to pitch today. "As long as I feel good," he said, "I'm prepared to pitch." -------------------------------------------------------- 以下為全文翻譯 洋基表現漸入佳境 記者Joe Lapointe 紐約時報@2005年 7月 9日電 王建民昨晚的比賽在濕冷不利的天候下開打。他在雨中投出的第一顆球就被 克里福蘭印地安人隊第一棒Grady Sizemore打到了洋基球場右外野的觀眾席。 但王建民的投球和天氣一樣逐漸好轉,他在雨停之後繼續投到七局上,下場 時保持兩分領先,靠著穩定的牛棚支援,王建民在這場5-4的球賽中取得勝投。 Joe Torre@說:「王展現了絕佳的膽識。」這位洋基總教頭對一位新人能在 資深投手陣容中位居第三號先發的表現感到越來越滿意。儘管王投出了三次 保送且狀況並不理想,印地安人隊靠著他的暴投得到了一分,但王還是取得 了六勝三敗的戰績。@Torre說:「他看起來像在崩盤邊緣,雖然狀況不好, 但他盡力不讓我們輸球。」王有三次靠著雙殺守備解決危機。 這場勝利讓洋基取得六連勝,是繼十連勝後的本季次長連勝紀錄,45勝39敗 的戰績也平了本季最佳的勝率。因紅襪擊敗金鶯,洋基仍與美聯東區第一維 持三場半的勝差,但他們已超越金鶯成為第二名。 Giambi在今天的比賽中攻下一分,他對王的評語是:「令人不敢置信的冷靜。」 Giambi在六局因為屈髖肌受傷退場,幸好傷勢並不嚴重。捕手Posada也攻下 一分,他是這麼說王的:「他表現的就像個資深老將似的。」 王並不是今天唯一表現亮眼的投手。試圖在牛棚取得一席之地的Wayne Franklin解決了他所面對的四名打者。Rivera主投第九局,雖然失了一分, 中斷本季22場無失分的紀錄,但還是拿下第19個救援點。 前洋基三壘手Aaron Boone今天擊出四支安打,他在2003年美聯冠軍賽第七 戰擊出再見全壘打幫助洋基擊退紅襪。 今日比賽據稱有52,938名觀眾,雖然觀眾席上有不少整排的空位。老闆 Steinbrenner有到私人包廂觀戰,但並未看完全場就離席。比賽因雨延遲了 17分鐘, 7點25分才開始。第一局雨勢不斷、第二局開始減緩,第三局雨停, 正好也是洋基展開攻勢的時候。 一開始以0比2落後,洋基在三局下從左投Cliff Lee 手中攻下四分取得領先。 Jeter￀誑X二壘安打送回Bernie Williams, Cano以二壘滾地球送回Cabrera, A-Rod擊出左邊方向一壘安打送回Jeter, 然後Giambi又以安打送回Sheffield. 這是Giambi在過去五場比賽中擊出的第九支安打、第八分打點,他在六局上 退場,由Tino Martinez接替守備一壘。 松井秀喜在六局下擊出二壘安打,讓他的連續上壘記錄推進到34場,這是現役 記錄中最長的,他的打擊率是3成16。接下來他靠著@Martinez的滾地球上到三 壘、Posada的高飛犧牲打回來得分,讓洋基以5比3領先。@Torre和幾位球員都 肯定最近幾週的「小球」戰術--靠打擊技巧推進壘上跑者的作法。 王建民在七局上兩人出局、一壘有人時退場,Franklin接替投球並解決最後一 人次。王總共被擊出七支安打和投出三次保送。 Franklin上週才從3A上來,這是他第二次上場,他在八局上讓對手三上三下, 並投出兩次三振。「我喜歡擔任中繼,只要能上場投球就好。」他今日貢獻卓 著,因為 Torre所信任的中繼投手Gordonᆰ蚖H僵硬無法上場。Gordon昨天做了 M.R.I.檢查,並在賽後表示自己並無大礙,今日也有可能上場投球:「只 要我覺得還不錯,就會上場投球。」 今日王建民投球照片 http://0rz.net/dc0uE Richard Perry/The New York Times Chien-Ming Wang allowed three runs and seven hits in six and two-thirds innings, improving to 6-3.
nubgy:推推 07/09
willyt:屈髖肌←這西瞎咪碗糕 07/09
noray:抱歉不知道修到哪位的推文了 07/09
rfi:翻譯得很好 07/09
noray:"hip flexor"查到的繁體翻譯是屈髖肌,簡體是臀屈肌 07/09
Shanye:謝謝您的翻譯 辛苦了~ 07/09
Amophis:推 07/09
bluevivia:推~謝謝翻譯 07/09
ptterer:Torre,少一個T..... 07/09
akujiki:PUSH 07/09
oumo:感謝!!!!! 07/09
sin009:嗚~~你應該註名說下面有翻譯的...Orz我看完才發現 07/09
JeromeLee:感謝翻譯 07/09
superprada:感謝翻譯 07/09
jpmaster:還好我多按幾下..看到有翻譯..謝謝阿220.139.135.162 07/09
peterlin:翻的真好 筆記中 07/09
kenin:怎麼王的照片在投球的時候,看起來很痛苦的樣子@@ 07/09
※ 編輯: noray 來自: (07/09 22:05)
yuyuu:感恩218.164.153.100 07/09