精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
洋基在下半季第一場球賽尚未開打前就遭受重大打擊。王建民可能因肩傷而本季 報銷,王四月自小聯盟升上來後一直是洋基最穩定的先發投手。球隊經理Cashman 拒絕表示王本季是否還會出賽,也不肯透露洋基對王建民的肩傷診斷,然而週一 的核磁共振檢查結果顯然並不樂觀,洋基才會決定把王送交Dr. James Andrews 做進一步檢查。王將在下週一接受Andrews￀邠d,尋求不同的診斷意見。現年25歲 的王建民曾有肩傷記錄,並在2001年因接受肩唇撕裂修補手術而錯過整個球季。 當總教練Torre被問及王何時歸隊,他表示:「現在一切都只能憑臆測,我不知道 他會在三週內回來還是要等到明年,我也不知道那個可能性比較大。當然我覺得 很難過,因為他表現一直很穩定。」 王週日還在牛棚練投,投手教練Mel Stottlemyre說他並未察覺任何異狀,但王 週一醒來後覺得肩膀疼痛,而他的經紀人張嘉元當天就將這個情形告知Cashman. 王週四的時候仍在紐約。 張嘉元表示:「他現在只能保持樂觀,希望情況會好轉。」張嘉元跟Cashman一樣 不肯透露王的傷勢細節。當被問到是否跟2001年的舊傷部位相同時,張沒有回答。 他也沒有說截至目前六勝三敗、防禦率3.89的王建民本季是否還會上場投球。 洋基從3A調上右投Tim Redding取代王於週五對紅襪先發。洋基在七月二日以Paul Quantrill與聖地牙哥教士隊交易來Redding與Darrell May。目前洋基的先發投手 群只有Mussina, Redding和Randy Johnson, 現在還排不出週日和週一的先發人選。 (其餘段落與王建民較無關連,稍後再補譯。) ※ 引述《noray (nora)》之銘言: : Yanks May Lose Wang for Rest of the Season : By TYLER KEPNER : Published: July 15, 2005 : 網頁連結: http://0rz.net/a40uJ : BOSTON, July 14 - The Yankees took a body blow before the first pitch of : the second half of the season on Thursday. Chien-Ming Wang, the rookie : who has been the Yankees' most consistent starter since his promotion : from the minors in April, may be finished for the season because of a : shoulder injury. : General Manager Brian Cashman would not say if Wang would pitch again : this season. Cashman would not reveal the Yankees' diagnosis of Wang's : shoulder injury, but a magnetic resonance imaging exam on Monday was : discouraging enough for the team to send Wang to Dr. James Andrews, : an orthopedic surgeon. : Wang will meet with Andrews on Monday in Birmingham, Ala., for a second : opinion. Wang, 25, has a history of shoulder trouble; he had surgery to : repair a torn labrum in 2001 and missed the whole season. : Asked when Wang would return, Manager Joe Torre said: "It'd be strictly : a guess. I can't tell you if we're going to get him back in three weeks : or next spring. I don't know which one is closer to the truth. It's just : sad, for me, because he's been so consistent." : Wang threw in the bullpen on Sunday, and the pitching coach Mel Stottlemyre : said he detected no problems. But Wang woke up on Monday with shoulder pain, : and his agent, Alan Chang, reported the condition to Cashman that day. Wang : was in New York on Thursday. : "He's just trying to stay positive and hoping the situation will improve," : Chang said. : Chang was as secretive as Cashman about the specifics of Wang's injury. : Asked if the injury was in the same area as the 2001 injury, Chang had : no comment. He would also not say if he expected Wang, who is 6-3 with : a 3.89 earned run average, to pitch again this season. : The Yankees promoted the right-hander Tim Redding from Class AAA Columbus : to start in Wang's place on Friday against the Boston Red Sox. The Yankees : acquired Redding with Darrell May from San Diego for Paul Quantrill on July 2. : For the moment, the Yankees' rotation consists of Mike Mussina, Redding : and Randy Johnson. The team does not have a starter for Sunday or Monday. : Kevin Brown, who has missed a month because of a strained lower back, is : an outside possibility for Monday but is more likely to come back later : next week. Brown will throw in the bullpen on Friday in Tampa, Fla., and : Cashman said the Yankees would know more then. : Two other starters besides Wang are down with shoulder injuries: Carl : Pavano and Jaret Wright. Pavano is in Tampa for his rehabilitation, and : Cashman said he would not be ready for the Yankees for at least two weeks. : Wright, who has not pitched since April 23, continues to recover slowly : and will not be back until August, Cashman said. : In keeping with the shoulder theme, Redding missed five weeks this season : because of a shoulder strain. He won his only start for Columbus, allowing : two earned runs in five innings, but he was 0-5 with a 9.10 E.R.A. for the : Padres. A 10-game winner for Houston in 2003, Redding was thrilled to be a : Yankee. : "I'm from Rochester," he said. "I grew up watching half of these coaches in : here fighting for the pennant. I could die today a happy man putting the : Yankee uniform on for the first time." : Redding was lined up to pitch on Friday for Columbus, and his start here : will be the first time Stottlemyre will have seen him pitch. Torre said : he did not know anything about Redding "other than he has a pretty good : arm." : Torre and Stottlemyre said Tanyon Sturtze and Darrell May were possibilities : to start on Sunday and Monday. But the Yankees prefer Sturtze in the bullpen : and were not encouraged by May's first start with the team last Saturday. : Cashman said he had been trying to acquire pitching help from outside the : organization, and those efforts could intensify with the injury to Wang. : The Yankees have told teams they are not desperate to make a deal, but : there is obvious urgency to their situation, and they may have to consider : trading for Al Leiter, who was designated for assignment by Florida on : Thursday. : Leiter, 39, was 3-7 with a 6.64 E.R.A. for the Marlins, with 60 walks and : 52 strikeouts in 80 innings. The Denver Post also reported that the Yankees : had discussed a trade for the Colorado Rockies right-hander Shawn Chacon, : who is 1-5 with a 4.30 E.R.A. this season. : --------- : 紐約時報的消息也出來了,看情形並不是很樂觀。T_T -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: