精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《heartfree (讓心自由)》之銘言: : Wang's arm, Crosby's bat lift Yankees 王建民和Crosby用精彩投球和執念一擊合力振奮洋基 : By MIKE FITZPATRICK : AP Sports Writer : September 19 2005 : NEW YORK (AP) -- The New York Yankees got one of their biggest hits all : season from a most unlikely source. 從幾乎不被期待的選手中,洋基獲得整季中其中一個的關鍵一擊。 : Rarely used reserve Bubba Crosby led off the bottom of the ninth inning : with his first home run this year, giving New York a 3-2 victory Monday night : over the Baltimore Orioles. Bubba Crosby這個甚少被使用的選手,在九局下擊出再見轟也是個人本季的首轟,並 使洋基以3-2在週一夜晚擊退金鶯。 : About 40 minutes later, the rival Red Sox lost 8-7 at Tampa Bay, leaving : the Yankees only a half-game out of first place in the AL East and tied with : Boston in the loss column. : ``I've never hit a walk-off homer ever, anywhere, even in Little League, : in my life,'' Crosby said. ``And to hit one here at Yankee Stadium, this time : of year, when it counts, it doesn't get any better than that.'' 而在40分鐘以後,世仇紅襪在坦怕灣主場以8-7敗北,使得洋基在美聯東區王座的競爭上 追到只剩半場場差,同時兩隊敗場數相同。 而擊出再見轟的 Bubba Crosby說在我的生涯當中我從外擊出過再見全壘打,不管是小 聯盟或其他地方,而今天竟然在今時今日的洋基球場,當事情發生,我知道沒有比這更 爽的一刻了。 : Chien-Ming Wang pitched eight stellar innings and Alex Rodriguez had : an RBI single for the surging Yankees, who have won seven of eight and 11 of : 15. They remained 11/2 games behind Cleveland in the wild-card race. : Shuttled back and forth from Triple-A Columbus, Crosby served as a : pinch-runner and defensive replacement most of the year. But he has begun : to get semi-regular playing time recently because right fielder Gary : Sheffield's strained thigh has relegated him to DH duty. 而王建民八局的顯著貢獻以及AROD的一分打點安打,讓洋基們的士氣持續高昂,並在最 近8戰獲得7勝,15戰中贏得11勝,同時持續保持外卡競爭中,緊緊落後印地安人隊一 場半的情勢。Cosby本季在Major跟Minor ColumbusAAA中來來回回,而且整季在洋基的 角色幾乎以代打或代守為主,不過最近因為GS的復歸,使他取得準先發DH位置的機會。 : ``When you're in my position, you don't ask questions. You just take : what comes,'' Crosby said. ``I felt a couple of times when I went down, I : might never come back.'' : The diminutive outfielder stepped to the plate in the ninth for his : 72nd major league at-bat this season and drove a 1-0 pitch from Eric DuBose : (1-3) far over the right-center fence. Crosby說當你身在場上,什麼都不必說,就是等待機會,把握住他,我覺得我不必再 回小聯盟。這個名不見經傳的外野手在九下的打擊區內準備就緒,在他MLB生涯的第72 個打席中,於一壞球的情況下,轟出中右外野的大號全壘打,直接擊倒 Eric DuBose。 : ``I pretty much felt it when I hit it. I can't hit it much harder than : that,'' Crosby said. : He pumped his fist as he rounded first base and was mobbed at the plate : by gleeful teammates. Then he came out for a curtain call to the delight of : 51,521 fans. : It was Crosby's second extra-base hit and fifth RBI all year. It also : was his third hit of the game -- he had a bunt single and an infield single : from the No. 9 spot in the lineup. 我想沒有比這更爽的事,我不能在擊的更遠了Crosby說。當他繞過一壘時,他使勁的握 緊雙手,隨後在本壘前接受欣喜落狂的隊友們瘋狂的道賀,並接受51521名現場觀眾的 curtain call,而這僅僅是Crosby本季第二支長打以及第5分打點,而也是他今天的單場 第三支安打,包括以九棒先發選手的身份擊出的觸擊短打以及內野安打。 : ``The homer was the last thing I thought would happen,'' Orioles interim : manager Sam Perlozzo said. : Mariano Rivera (7-4) worked a perfect ninth for the win. : Throwing what scouts call a ``heavy'' sinker, Wang kept the ball down : all night and had Baltimore chopping one weak tapper after another right back : to the mound. 鶯頭Sam Perlozzo說這支全壘打出乎我意料之外。 而MO以精彩投球贏得本季第7勝,而王建民則是接連投出被認為是巨大沈球般變化的尾勁 直球王使球路保持低角度,使得金鶯們不斷將球擊成投手前軟弱滾地球。 : ``The guys were coming back and saying how much the ball was sinking. : We were almost to the point of checking him,'' Perlozzo said. : The pitcher did a terrific job fielding his position, too, piling up : nine assists -- including four straight in the seventh and eighth. The : right-hander got 19 groundball outs overall and only one flyout. 鶯頭Perlozzo說:這小子回來了而且展現直球能下沈的最大角度,我們整場比賽簡直都 在打球給他。這小子的內野守備真是嚇人,竟然完成一個人了9個出局數,包括7-8局的 連續四個軟弱無力的投手前滾地球,而且滾飛比達到恐怖19-1。 : ``He was throwing 95 mph sinkers running four, five feet,'' Baltimore's : Brian Roberts said. ``I don't know how he's doing it.'' : Wang's brilliant performance could go a long way toward keeping the : rookie in the rotation even if Mike Mussina returns from a sore elbow later : this week as planned. : ``He was great. He's been like that the whole year. It's a win, a win : for the team -- but I wish he had won it,'' Rivera said. 金鶯開路先鋒Brian Roberts說王簡直再投會下沈4-5英吋的95英里高速沈球,我真不知道 他怎麼辦到低,而王閃耀的表現足以使他這個菜鳥繼續保持先發輪值的穩定位置,即使 MOOSE本週就預定要回來。而MO也說:王真是棒,整年都這麼棒,這是球隊共同的勝利, 雖然說我個人希望王能贏。(MO真的蠻挺王低) : With two outs in the first, Wang gave up three straight singles to : Melvin Mora, Miguel Tejada and Jay Gibbons as Baltimore went ahead. : The Orioles scored again in the third on Tejada's RBI groundout, and : starter Erik Bedard got Sheffield to ground into an inning-ending double play : with the bases loaded in the bottom half. : The Yankees kept coming, though. They loaded the bases with none out : in the fifth, and Rodriguez's RBI single put them on the board. : With the middle of the lineup coming up, New York figured to take the : lead. But Jason Giambi struck out before Sheffield's RBI groundout tied it : at 2, and Hideki Matsui fanned with runners at second and third to end the : inning. 一局上兩出局後,王被接連打了三支安打,同時金鶯讓先馳得點,而金鶯並在三上,再 度趁者Tajada的滾地球取得第二分,而且唯一的反攻機會GS又被 Erik Bedard逮到,在 滿壘時擊出DP,使得三下的大好反攻機會,付諸流水。 五局洋基終於覺醒,無人出局攻佔滿壘,AROD貢獻帶一分打點的安打,接著中心打線的 GS以滾地球追平比數,可惜A片男在得點圈有兩名跑者下,慘遭三振。 : Notes: The teams play seven more times this season. ... Giambi started : at 1B after leaving Sunday's game in Toronto because of back spasms. ... Mora : failed to run out a tapper to the left of the plate in the fifth and was : easily thrown out when the ball spun into fair territory. ... Derek Jeter : also had a bunt single for the Yankees. ... Wang threw 68 of his 98 pitches : for strikes in his third start since missing nearly two months with : inflammation in his right shoulder. He allowed seven singles, walked one and : struck out four. ... Bedard yielded two runs and six hits in six innings, : with five strikeouts. He is 0-3 in eight starts since beating Tampa Bay 5-2 : on Aug. 9. ... DuBose did not allow a run in his previous six appearances. 球賽紀錄大美藥王週日時對藍鳥因背痛退場,今天先發一壘但在7局時被代表跑替換 MORA有一球以為界外沒跑,結果被裁判跟普殺打幹掉,Derek Jeter有一支漂亮的觸擊安 打,王建民在因右肩發炎而錯過近兩個月賽事後的第三場先發,98球用球中有68個好球 只被擊出7支安打和一次保送,並投出四次三振。Bedard跟DuBose who care? 今天A片男跟GS打的太差 暫時用暱稱給予小小處罰 希望下場小王比賽時要有好表現哦。 -- 佳人遲睡懶梳妝 怡然自得瀲容光 青山一道同雲雨 明月何曾是兩鄉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
allenpeng:有和風味... 09/20 14:04
inkf:被發現了 感覺好像在翻NPB 哈哈 09/20 14:06
qlz:松井的下場真慘...... 09/20 14:07
suancheng:推 懲罰XDDDD 09/20 14:07
Replicon:CBedard跟DuBose, who care? 推inkf大.. i大你真毒舌..:P 09/20 14:12
altr:Who care?哈哈 I like it~! 09/20 14:14
onepiece01:大美藥王...今天至少也有選到BB吧....唉 09/20 14:19
chinadoctor:我剛剛還在找哪句英文有寫A片男~~~~~我認真了....呵 09/20 14:19
eatpeanut:the guys 那個地方翻錯了吧?前面有正確的譯文 09/20 14:18
eatpeanut:剛剛看到一篇記者翻的 錯的地方跟原po一模一樣 orz.. 09/20 14:20
orangeDADA:我知道沒有比這更爽的一刻了。 09/20 14:21
attrom:辛苦了,金鶯教練那段有誤 09/20 14:24
inkf:OH OH 應該是指金鶯的打者 謝謝指教 急著翻翻錯了 09/20 14:25
inkf:還有藥王是我給Giambi的外號啦 我嘴吧毒了點 沒有惡意 09/20 14:26
onepiece01:沒啦 在下沒說什麼 只是覺得口氣可以改點 09/20 14:34
onepiece01:畢竟他很努力走出那段陰霾了XD" 09/20 14:35
onepiece01:翻譯辛苦了 09/20 14:35
LinaInverse:little league是少棒 不是小聯盟 09/20 14:50
LinaInverse:還有下墜幅度是4,5英尺喔XDD 09/20 14:52
LinaInverse:最後當然是推一下 翻譯辛苦 09/20 14:53
inkf:我知道感謝指正 不過我覺得4-5英尺也太誇張了吧 那時候翻的 09/20 14:55
inkf:就覺得怪怪的 4-5英尺超過一公尺耶 這到底是玩笑還是筆誤 09/20 14:56
inkf:感覺金鶯打者講得太誇張了 09/20 14:57
bigfasthead:推 我真不知道他是怎麼辦到低 09/20 14:58
onepiece01:4.5英尺應該是誇飾的讚嘆吧 不過王今天的球的確夠勁XD 09/20 14:57
wjc:推鶯頭:我們整場比賽簡直都在打球給他 XDXD 09/20 15:02
KGenius:為何是MO..不是應該MR嗎 @@? 09/20 15:08
KGenius:Rivera當然挺王.他今天的勝投有一半是王的 XD 09/20 15:09
wsu:Mo的勝投跟王一樣多了~ XD 09/20 15:15
inkf:MO跟MOOSE是他們的外號 暱稱 基迷都這樣叫 09/20 15:30
wjc:給樓樓上,Mo是Mariano的簡稱,沒用到Rivera 09/20 15:31
KeeperOf7Key:是英尺喔XD 09/20 16:52
inkf:四五英尺也超過一公尺了 野茂的指叉都沒掉這麼大 09/20 17:05
f2002:有趣的翻譯 09/20 22:19
Qrz:是GS當DH,而不是Crosby 09/20 22:54