精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Cano can do: Rookie's blast lifts Yanks Second baseman's two-run shot delivers win for Bombers By Mark Feinsand / MLB.com Cano can do:新人的火力激勵了Yanks 二壘手一計兩分打點全壘打轟出勝利 MLB.COM 記者Mark Feinsand NEW YORK -- Robinson Cano and Chien-Ming Wang helped the Yankees bid farewell to the Bronx with clutch performances, as the two rookies led New York to an 8-4 win over Toronto in the regular-season finale at Yankee Stadium. 紐約-Robinson Cano與王建民以關鍵時刻的優異表現幫助洋基隊在 本季主場告別秀中勝出,兩人在洋基隊以8比4勝過多倫多藍鳥隊的 比賽中帶頭衝刺,這也是正規賽季洋基球場的最後一次比賽。 Then, they put on skirts. 接著,他們穿上裙子。 Wang and Cano were two of the three rookies in the Yankees' clubhouse (Mike Vento was the other) to don cheerleading outfits as part of the annual hazing that accompanies the team's final road trip. Not that they minded, given the day they had where it counted -- on the field. 在賽後,王建民和Cano是穿著啦啦隊服替球隊本季最後一趟客 場之旅加油打氣的三位球隊新人之二(第三位是Mike Vento),他 們對換裝這檔事沒什麼意見,畢竟,看看他們今天在場上拿出多棒 的表現。 Wang earned his eighth win with seven solid innings, while Cano's two-run homer in the seventh gave the Yankees a lead they wouldn't surrender. 王建民以七局穩健的表現拿下第八勝,Cano在第七局的兩分全壘 打給洋基超前的機會,而他們此後再也沒有落後。 The win, combined with Boston's victory in Baltimore, left the two teams in a tie for first place in the American League East at 91-64. Now, with a week to go, it's a seven-game sprint to the finish. 洋基的勝利,加上波士頓紅襪在巴爾的摩勝出,讓兩隊在美國聯盟東區 以91勝64敗的戰績打成平手,並列第一。接下來的一個禮拜,這將 會是一場奔向終點線的七戰衝刺。 "We're looking to win every single game, because we can't rely on anybody else to do what we need to do," said manager Joe Torre. "We need to go out and win all the games, just like Boston does. When the smoke clears, hopefully, we'll be standing tall." 總教練Joe Torre說:我們打算拿下每一場比賽,每一場,因為我們不 能靠別人,靠山山倒。我們需要上場,拿下所有比賽的勝利,波士頓 也會這樣做。當球季結束,硝煙散盡,希望我們是在火拼中屹立不搖 的那隊。 The win was the Yankees' 12th in the last 14 games, as New York closed out its final homestand of the season with a 6-1 record. The Bombers finished the regular season with a 53-28 record in the Bronx. 洋基隊在最後一輪的主場比賽留下6勝一敗的成績,隨著這場勝利 ,球隊拿下過去14場比賽中的第12勝,在主場,洋基隊正規賽 季達到53勝28敗的成績。 The sellout crowd, which lifted the Yankees to an AL-record attendance of 4,090,696 this season, also saluted Bernie Williams by chanting his name throughout the game. Unless the Yankees reach the postseason, Williams, who will be a free agent after the season, may have played his last game at Yankee Stadium on Sunday. 滿座的觀眾讓洋基隊球場達到美國聯盟全季進場總人數最高紀錄的四百 零九萬六百九十六人次,他們在比賽中不斷的呼喊著15季洋基老兵 Bernie Williams的名字。除非洋基打進季後賽,本季即將成為自由球 員的他,可能是最後一次出現在球迷的面前,站在洋基球場的中外野。 "Being human, it has crossed my mind, but as a team, we have a lot more things to worry about than my personal future, " Williams said. "We have a lot of very important games to go, and that's where our focus should be right now." Bernie Williams說:身為一個有血有肉的人,我的心中百感交集; 但是,身為一支球隊,我們有比個人未來重要許多的事情要擔心。 我們還有好多場重要比賽,而我們應該全心做好準備。 "It was nice," said Derek Jeter. "But it's not Bernie's last game at Yankee Stadium." Derek Jeter說:這很棒(全場歡呼),但是,這不會是Bernie在洋基 球場的最後一場比賽 。 Staked to an early 1-0 lead, Wang breezed through the early innings, not allowing a hit through the first four frames. The only baserunner was Frank Catalanotto, who reached on a throwing error by Jason Giambi in the first but was tagged out after inadvertently rounding first base. 有了第一局就拿到的一分超前,王建民在比賽初期投球非常順暢,四 局沒有被擊出任何安打。唯一的上壘者是靠著Jason Giambi傳球失誤 上到壘包的Frank Catalanotto,不過隨後在壘包附近遊蕩時被觸殺出 局。 Toronto got its first hit in the fifth, as Corey Koskie led off with a double. Two batters later, Eric Hinske drilled the first pitch he saw into the right-center field stands, giving the Jays a 2-1 lead. Aaron Hill added an RBI double, boosting the lead to two. "The first four innings were really good, then it looked like he was elevating the ball a little," Torre said. "That's where they hurt him." 多倫多藍鳥在第五局擊出第一支安打,那是Corey Koskie的二壘安打。 兩個打席後,Eric Hinske看準第一球打到右外野,幫助藍鳥隊取得2 比1的領先。Aaron Hill補上一分打點,將領先擴大到兩分。洋基總 教練Torre說:(王建民的)前面四局真的不錯,之後,他好像投的稍 微高了一點,他們(藍鳥)就開始欺負他了。 New York cut the lead to 3-2 on Jeter's RBI single against starter Josh Towers in the fifth, but Towers came back to strike out A-Rod with runners at the corners to end the inning. Jeter面對藍鳥先發投手Josh Towers的一分打點讓洋基追成2比3一 分落後,但是Towers三振掉A-Rod留下殘壘。 Towers tossed a 1-2-3 sixth, but after Jorge Posada led off the seventh with a single, Cano blasted his 14th homer of the season on an 0-1 pitch, putting the Yankees back in the lead. Towers在六局連續解決三位打者,不過,七局Jorge Posada擊出安打 後,Cano在球數一好球時接著轟出他個人本季第14號全壘打,幫助 洋基回到領先的位置。 "It was a changeup, but I was trying to stay right in the middle," said Cano, who made a baserunning blunder in the fifth, costing his team a potential run. "I was so excited for that, because I was trying to come up with a base hit to put a man on second with no outs." Cano說:那是個變速球,不過我試著穩住。他(Cano)在五局 有一次跑壘失誤,那是一個可能得分的機會。他還說:我對轟出那 支全壘打非常興奮,我原來準備在無人出局情況下送隊友上二壘。 "He's a good hitter, and he's having a tremendous September, " said Toronto manager John Gibbons. "He could arguably be the Rookie of the Year, and he should be here for a long time. He's starting to fit in; he's very talented -- and clutch." 藍鳥隊教練John Gibbons說:他是個好打者,而且他在九月的表現 真的很優秀。他毫無疑問可以問鼎年度新人,他會在大聯盟佔有一 席之地,他開始適應,他有潛力還有關鍵時刻的實力。 Wang lasted seven innings, allowing three runs on six hits and a walk, striking out three to improve to 8-4. The Yankees are 3-1 in Wang's four starts since he returned from the disabled list on Sept. 8. 王建民投了七局,被打出六支安打失三分,還有一個保送,三次三振, 戰績目前是八勝四敗。自從王建民從傷兵名單中除名後,洋基在王建 民四次先發中拿下三勝,只有一敗。 "He's been doing it every time out," Jeter said. "We missed him when he was out, and now he's healthy and he's picking up where he left off." Jeter說:每次上場他都非常投入,他不在時我們都想念他,現在, 他健康無礙,開始趕進度了。 Tom Gordon allowed a hit in the eighth, turning the one-run lead over to Mariano Rivera with two outs. Rivera walked Vernon Wells to put the go-ahead run on base, but the closer came back and struck out Koskie for the third out. Tom Gordon在第八局被擊出一支安打,把兩人出局一分領先的局面 交給Mariano Rivera。Rivera保送Vernon Wells,讓超前分上到壘 包,但是這位終結者立刻回神K掉Koskie結束那個半局。 Gary Sheffield drilled a three-run homer, his 31st, as part of a four-run eighth to make it a five-run game. Rivera earned his 42nd save despite allowing a run in the ninth. 在攻下四分的八局中,Gary Sheffield貢獻了一支三分打點全壘打 ,這是他的第31號全壘打,本場因此有五分靠著全壘打進帳。 Rivera拿下第42個救援點,即使在第九局還讓對手攻下一分。 "We needed to go there and battle," Rivera said. "Wang pitched tremendous and allowed our hitters to come back, and Cano hit the home run. It's the end of the season, so we have to give it everything we've got." Rivera說:我們需要上場奮戰,王建民投的很好,讓我們有追上的 機會,然後是Cano那支全壘打。球季要結束了,我們要拿出所 有力氣,拼了。 Despite their heroics, Wang and Cano were brought back to earth shortly after leaving the field. 即使有這麼這麼這麼英雄式的表現,王建民跟Cano還是在 賽後被帶回現實生活中。 With the Weather Girls' "It's Raining Men" blasting through the speakers of the clubhouse, Wang and Cano were just a couple of rookies in cheerleading outfits, complete with shiny silver headbands and sleeveless tops with the words "Wanger" and "Robbie" over their uniform numbers on the back. 在"It's Raining Men"(由Weather Girls演唱)饗徹全場的歌聲中, 王建民跟Cano換裝,像對啦啦隊小情侶,戴著頭帶、穿著無袖 緊身衣,背後寫著「王哥」、「小路比」,還有他們的背號。 "These guys have been huge for us, no doubt about it," said general manager Brian Cashman, standing in the middle of the clubhouse with a grin on his face. "Wang and Cano could have been had in the past, but they can't be had now." 臉上帶著一抹微笑站在球場中的球隊經理Brian Cashman說:毫無疑問 ,這些球員對我們太重要了。過去,王建民跟Cano也許被當成運 氣好了點的菜鳥,偶而出包不過沒嚴重失誤,不過,這場比賽後,他們 都已經成長到新的境界,而菜鳥二字,將是過去式。 以上,結合Eric30(打出重點囉)、jurrasic(最後一句,您的解釋 很重要!)、XX9(翻譯很幽默呢..)三位版友的翻譯,也感謝 yadayada轉載本文。讓我們繼續為王建民加油~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pen2:翻得味道超夠的 09/26 14:46
wjc:推啊!!!感謝辛苦翻譯,不過「王哥」和「小路比」真的是....XDD 09/26 14:46
titanzou:熊板的那個照片 有人Po過了嗎 笑死我了 09/26 14:48
dickyboy:我還以為是路小比 09/26 14:48
eatpeanut:推!! 09/26 14:50
ppeniss:推一個 翻得好 09/26 14:56
Gafield:小路比...看成路小比XD... 09/26 14:56
lazysmay:翻得好...推 09/26 15:04
xcubs:push 09/26 15:10
yj71:這篇翻的好啊 XD 09/26 15:11
sunbiba:推"王哥" 09/26 15:44
prince:"allowing a run in the ninth" 應譯為「在第九局失一分」. 09/26 16:24
giina:推唷~~~ 09/26 16:50
Ivangelion:有看有推 09/26 17:21
※ 編輯: hsupohsiang 來自: (09/26 17:30)
Eric30::D 09/26 18:05
harrywu:推 09/26 18:18
bonjohui:推~~ 09/26 19:09
cytang:可以問一下Mike Vento?沒看過他上場?? 09/26 20:24
melinana:推!…開始趕進度了^○^ 09/26 22:09
wardraw:"啦啦隊小情侶"~~~XD 09/26 22:55