精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《cadream (要一直前進)》之銘言: : Wang continues to keep Yanks in the hunt : By Jennifer Royle : YES Network Online : July 8, 2005 : NEW YORK Over the past couple of months, Joe Torre has commented that he's : never felt uneasy when he sits on the bench and watches Chien-Ming Wang pitch. : Having labeled Wang as his most consistent starter so far, Torre felt no : differently Friday night in the Yankees' 5-4 win over the Cleveland Indians. : Wang did what he does best. After giving up a home run to Grady Sizemore : on his first pitch of the game, the right-hander kept his composure and : showed no signs of disturbance, even after allowing four hits and falling : behind 2-0 after just two innings. Wang, who admitted the ball was slippery : due to the rainy conditions, settled down and held the Indians to just : three hits and one run over the next 4 2/3 innings. : "It looked like he was on the brink of something disastrous," Torre said. : "For not having his good stuff, he kept us in the game and obviously gave : us the opportunity to do what we did." : With the Yankees back to playing balanced baseball, the offense picked up : Wang, who after the game, blamed his troubles on his slider not being as : effective as usual. But a rally in the third helped him relax when a : leadoff walk from Bernie Williams and consecutive hits from Melky Cabrera : and Derek Jeter ignited the offensive spark. With runners on second and : third, Robinson Cano's groundout then scored Cabrera and after Gary Sheffield : walked, Alex Rodriguez and Jason Giambi hit back-to-back RBI singles : which gave the Yankees the lead, and their bench a sigh of relief. : "One of the big at-bats in the game came from Cano," said Torre, who : emphasized the importance of his team playing small ball. "The pitcher's : aren't always accommodating. We have to do what we can and I thought we : did some good things. We did some fundamental baseball tonight." : "We're not going to hit a home run every day, so you just have to find a : way to score runs," Jorge Posada said. : With Friday's victory, the Yankees are now six above .500, tying their : highest mark of the season. And it's hard to ignore the question: : Would they be where they are in the standings had Wang not joined the : starting rotation? With three of their starters currently on the disabled : list and Randy Johnson having a disappointing season, Wang has given : the Yankees a chance to stay in the American League East race, right along : with the Orioles and Red Sox. : "He has been huge," Torre said. "But not realizing how much he's controlled : the game. He goes out there and it's never a question even is easy. : At times he could pitch eight but we've cut him back a lot of games : because we wanted to put (Tom) Gordon in the game." : Two games away from the All-Star break, the Yankees couldn't be happier with : their position with Boston defeating Baltimore at Camden Yards, the Yankees : jumped into second place, 3 1/2 games behind the Red Sox. The standings make : next week's four-game set at Fenway Park even more interesting. : "We could use the time off," Torre said. "But it's something that we found : here over the last 10 days or couple weeks, whether you're playing or not, : everyone seems to be in it and working the games. That's the most important : thing right now." 過去兩個月來只要王建民在場上投球,Joe Torre就像吃了定心丸,洋基贏印地安人的 那晚Joe Torre對王建民--他最信任的先發投手--的看法與往常一樣,他全力以赴。 王建民首局首打席被Grady Sizemore轟出全壘打之後,兩局被打四支安打,洋基0:2 落後,但他仍然保持優秀的抗壓性,絲毫不受影響。接下來的四又三分之二局裡,王建民 在雨勢中仍然壓制住印地安人的打擊,只被打三支安打和一個保送。 Joe Torre說"他似乎進退維谷","雖然狀況不盡理想,他還是為這場比賽保住一線生 機" 洋基後來追回比數,幫了王建民個大忙,三局上打線爆發洋基後來居上使他壓力頓減 ,但是他在賽後仍對自己的滑球失靈頗有微詞。 (因為在下英文國文都差所以打線爆發就帶過,讓我們看看記者是否會一樣帶過) Joe Torre強調小球戰術重要性的同時也表示,"Cano擊出關鍵一擊","我們不能一直 靠投手吃飯,我們必須竭盡全力贏球,今天晚上我們回歸到棒球的基本面"。 "我們不求天天全壘打,只要能得分就夠了"Jorge Posada這麼說。 週五贏球後洋基現在six above .500(勝率?),是本季最好的表現, 但是讓人不禁要 問 : 少了王建民他們還能保持這種成績嗎? 三個先發在DL裡,Randy Johson本季表現難 堪,而王建民使洋基保住打美聯東區季後賽的一線希望。 (就是煮?) "他已經成長而且能站穩大聯盟,但是還未證明主宰比賽的能力, 他能投到八局,但 為了讓Gordon有上場的空間所以我們將他換下"Joe Torre這麼說。 而紅襪擊敗金鶯使洋基樂不可支,此時洋基戰績躍升到第二位,落後紅襪3.5場勝差, 也使得下週洋基作客紅襪主場的四場比賽將更加精采。 Joe Torre表示"時間緊迫,但是這陣子我們團結一心各司其職,這是現在最重要的" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: wonderangel 來自: (07/10 07:00)
sayso:翻的真是很棒! 推 07/10
peggie:就是煮?(o_O)a 07/10
KyoDragon:推就是煮 哈哈哈218.171.216.105 07/10
Financial:翻太好,擔心會被妓者操是對的..感恩~~ 07/10
peterlin:目前看來的確有資格當就是煮 XD 07/10
cannas:翻譯得很讚可惜才50銀 我小小贊助一下 .. 07/10
cadream:你也是辛苦了. 感謝呢218.167.229.107 07/10