精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(承上文) 因背傷缺席一個月的Kevin Brown也許可以在週一上場,但機會微乎其微,他可能要 下週才會歸隊。Brown週五會在坦帕灣的牛棚練投,Cashman說到時他們才會有確切的 答案。 除了王建民之外,還有兩位投手,Pavano與Wright, 都因為肩傷而缺陣。Pavano也在 坦帕復健,Cashman說他兩週內無法回來投球。至於打從四月23號就沒投過球的Wright 復健進度依然緩慢,八月前不太可能回來。 同樣有著肩傷困擾的還有Redding, 他本季也因為肩膀拉傷而錯失了五週比賽,他在 3A僅出賽一場,五局失三分拿下勝投。但他本季在教士隊的戰績是零勝五敗,防禦率 9.10。2003年他曾為休士頓太空人隊拿下十勝,能夠成為洋基一員他覺得很榮幸。 「我在紐約州的Rochester長大,從小就看著如今已是教練的球員們為冠軍奮戰。今天 是我有生以來第一次穿上洋基服,可說死而無憾了。」Redding這麼說。 Redding原本預定週五在Columbus先發,他此次在洋基先發也是投手教練Stottlemyre 第一次有機會看他投球。Torre說他對Redding幾乎一無所知,只知道他臂力不錯。 Torre和Stottlemyre表示Darrell May是週日或週一另一個可能的先發人選,雖然洋基 對於May上週六的先發表現不甚滿意,但是他們更希望Tanyon Sturze能留在牛棚。 Cashman表示他的確試圖從球團外部補強投手戰力,現在因為王受傷使補強顯得更為 迫切。洋基雖然對外表示他們並不急於達成交易,但目前情況顯然非常緊急。他們 可能考慮交易Al Leiter, 這名投手週四才被馬林魚隊DFA。Leiter現年39歲,今年 戰績三勝七敗,防禦率6.64, 出賽X0局投出40次保送52次三振。另外《丹佛郵報》 也報導洋基可能自落磯交易來Shawn Chacon, 本季成績一勝五敗,防禦率4.30。 (全文完) : Yanks May Lose Wang for Rest of the Season : By TYLER KEPNER : Published: July 15, 2005 : 網頁連結: http://0rz.net/a40uJ : Kevin Brown, who has missed a month because of a strained lower back, is : an outside possibility for Monday but is more likely to come back later : next week. Brown will throw in the bullpen on Friday in Tampa, Fla., and : Cashman said the Yankees would know more then. : Two other starters besides Wang are down with shoulder injuries: Carl : Pavano and Jaret Wright. Pavano is in Tampa for his rehabilitation, and : Cashman said he would not be ready for the Yankees for at least two weeks. : Wright, who has not pitched since April 23, continues to recover slowly : and will not be back until August, Cashman said. : In keeping with the shoulder theme, Redding missed five weeks this season : because of a shoulder strain. He won his only start for Columbus, allowing : two earned runs in five innings, but he was 0-5 with a 9.10 E.R.A. for the : Padres. A 10-game winner for Houston in 2003, Redding was thrilled to be a : Yankee. : "I'm from Rochester," he said. "I grew up watching half of these coaches in : here fighting for the pennant. I could die today a happy man putting the : Yankee uniform on for the first time." : Redding was lined up to pitch on Friday for Columbus, and his start here : will be the first time Stottlemyre will have seen him pitch. Torre said : he did not know anything about Redding "other than he has a pretty good : arm." : Torre and Stottlemyre said Tanyon Sturtze and Darrell May were possibilities : to start on Sunday and Monday. But the Yankees prefer Sturtze in the bullpen : and were not encouraged by May's first start with the team last Saturday. : Cashman said he had been trying to acquire pitching help from outside the : organization, and those efforts could intensify with the injury to Wang. : The Yankees have told teams they are not desperate to make a deal, but : there is obvious urgency to their situation, and they may have to consider : trading for Al Leiter, who was designated for assignment by Florida on : Thursday. : Leiter, 39, was 3-7 with a 6.64 E.R.A. for the Marlins, with 60 walks and : 52 strikeouts in 80 innings. The Denver Post also reported that the Yankees : had discussed a trade for the Colorado Rockies right-hander Shawn Chacon, : who is 1-5 with a 4.30 E.R.A. this season. : --------- : 紐約時報的消息也出來了,看情形並不是很樂觀。T_T -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: