精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/yankees/ny-spyside094418044sep09,0,3234396.story?coll=ny-yankees-print Wang rusty, but he's back 王董生疏 但他回來了 BY WALLACE MATTHEWS STAFF WRITER September 9, 2005 Depending upon your outlook, Chien-Ming Wang's location last night was either very, very bad or very, very good. 在你們注視下 昨晚王建民的控球位置不是太好就是太差 The fact that Wang was back on the mound at Yankee Stadium after a two-month stint on the disabled list was an example of good location, as in his absence, the Yankees' starting rotation has been thinner than the hair on top of Joe Torre's head. 經過兩個月在傷兵名單之後 王董重返洋基球場投手丘 他的控球是個好示範 由於他的缺席 洋基隊先發投手輪值陣容已經比Torre頂上的頭髮還要薄 But the fact that a few of his fastballs strayed too far over the fat part of home plate in the first inning against the Devil Rays was an example of bad location, the kind that makes Torre's hair that much thinner and the Yankees' stated mission - to catch the Red Sox atop the AL East - that much tougher. 在對上魔鬼魚的第一局中 有幾球快速球位置太甜 就是控球位置太差的例子 這讓Torre的頭髮更薄 也讓洋基在美聯東區排名趕上紅襪的任務更艱難 Wang's first-inning blues, in which he allowed two runs, four hits and three hard-hit baseballs, was not the only reason the Yankees lost to the Devil Rays again, but it certainly didn't get the night off to a very pleasant start. 王董在他憂鬱的第一局裡 被敲出四支安打失兩分 還有三支hard-hit baseballs 這並不是洋基輸給魔鬼魚唯一的原因 但這肯定讓他離歡樂先發遠一點 Wang allowed another run in the fifth and left the game with the Yankees trailing 3-0 on their way to a 7-4 loss, their 11th in 16 meetings with baseball's bargain basement bunch. 王董在第五局又失掉另一分 讓洋基隊以3-0落後 終場以7-4輸球 兩隊今年十一次交手 洋基輸了六次 But in between, Wang showed flashes of the talent that made him the one pleasant first-half surprise in a rotation of high-priced disappointments. Showing plenty of rust but no sign of the shoulder inflammation that caused him to miss 52 games, Wang hit 94 mph on the radar gun during his best stretch of the game, back-to-back called third strikes against Alex Gonzalez and Joey Gathright. 但在那兒 王董展現了他的才華 成為上半球季洋基高價卻令人失望的先發投手群 歡樂的驚喜 蠻生疏但卻看不出曾因肩膀發炎而錯過了52場比賽 王董在狀況最好時 投出雷達槍測出94 mph的球 送給Gonzalez 和Gathright連續兩次拿香振(站著三振) "Overall, I thought he did a good job," Torre said. "In the first inning, it just looked like he didn't have the command he had later on, but hey, he's human. It was his first time out there in a while. It might have taken him a little while to get a feel for things." Torre說"整體而言 我覺得他幹得好 在第一局他看起來只是沒有他之後控得好 但是 嘿老兄 他是人 這是他離開一陣子回來的第一次 他需要一點時間去適應" The manager's assessment of Wang was a lot gentler than Wang's assessment of himself. "Just OK," he said with a shrug. "So-so. My location was not pretty good. Too many pitches in the middle of the plate." 老教頭對他的評語顯然比王董自己寬容多了 他聳聳肩說"OK而已" "普普通通 進壘位置並不好 太多球在紅中" Still, it had to be encouraging for the Yankees - who lost Carl Pavano for the season, were without Jaret Wright for an extended period and currently are without Mike Mussina - to have Wang, who had compiled a 6-3 record and 3.89 ERA in 12 starts, back in the rotation. And it had to be even more encouraging to hear him report no pain in the shoulder after throwing 80 pitches, 50 for strikes, in five innings. 十二場先發 戰績六勝三敗 防禦率3.89的王董回到先發輪值裡 仍然鼓舞了整季失去Pavano 沒Wright好一陣子 現在沒有Mussina的洋基隊 而聽到他在投了五局80球 50球好球 肩膀沒感覺疼痛 更令人振奮 Certainly, the Yankees got as much as they could reasonably expect out of Wang's first start back, and a lot less than they could reasonably expect out of their bullpen. Wayne Franklin and Scott Proctor - who combined to allow a reasonably close game to get away from the Yankees in the sixth - and Felix Rodriguez, who gave up the final run in the ninth after the Yankees closed the gap to 6-4, didn't help much. 顯然洋基隊從王董復出後第一次先發中得到很多很多他們所期望的 但卻從牛棚裡得到很少很少 Franklin和Proctor聯手在第六局把拉鋸戰拉得更遠 Felix Rodriguez則在第九局6-4的情況下送出最後一分 也沒幫上忙 "We need to pitch better than we did out of the bullpen tonight," Torre said. That is one location where Chien-Ming Wang can't help him. Torre說"我需要牛棚表現的比今晚好 這是小王沒辦法幫忙的地方" Year of D-Ray The Devil Rays have won 11 of 16 games against the Yankees this season after entering 2005 31-80 vs. the Yankees. The year-by-year series results (Yankees listed first): *2005 5-11 2004 15-4 2003 14-5 2002 13-5 2001 13-6 2000 6-6 1999 8-4 1998 11-1 *three games remaining -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: