精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《yyhong68 (come every now and then)》之銘言: : Yanks Count on Wang's Cool Amid Heat : By TYLER KEPNER : Published: September 29, 2005 戰況激烈@洋基倚賴王的沈著 記者Tyler Kepner 紐約時報2005年 Y月RY日電 : BALTIMORE, Sept. 28 - It was 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, and Chien-Ming Wang : was already in full uniform. He was one of the first Yankees in the : clubhouse, and the Fox network needed him for a promo. It was yet another : example of something that seemed implausible six months ago. : "Before the year, you see the starting pitchers for the Yankees and you say, : 'If they're healthy, there's no way these guys are coming up there,' " : said Wil Nieves, the catcher for Class AAA Columbus this season. "But you : never know. If someone got injured, Wang was ready down there. He just : needed a chance." 時間是星期三下午三點半,王建民已經穿著洋基制服到球場待命,他是最早到的 球員之一,@Fox電視台想請他拍個宣傳短片。這在半年前根本是件不可能的事。 三A哥倫布快艇的捕手Wil Nieves說:「你在年初看到洋基的先發陣容時一定會想: 只要這些人無病無痛,三A這些選手根本上不去。但是誰知道呢?如果有人受傷, 王已經有了萬全準備,他只需要機會。」 : A series of injuries - first to Jaret Wright, then to Kevin Brown and : Carl Pavano - cleared a path for Wang, who quickly proved he had staying : power. He has been so impressive that the Yankees will eagerly give him : the ball Friday against the Boston Red Sox in a game of enormous importance. : Wang has never been to Fenway Park, much less pitched there. He is still : subject to rookie hazing; after his start last Sunday, the veterans made : him dress in a female cheerleader's outfit. But there was no hesitation : about letting him start Friday. 一連串的傷兵出現,先是Wright, 然後是Brown和Pavano,替王建民開了一條路, 他很快證明自己有留在大聯盟的實力。他的表現如此傑出,於是洋基給了他星期五 對波士頓紅襪先發的機會,這是一場非常重要的比賽。 王建民從來沒到過芬威球場,更別提在那裡投過球了。而且他仍然是個菜鳥, 星期天先發過後,他被老鳥們捉弄,穿上女生啦啦隊服。但是大家都肯定他有能力 在星期五的比賽先發。 : "You find yourself in the dugout, and you're not worried at all when he's : pitching," Manager Joe Torre said. "That's the only thing I can go on." : Wang is 8-4 this season, with a 4.02 earned run average in 17 games - : 16 starts. He missed two months with shoulder inflammation but has : become progressively sharper since his return Sept. 8. He has given up : 5 runs in 15 innings in his past two starts. Torre表示:「你在休息區裡看他投球時完全不用擔心,我只能不斷地這麼說。」 王本季成績八勝四敗、17場出賽16場先發,防禦率4.02。他因為肩膀發炎缺陣 兩個月,但自9月8號歸隊後投球越見犀利,過去兩場先發他主投15局失5分。 : "Win or lose Friday, he's shown that nothing really fazes him," catcher Jorge : Posada said. "That's why he's in the rotation. The way he conducts himself : and goes about his business, it's good to see. We're confident in him." : At 25, with no career starts against Boston, Wang may be in the perfect : position for such a critical start. Wright, who is now in the Yankees' : bullpen, can relate. 捕手Posada說:「不論星期五是勝是負,王顯然毫無所懼。這正是他留在先發輪值 的原因。看他總是有條不紊做好自己的工作,我們對他很有信心。」 現年25歲的王從來不曾對紅襪先發過,在這個關鍵時刻先發對王來說或許是最好的 形勢。目前在洋基牛棚的Wright過去也有類似經驗。 : Wright was 21 - also with just 16 career regular-season starts - when the : Cleveland Indians named him the starter for Game 7 of the 1997 World Series. : It was a heady assignment, but Wright said he was not intimidated. He : carried a one-hit shutout into the seventh inning. : "It's just happening so fast, and you're just kind of riding it," Wright : said. "It's not something you think about, because you don't really know : any different. You just think that's the way it's supposed to be." : Wright, who would have won if the Florida Marlins had not rallied against : Jose Mesa in the ninth, remembered feeling no pressure. He felt : invincible, he said, because all he had known was success. : "Your confidence is so high," Wright said. "There's never been a valley." : Wang's story is different, because the two-month layoff was an obvious : setback in his splendid season. But Wright said he sensed that Wang was : always relaxed and comfortable. 1997年,當克里夫蘭印地安人指派Wright擔任世界大賽第七戰先發時,他年僅21歲、 只有16次季賽先發的經驗。這是個令人興奮的任務,萊特說他並沒有被嚇倒。他投出 七局僅被打一隻安打的成績。「一切發生得太快了,你只能順勢而為。你根本無暇 去思考,也不知道這和平時有何差別,只覺得事情本來就該如此。」萊特原本有機會 取得勝投,如果不是馬林魚隊在九局擊垮了Jose Mesa的話。萊特說他當時完全不覺得 有壓力,他覺得自己戰無不勝、而且深信自己一定會成功。「你會覺得信心滿滿, 絕對不會有低潮。」萊特如是說。 王建民的故事有一點點不同,因傷停賽兩個月是他這個璀璨的菜鳥球季一個明顯的 挫折,但萊特說他覺得王一直都保持著怡然自在的態度。 : There is another reason to believe in him, Wright said. Wang's sinker is : exceptional, as Wright learned while they recovered from their injuries : this summer. : "He came down to Tampa, and we started playing catch, and he had the : heaviest ball that I've ever played catch with, as far as sinkers," : Wright said. "If you could teach everyone what you need to make a ball : that heavy, then everybody would do it. That's such a valuable pitch, : and he throws an absolute bowling ball." : The pitch has been dropping better than ever lately. In Wang's past : two starts, he has gotten 35 of 45 outs on ground balls. Two starts ago, : he fielded nine grounders himself, two shy of the one-game assists : record for a pitcher. 萊特說,還有另外一個理由可以證明王是可以仰賴的,那就是王犀利的沈球(伸卡)。 萊特在今年夏天他們一起復健時發現這點。 「王來到坦帕灣,我們一起做傳接球練習,就我所接過的沈球來說,王的球質 是最重的。如果你可以教會別人怎麼把球投得這麼重,那一定人人都想學。 這是一個非常有利的武器,而且王簡直像是在投保齡球。」 最近王的這項球路更有威力了。在過去兩場先發裡,45個出局數有35個都是滾地球 出局。其中一場他自己有九次助殺,僅差兩次就平了大聯盟投手單場助殺的紀錄。 : "The reason for his success is his power sinker, 96 miles an hour," Posada : said. "I caught him in spring training against Houston, and I remember he : threw a sinker in to Jeff Bagwell. Bagwell stepped out and said, 'Oh boy.' : "That's the thing that told me how good this kid could be. We had a lot : of pitchers back then, and we still didn't know if it was going to happen, : but I knew he was going to be up here during the year." Pasada表示:「王成功的要素在於他時速高達96英里的強力沈球。我在春訓對 太空人的熱身賽中擔任他的捕手,我還記得當他對Jeff Bagwell投出沈球時, Bagwell跳開說了句'Oh boy',那時我就知道這小子有多強。那時我們投手人員 充足,也不曉得他會不會有機會,但我知道他今年一定會上來。」 : Now he is up and thriving at the most critical time. Wang, a native of : Taiwan who speaks little English in interviews, said he was "excited" : about Friday's start and had not asked his teammates what to expect. : "Just go to Boston and see," Wang said. 如今王在關鍵時刻挺身而出,這位來自台灣的投手在訪談中說的英文不多, 只表示對星期五先發感到「興奮」,他也沒有特別請教隊友注意事項, 「到波士頓看了就知道」王這麼說。 : The sights will all be there for him Friday - the raucous fans hovering : above the bullpen before the game, the cramped clubhouse and dugout, : the deep and powerful Boston lineup. : Wang will absorb it, and the Yankees will take their chances. They do : not expect the biggest start of his life to change him. : "Nothing seems to bother him," General Manager Brian Cashman said. : "He's unflappable." 這一切都會在星期五等著他:牛棚上方喧嘩的觀眾、狹窄的球場和休息區,還有 紅襪隊的超強打線。王將要承擔這一切,而洋基隊也決定要冒這個險。洋基不覺得 這場生涯最重要的先發會影響到王建民。 「沒有什麼事會困擾他,」總經理Cashman如是說:「他總是那麼穩定沈著。」 : http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/29/sports/baseball/29pins.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
genow:有看有推.... 09/29 16:00
balleys:推,翻的真好 09/29 16:01
f2002:翻的很棒耶 09/29 16:01
hellowilliam:推一個 09/29 16:02
balleys:我輸了,這樣的翻譯,我翻不出來 09/29 16:02
NOrad:推推推...辛苦了 09/29 16:03
Seapoint:推:> 09/29 16:04
uafone:翻的好 推啦 09/29 16:04
patter:翻的好...posada是真的熱身賽就知道嗎?懷疑+ING... 09/29 16:05
crylaugh:洋人的文章就比較讚嗎? 09/29 16:05
pleased:王簡直像是在投保齡球。 09/29 16:07
firekirin:翻得真好 09/29 16:07
VEWONG:推 09/29 16:07
Ariyari:推 看到Bagwell那邊我嘖嘖讚嘆了一下! 09/29 16:07
jared1121:一定要推的啦~~~翻的真好!! 09/29 16:07
PHILOSOMA:推超讚翻譯:) 09/29 16:08
clark999:辛苦了....翻譯好多~練英文閱讀阿 09/29 16:08
turing:記者:太好了,今天可以早點下班了... 09/29 16:10
DK2s:好文阿~~~ 09/29 16:11
JUI67:push 09/29 16:14
crylaugh:看的出來滿多人到今天才同意王的沉著冷靜 09/29 16:17
iddd:好讚!~ 09/29 16:19
eukaryote:翻譯得不錯...不像我看完根本就懶得打字XD 09/29 16:21
wjc:推!!1感謝原PO辛苦翻譯 :> 09/29 16:22
astinsalt:翻得不錯哦! 09/29 16:24
asdfon:推!! 09/29 16:27
rogger:推 09/29 16:27
sunstart:厲害的解讀,有時老外的口語還真難懂它意思,有個範例好 09/29 16:26
sunstart:多了。缸塭! 09/29 16:28
wjc:真希望瞧瞧熱身賽小王對太空人的情況啊~~~XDXD 09/29 16:30
preisner:推保齡球..XD 09/29 16:33
rogger:Oh Boy 09/29 16:34
yuman:厲害厲害,謝謝大大解讀! 09/29 16:35
macaber:如果你可以教會別人怎麼把球投得這麼重,那一定人人都想學 09/29 16:36
macaber:這句話沒看翻譯真的很容易搞不懂他在說什麼 09/29 16:37
balleys:樓上的推文有深度,雙關語喔 09/29 16:37
smw:推辛苦的翻譯:) 09/29 16:36
balleys:推錯了,抱歉 09/29 16:38
onepiece01:推 09/29 16:39
integrated:很順 大推~ 09/29 16:39
HEEROYUYWING:大推~! 09/29 16:40
bluevivia:推推 辛苦了 翻譯的很棒 09/29 16:41
AAaaron:請問..美國的棒球不是沒有講"球質"這種東西嗎?那萊特講的 09/29 16:45
AAaaron:是什麼呢?? 09/29 16:46
doyna:辛苦了 一定要推低!! 09/29 16:48
popolo2008:推~~翻譯魔人 辛苦了~~ 09/29 16:49
attrom:辛苦啦 09/29 16:51
lazysmay:辛苦你了....謝謝你的翻譯 09/29 16:51
owl7:推... 09/29 16:53
chinadoctor:翻譯研究所的嗎!?......太了不起了~~~~~甘拜下風~ 09/29 16:55
bage:有看必推 09/29 16:58
keepbusy:翻的真好 英文真強0RZ 09/29 17:05
DK2s:十樓的某位連這篇也要酸喔.... 09/29 17:09
nsbs:辛苦了,推一個~ 09/29 17:12
lazybonesla:推~翻的超讚!!還有"Oh boy"~XD 09/29 17:17
PenFightKing:我推 09/29 17:20
hsuhuche:這種好人要多一點 這種好文也要多一點.:) 09/29 17:24
daikanyama:有看有推 09/29 17:30
google1: Jeff Bagwell:『噢~小朋友』 09/29 17:31
menxz:翻的真好 感謝 辛苦了 09/29 17:42
malie:推推推 09/29 17:45
kobilly:太神了,狂推! 09/29 17:51
GTWATER:implausible ---難以置信 impossible --不可能 09/29 17:52
arslane:Jeff Bagwell:『哇賽~這小子』 09/29 18:02
noray:If you check a Thesaurus, you'll find implausible also 09/29 18:06
noray:means improbable 09/29 18:06
balleys:原PO出聲了,不過又不見了 09/29 18:10
moboo:好文推啊 09/29 18:13
wardraw:有感動到~~ 09/29 18:38
paradizo:有看有推 09/29 19:01
tied:強者..推推推 09/29 19:03
aircasio:推一個~~大感激~!! 09/29 19:09
ryowu:好文 推 09/29 19:10
gary27:「到波士頓看了就知道」 09/29 19:15
timshan:推保齡球阿 09/29 19:16
funjim:有看有推 09/29 19:24
bbwwman:Just go to Boston and see 09/29 19:28
ray2501:Wright 是好人,小王要多學他的稱贊技巧,會和隊友更好 09/29 19:29
Shanye:翻的太好了 謝謝您的翻譯^^ 09/29 19:46
proletariat:Jeff Bagwell應該是說:『靠邀!球咧?』 09/29 19:49
talk520:謝謝大大~辛苦了 09/29 19:51
yaoyi94:『靠邀!球咧?』 09/29 19:55
hondobaka:好文我推 09/29 20:16
RTY1026:翻的真好! 09/29 20:18
cot:推阿~~~看了真熱血~感謝辛苦的翻譯 09/29 20:28
kasparov:推推推!!! 翻得很好 希望王不會讓球迷失望 09/29 20:35
btojfk:專業水準的翻譯! 09/29 20:42
tlw0709:有看有推 保齡球很好笑~ 09/29 20:55
cartoonbear:好強喔 推!!! 09/29 20:58
gloglo:推阿 大大翻的很有味道阿 09/29 21:00
dddee:先承認是為了賭盤才翻的吧 09/29 21:20
thxmotor:推阿 翻得好 09/29 21:43
tangho66:好厲害 09/29 22:17
chris234:推 09/29 22:22
LGY:推推 這篇看的很過癮 09/29 22:55
bowlling:讚!!! 09/29 23:00
ACGfun:看完這篇感覺好棒阿! 09/29 23:04
URMARS:喔~~男孩 09/29 23:18
lunaluna:大推阿 感謝您的用心與良苦 希望以後仍能看到優秀的翻譯 09/29 23:19
ohkkweining:辛苦你了,翻得很棒。贊 09/29 23:20
alebuda888:大聯盟球員打嘴砲個功力都不弱 09/29 23:31
ogison2000:推 09/29 23:43
coflame:推! 09/29 23:56
Ivangelion:有看有推 讓她爆吧 09/29 23:58
jiunde:翻的真好 09/30 00:09
rogger:好文推到爆 09/30 00:24
FRASH:PUSH! 09/30 00:29
lazysmay:爆吧.....以後還是期待大大的翻釋 09/30 00:31
oumo:這樣的翻譯一定要推的阿! 09/30 00:38
Ivers:推 09/30 00:39
hugo907:爆! 09/30 00:39
chaozhan:推~~~ 09/30 00:42
truekiller:不推不行 09/30 00:46
Kati:好棒的一篇! 09/30 01:17
brant:推推~ 09/30 01:40