精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
波士頓大報在洋基紅襪第二場比賽前報導 Torre非常感謝Wang,Chacon, and Small三位球員的幫忙 (不太會翻譯 大家加減看 歡迎高手在颱風天替大家翻翻) Torre grateful no-name starters delivered By Amalie Benjamin, The Boston Globe | October 1, 2005 Millions upon millions of dollars deep into his pitching staff, Joe Torre still marvels at his most reliable: Chien-Ming Wang, Shawn Chacon, and Aaron Small. Not exactly the trio he thought he might be discussing with an American League East title and a playoff berth far from assured. He had a staff. This was not it. The Yankees had blown a budget -- not theirs, but perhaps the Kansas City Royals' -- on pitching mercenaries in the offseason, bringing in Randy Johnson, Carl Pavano, and Jaret Wright. They had holdovers Kevin Brown and Mike Mussina. Expectations were high. This could be one of New York's top rotations yet, fans thought as spring training broke. Six months later, Pavano is a memory. Brown, too. Mussina was crushed in his last outing, all 1 2/3 innings of it. So Torre spoke for half an hour before last night's game, little more than a passing reference to Mussina and Johnson -- the biggest names on his staff -- crossing his lips. They are his starters, Johnson tonight and Mussina tomorrow, but they have not been the ones leading his team to first place. ''I was mentioning to somebody yesterday, I said, 'We have five games to go. We're tied for the East in the American League and our rotation is Chacon, Small, and Wang,' " Torre said. ''When we left spring training that certainly wasn't something that we could envision. The job that all these guys have done has been remarkable. Really has. ''This has really been a major asset for us considering that when I left spring training, I said, 'This is the best and deepest pitching staff that I've had in my 10 years here.' " The trio certainly come from varied backgrounds. Wang, 25, joined New York without a big league appearance. Chacon, 27, came off the scrap heap in Colorado, and the 34-year-old Small was summoned from Triple A Columbus July 17. All they've done is go a combined 25-7. Torre had noticed Wang and Small in spring training, but knew they wouldn't make the big club. As for Chacon? Torre barely knew him when he arrived in New York (with a 1-7 record) from the woeful Rockies. Torre said he trusted his scouts. The three are major reasons they came into the weekend with a one-game lead on the Red Sox. They're actually major reasons why the Yankees are even in the playoff hunt at all. It's certainly not Pavano, the free agent wooed by both the Sox and Yankees, who now sits on the 60-day disabled list. It's not Wright, who has a 5.61 ERA in his last 10 games. It's not even Mussina, the staff member with the longest tenure (five years in the Bronx), who has three starts of fewer than 5 innings in his last four outings. ''You have Chacon, Small, and Wang, three games in a row when you're fighting for a pennant," Torre said. ''You count your lucky stars." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: aandrea 來自: (10/02 13:01)
iceman0603:我來翻翻~ 10/02 13:05
harryrain:是Chacon不是Charon 10/02 13:09
iceman0603:強者也來翻吧..這篇有點難 10/02 13:13
※ 編輯: aandrea 來自: (10/02 13:18)
aandrea:Torre好像真的很感激 不過這篇真的很難翻^^!! 10/02 13:19
chenaren:我覺得Chacon算明星球員.. 10/02 13:27
gobibear:Chacon不是明星吧... 10/02 13:40
charming:入選過明星賽,怎麼不是? 10/02 14:05