精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《pleased (typical capricorn)》之銘言: : Yankees, Sox in gridlock with two to play : http://www.yesnetworktv.com/yankees/news.asp?news_id=1416 : By Jon Lane : YES Network Online : September 30, 2005 : BOSTON — Win or lose, Chien-Ming Wang was going to benefit from the : experience of pitching at Fenway Park with the season on the line. Wang’s : performance this season has been surprising, inspirational – he missed two : months with shoulder pain that was widely speculated to be a season-ending : torn rotator cuff – and reassuring, even causing Joe Torre to say that Wang : is comfortable in his own skin and comfortable to watch. 能夠在球季接近尾聲時在芬威球場投球,不管輸贏王建民都將從此一經驗中獲益良多。 王這一季的表現一直讓人驚豔、振奮人心、且相當可靠,雖然曾因為肩膀酸痛錯過了 兩個月的賽季,當時很多人認為這是會使他整寄報銷的rotator cuff撕裂傷所引起, 這樣的特質讓Joe Torre說,王總是自在的投球,也讓他能夠自在的看王投球, : After a shaky beginning, Wang was up to the task of opening the biggest : regular-season series between New York and Boston since 1978. He shook off : David Ortiz’s RBI single and Jason Varitek’s home run to keep the Yankees’ : deficit at a manageable 2-1. David Wells kept the Yankee bats quiet until he : put runners on second and third with one out in the sixth, but New York came : away with nothing. 在開局的震盪之後,王承擔起了洋基和紅襪這各自1978年起就一直熱門的例行賽 對戰系列的開路先鋒角色,他沒有受到David Ortiz一分打點一壘安打和 Jason Varitek陽春全壘打太大的影響,持續的把洋基隊的失分維持在可控制的2-1。 David Wells讓洋基打者們一路悶著打,一直到第六局才在一人出局的情況下, 讓洋基打者攻佔二、三壘,但最後仍然無功而返。 : The wasted opportunity was the beginning of the end. An unsightly sixth : inning led to three runs (two unearned) and a 5-3 loss that left the teams : deadlocked atop the AL East with two games left. The night wasn’t a complete : setback, as the Indians’ 3-2 loss to the White Sox left the dueling rivals : in first place in the wild card standings by one game. But to avoid a : one-game playoff at Yankee Stadium against Boston Monday, the Yankees will : have to win the next two games. And if the Indians take the next two from the : White Sox, it could force a scenario where the loser of Monday’s game plays : the Indians Tuesday for the wild card berth. 機會的流失成了厄運的開始(這句不確定)。沈重的第六局讓紅襪對得到了三分 (其中兩分非投手自責分),也種下最後5-3洋基輸球的敗果, 這樣的結果使兩隊在剩下兩場季賽時仍在美聯東區平起平坐, Brain-racking possibilities aside, Derek Jeter said there is one solution to : this mess: : “It’s the same thing,” Jeter said. “We control how we finish. We go out, : we play well, we win and we’ll be where we need to be. This game’s over : with.” 除了絞盡腦汁(這句不確定),Derek Jeter說有各辦法可以終結這一淌渾水: "事情還是一樣,我們自己決定事情的結局,我們出賽、盡力打球、贏得比賽、 然後就能到達我們想到的地方,而今天這場比賽已經結束了" : When the game began, Wang looked more like a young rookie and not the : precocious saving grace he has been since his initial call-up April 27. : Handed a 1-0 lead by Hideki Matsui’s RBI single, Wang walked Johnny Damon on : five pitches, setting up Ortiz’s game-tying single. Typically unflustered, : Wang responded by whiffing Manny Ramirez with a 93 MPH heater and getting : Trot Nixon looking at a fastball on the inside corner. 比賽開始時,王看起來比較像是個菜鳥投手,而沒有展現出從四月二十七號被叫上大聯盟 後就一直表現出的早熟特質。接下由松井一分打點一壘安打打下的1-0領先優勢, 王投了五個球保送了Johnny Damon,被Ortiz擊出帶有追評分打點的一壘安打, 但就像往常一樣毫不受到影響的,他接下來用93英里的快速直球解決了用Manny Ramirez ,並讓Trot Nixon眼睜睜的看著內角快速球進壘將自己三振。 : In the third inning, Wang left a sinker too far up in the zone, and Varitek : crushed it into the bleachers above the Green Monster. Damon got on base : after a rare error by Alex Rodriguez. Wang erased the error by getting Ortiz : to bounce back to the mound and catching Damon in a rundown trying to advance : from second to third. In the fifth, Wang nullified a leadoff walk by inducing : Bill Mueller into a double play, showing signs he would not be rattled facing : Red Sox Nation. 在第三局,王一顆過高的伸卡球進壘,Varitek將它轟出綠色怪物。Damon隨後因為 A-Rod罕見的失誤站上壘包,但王隨後靠著Ortiz的投手前反彈球將其封殺, 並抓到企圖由二壘推進到三壘的Damon。在第五局,王讓Bill Mueller打出雙殺打, 化解了先前保送上壘的超前分,顯示了他在紅襪大軍面前並不會驚慌失措。 : “I don’t think too much,” said Wang, who claimed he wasn’t nervous during : the rocky first. “I just try to throw the ball.” "我沒有想太多,只是試著把球投好"王說,並表示他在第一局的困境中並沒有感到緊張。 : But the game got away from Wang and the Yankees, and the offense failed to : reward Wang for his grit. In the sixth, Torre decided to intentionally walk : Ortiz with one out and Damon on second and face Ramirez, conventional : strategy that set up a double play. Unfortunately, Wang allowed a single to : Ramirez to load the bases. Uncharacteristically wild, Wang walked Trot Nixon : and forced home Boston’s fourth run. He got Varitek to bounce back to first, : but Jason Giambi threw low and wide of home plate, allowing Oritz to score. : “Jason was trying to hurry the throw in and it bounced,” said Jorge Posada. : “Other than that, I thought if we would do the things we’re supposed to do : when he gives us a chance to win … Chien-Ming did that for us.” : “If you look at the rest of it, the walk to Nixon, fine,” Torre said. “But : then the ground ball to first and then the fly ball (John Olerud’s sacrifice : fly to center field) … if we make the play at the plate it’s the third out. 但比賽終究脫離的王和洋基的掌控,且洋基打現並沒有適當的回饋王的膽識。 在第六局,Torre在一人出局,Damon攻佔二壘時,決定故意保送Ortiz來面對Ramirez, 這是傳統上設計製造雙殺的策略。但不幸地,王讓Ramirez擊出一壘安打,並形成滿壘。 接著,王異常不穩的保送了Trot Nixon,因此擠回了BOSTON的第四分。 他讓Varitek擊出一壘附近反彈球,但Giambi回傳本壘時過偏且低,讓Ortiz順利得分。 "Jason試著趕快把球回傳,結果球提前落地"Jorge Posada說"除了那球之外, 我想如果在王建民為我們創造贏球契機時,有做到我們本來應該做的事"(這句怪怪的) Torre說"如果你看看後來的發展,(你會發現)Nixon的保送其實不算太嚴重, 因為接下來出現了一壘方向滾地球和本來應該是第三個出局數的外野飛球, 如果我們有完成那次本壘前的封殺" : Wang’s night was over after he walked Edgar Renteria with two out in the : seventh. He finished with a season-high six walks (one intentional) and : allowed five runs (three earned) to absorb his fifth loss of the season. : “Once he got rid of the jitters, which he looked like he had in the first : inning, he was getting ground balls,” Torre said. “That’s his job. I was : very satisfied with the way he pitched.” 王在第七局兩人出局保送Edgar Renteria後被換下場。他今天投出了本季新高 的六次保送(其中一次故意保送),失掉五分(其中三分為自責分),吞下本季第五敗 。"一旦他克服了類似在第一局中出現的緊張,他會就開始一直讓打者擊出滾地球, 這就是他的工作,而我對他投球的方式滿意極了"Torre說。 : Jeter’s two-run homer in the seventh cut Boston’s lead to 5-3 and made Red : Sox Nation sweat, but the failure of New York’s other big hitters – : Rodriguez, Giambi, Gary Sheffield and Posada were a combined 1-for-13 – left : the teams tied with two precious games to play. On the hill Saturday is Randy : Johnson, who’s ogre-like persona is a sharp contrast to Wang’s serene : approach, but an angry, animated and determined Big Unit could be what the : Yankees need to possibly avoid Monday’s one-game showdown. Jeter在第七局的兩分打點全壘打將波士頓的領先優勢縮減為5-3,也讓紅襪隊繃緊的神經 ,但缺乏其他大棒的適時支援,包括Rodriguez、Giambi、Gary Sheffield、和Posada 這場比賽一共十三打數僅有一支安打,洋基隊最終輸球,並使兩對在剩下兩場關鍵比賽下, 擁有相同的戰績。週六洋基的主投是Randy Johnson,這個怪物般的角色和 王的穩重形成鮮明的對比。但是一個生氣的、充滿活力予決心的巨怪將是洋基所需要的, 以免他們必須和紅襪在星期一進行一場定勝負的生死決戰。 : “We just have to get runs for him and hopefully he can dominate,” Sheffield : said. : “We’re fine. We don’t have anything to hang our heads about. We played a : good game, but we let opportunities get away. We haven’t been doing that of : late. We just have to do better tomorrow. Every game is a must-win.” "我們只需要為他攻下些分數,然後希望他可以主宰比賽"Sheffield說 "我們現在很好,現在大家心無旁騖,我們打了一場好球, 只是我們不斷錯失良機,我們最近好少出現這樣的窘境, 我們明天必須要表現的更好,現在每一場比賽都勢在必得。" 第一次試著翻譯,有些地方不太懂請多多指教 : Jon Lane is a writer/editor for YES Network Online and can be reached at : [email protected]. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: apprex 來自: (10/01 18:57)
apprex:好像修到推文,真是抱歉..... 10/01 18:58
balleys:推,辛苦了 10/01 19:05
apprex:第三段後半沒翻到,反正還有其他兩個版本< 10/01 19:07
wjc:推!!所有為王版貢獻的版友都值得感謝!!!! 10/01 19:11
balleys:推,別因為推文少,下次就不幫忙翻喔 10/01 20:10
abstyle:有翻譯就要幫推^^ 10/01 20:50
yuhnyang:推,辛苦了 10/01 21:25
harryrain:推啊 10/01 22:30
charmer153:推~~ 辛苦了 10/01 23:15
oumo:推 辛苦了!! 10/02 01:58