精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
New York overtakes Baltimore for second place in AL East 洋基六連勝 紐約洋基超越金鶯在美聯東區居次 NEW YORK -- After hitting 11 home runs in their last three wins, the Yankees di dn't belt any balls out of the park on Friday, but they scratched out enough of fense to defeat the Cleveland Indians, 5-4, at Yankee Stadium. Slowly but surely, the Yankees are climbing the standings in the American Leagu e East. New York has taken the first two games of the four-game weekend series, moving past the Orioles into second place in the American League East, just 3 1/2 games behind the first-place Red Sox. 在結束最近三連勝11轟的比賽之後,週五洋基並未擊出任何全壘打,但是他們依然展現攻 擊力並以5-4在主場打敗印地安人,雖然慢不過實實在在的,洋基正朝向美聯東區攻頂中, 洋基已經贏得週末四連戰系列的前兩勝,取代金鶯居次,並僅僅落後紅襪對3.5場勝差。 "It's important that we do that, because the pitchers aren't always accommodati ng," said manager Joe Torre of the small-ball approach. "We have to do what we can, and we did some good things. Moving runners, sacrifice flies; we played so me fundamental baseball tonight." 在一場小球戰術的比賽之後(按就是戰術推進按部就班而非鯨吞分數的球賽)JOE TORRE說 :這很重要,因為我們的投手總是不太能適應比賽(accommodating很難翻可能有翻錯)所 以我們盡我們所能,做一些不錯的事情,例如:推進跑者、高飛犧牲打;今晚我們玩的是 棒球的基本功。 New York posted a four-run third inning to win for the sixth consecutive game, its eighth victory in the last 10 games. Chien-Ming Wang earned his sixth win of the season, allowing three runs over 6 2/3 innings. He got help from several of his teammates, as five Yankees each dr ove in a run. 小基基們在第三局得了四分並且贏得六連勝與最近10場比賽的8勝。就像洋基球員共同送回 的5分一樣,王建民則在隊友的通力合作下以6又2/3局的表現拿下個人的第六勝。 "It seems like he's been here forever," said catcher Jorge Posada. "He knows ho w to pitch, does the things to keep us in the game." Grady Sizemore got the Indians going in a flash, drilling the first pitch of th e game over the right-field wall for his ninth home run of the year. Coco Crisp followed with a single, but Wang got Travis Hafner to ground into a double pla y -- the first of three that Wang would induce. 害喜.普殺打說:小王似乎永遠都在這,他知道怎麼投球,並且讓我們永遠有得勝的機會。 喜之摩爾對王首局首位打者本壘打,並以這電光石閃的一擊,拿下個人今年第9轟;而扣扣 克里司伯接著擊出安打,不過小王接著讓海夫納擊出雙殺打,而前三局王都這樣誘導對手 。 "He showed a lot of grit tonight," Torre said. "The fact that he gave up a home run on the first pitch, then winds up with a double play in the inning to keep the damage where it was, that was important." "I think about the next hitter, and I try to get that hitter out," Wang said wi thout the aid of a translator. "Control not too good today. In the first inning , a little bit slippery." Cleveland plated another run in the second, this one coming on Aaron Boone's RB I single, as the Tribe took a 2-0 lead. TORRE說:事實上王讓對手以全壘打始,但卻以雙殺打終。他讓傷害減到最低,而這是很重 要低。而王(沒有藉助翻譯)說:我思考如何面對下一個打者,並想辦法讓他們出局,不 過在第一局,控球不太好也確實有點滑手。在愛輪.蹦帶打點的安打下,印地安人取得2-0 的領先。 The Yankees battled back in the third, using a walk and a single to set up Dere k Jeter's RBI double. Robinson Cano's fielder's choice tied the game at 2, scor ing Melky Cabrera. Two batters later, Alex Rodriguez put the Yankees on top with a single to left, plating Jeter. Jason Giambi added an RBI single of his own, giving New York a 4-2 lead. He slipped running out of the batter's box, and left the game in the sixth with mild stiffness in his left hip flexor. "I played the extra inning, and it started to tighten up," Giambi said. "I've b een swinging the bat too good [to take a chance]." 不過洋基爺爺們依然奮戰不洩,藉由保送以及吉特的二壘打、侃諾的野手選擇,卡步瑞 拉奔回本壘追成2平。兩名打者之後,愛拉以左外野安打送回吉特,帶領洋基超前,技安 再追加一分打點的安打幫洋基取得4-2的領先,不過他在六局退場因為在打擊上滑倒造成 左邊小屁屁有些不適。技安說:我多打了幾局不過屁屁感覺越來越緊繃,但我已經盡我所 能完成理想的揮棒並掌握住機會。(藥王最近很火,開始秋條了) Wang tossed up zeroes in the third and fourth, but the Indians cut the lead to one in the fifth, as Jody Gerut scored from third on a wild pitch. The inning c ould have been much worse, but after putting the first two men on base, Wang go t Sizemore to ground into a 4-6-3 double play, leaving just Gerut at third. "It looked like he was on the brink of something disastrous, and he got two dou ble-play balls," Torre said. "For not having his good stuff, he kept us in the game. He's been huge for us." "The guy is ice out there," Giambi said. "He never has any expression. He can b e in a jam, and he still goes out and throws strikes." 小王3.4兩局沒有失分,不過印地安人在5局中斷了這項紀錄,吉魯特趁著小王暴投從奔回 本壘,局勢變得相當危險,而王在讓前兩名打者上壘後,面對曾經從他手上轟出全壘打的 喜之摩爾,卻成功的讓他擊出4傳6傳3的雙殺打。 TORRE說:王看起來在每每面臨崩潰邊緣,但卻立刻兩度以雙殺打化解危機,沒有浪費他優 良的素質,他讓我們依然有得勝的希望,王對我們已經非常重要。 技安說(技安話真多):王總是冷若冰霜,從未有任何表示,就算遇到一點麻煩,也可以 很快的投出好球讓打者繼續出局。 New York manufactured another run in the sixth to boost the lead back to two, a s Posada's sac fly made it a 5-3 game. Wang left the game after Boone's third hit of the game, a two-out single in the seventh, brought Sizemore up representing the tying run. Wayne Franklin got Sizemore to fly out, preserving the lead. Franklin tossed a 1-2-3 eighth, striking out both Hafner and Victor Martinez. "That's what you look forward to. You want the ball," Franklin said. "You don't want to come here and sit and watch nine innings a day. It's fun to watch thes e guys, but you want to get out and pitch, too." 洋基在第6局藉著松井秀喜的無人出局二壘打,以及普殺打的高飛犧牲打,拿下第5分,而 這也是今天最終比數5-3。王在被蹦擊出今晚第三支安打時,留下7局上兩出局一壘有人的 局面,而接下來的喜之摩爾代表追平分。(果然這是MLB的common sence) 富蘭克林(不只發明電)讓喜之摩爾飛球出局,並且保住領先,同時在第八局投出三上三 下,並三振了海夫納和馬丁尼茲。富蘭克林說:這正是我想要低,我想要投球,雖然看大 家比賽很好玩,不過我也想離開板凳去投球。 "He did a heck of a job," Torre said. "He got four huge outs for us. He looks v ery relaxed out there. He had a good presence out there." Mariano Rivera allowed one run in the ninth but earned his 19th save of the sea son. The run was the first given up by Rivera in his last 23 appearances, datin g back to May 6. TORRE說:富蘭克林做得真是ㄅㄜ棒,他拿下對我們極為重要巨大的四個出局數,他看起來 很放鬆也表現得很好。 馬力安諾.李維拉在第9局失掉一分不過仍驚險的贏得本季第19次的救援成功,也中斷了李 維拉最近從5月六號以來連續23局無失分的佳績。 嘗試翻譯,翻得很白爛,也可能有錯,請大家指正囉,呼呼翻譯真辛苦。 -- 佳人遲睡懶梳妝 怡然自得瀲容光 青山一道同雲雨 明月何曾是兩鄉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
oeoeoXD:頗好笑....推一個 07/09
Amophis:推推推推 07/09
qaz2004:推小基基- -a 07/09
a1250423:小基基XDDD 07/09
daphnewu:好有趣的翻譯 XD 07/09
peggie:小基基們.....有西斯到......XD 07/09
angeronly:靠腰 我居然笑了 推小屁屁那邊XDD~ 07/09
kamisun:12生肖有三個在NY,分別是羊雞跟老虎 XD 07/09
irreal:很有趣 感謝翻譯~ 07/09
MCKING:推!!不只發明電! 07/09
inkf:不過要翻的正確比較要緊,希望沒有翻錯。 07/09
rodion:是發現 不是發明~ 07/09
whitefacex:推洋基爺爺奮戰不洩..哈 07/09
LenardLee:最後的比數不是5:4嗎218.175.230.112 07/09
pinkygiveme:我也想說是發現 不過還是很好笑 XD 07/09
deanbilly:害喜? ...!!噗...噗.哈哈哈........ 07/09
deanbilly:好可愛的翻譯喔! 07/09
wenjer:前面應該說是"對方投手不好應付才對" 07/09
wenjer:而不是我們的投手不適應... 07/09
onset:XDDDDDDDD218.167.190.211 07/09
AngusAngus:推推推!!!好好笑阿...藥王秋條...XD 07/09
inkf:感謝W兄指正啊,我還在想怎麼翻140.112.150.124 07/09
Amophis:翻得不錯 但翻得正確比搞笑重要 抱歉^^" 07/09