精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《fangping (koshi)》之銘言: : Wheels come off for Wang 命運之輪轉向了王 : Righty, Yanks fall flat in wild & sloppy sixth : Chien-Ming Wang sinks teeth into glove, but not Red Sox last night. 王建民將沉重(的愁思)投進了手套 而不是用來對付紅襪 : BOSTON - For an entire season, Joe Torre has found his rotation : to be one maddening wheel of fortune, spinning, spinning, spinning, : with 14 different numbers coming up at various untimely junctures, : none of them named Andy Pettitte or even Jose Contreras. 波士頓的報導指出--整個球季以來托瑞發現他的投手輪值表一直不斷的更動著 在不適當的時機 有達14選手被叫上大聯盟但始終找不到像 Andy Pettitte 或甚至是Jose Contreras這樣的選手出現 : And now, in the 160th game - another Yankees-Red Sox do-or-die autumn : showdown - it had come up Chien-Ming Wang. 但經過160場比賽後 又一次的季末基襪生死戰中冒出了一個名叫王建民的投手 : It was not, the manager admitted, exactly what he had in mind : way back in the spring in Tampa when he sent the 25-year-old Taiwanese : righthander on the last shuttle to Columbus with the reassuring words: : "Keep the faith, you're No. 1 to come back. Make sure you remain No. 1." : "You mean to say," Torre was asked last night, "you didn't look : at the schedule and think that Wang might very possibly be the guy : you'd want pitching the opener of that final weekend series in Boston?" 這不會的,經理自認為 的確在他回想起在他將一名25歲年輕右投手送上回坦帕灣的 最末班車時他明確的說著: "保持你會是No.1.之姿回來的信念 我確定你仍會是NO. 1." 你的意思是:當托瑞昨晚被問到 "在當初你不會看到像現在這樣的投手輪值表 且王建民非常之有可能擔任季末最後一週在波士頓基襪三連殊死戰的首戰投手滴" : Torre smiled. "No, that wasn't what I was thinking," he said. : "To be honest, I felt this was the deepest and best rotation : in all my 10 years here. But I'd always liked him, : from a couple of years ago. He just didn't seem to be overwhelmed. : He was comfortable in his own skin." 托瑞笑著說:" 這不是我原本想的那樣" "坦白說這是我這十年來見過最穩固最好的投手輪值表" "但從這兩年起我總是喜歡他" "他看起來總像是個不會被打倒的傢伙" "他總是一派輕鬆" (<-----意即"做自己好自在") : Which, of course, was precisely why Torre felt entirely comfortable : entrusting Wang with this pivotal game in the Yankees' season and why, : after it was over and the Red Sox and Yankees were all even at the top : of the AL East again with two games to play, he felt Wang had more than : justified his faith. Through 16 starts, before and after : a nearly two-month stint on the disabled list with an inflamed shoulder, : the kid had shown himself to be unflappable and seemingly oblivious : to pressure-cooker pennant-race baseball in New York. 當然這就是為什麼托瑞將這場如此重要的比賽交付給王 而能感到完全的放心且給予其信任 在這場比賽結束後,基襪的美聯東區龍頭之爭還有兩場比賽要拚 托瑞認為王沒有愧對他交付給他的信任 在這16次先發中 雖然將近兩個月裡有著嚴重肩膀發炎受傷期前後 王建民仍在比賽時表現出不慌不忙之姿且將所有壓力屢以冷卻的特質化解 想將冠軍旗留在紐約 : For the first five innings of Boston's 5-3 win last night, : Wang pitched with that same cool in the face of the unenviable task : of standing on the Fenway Park mound and trying to keep baseball's most : lethal lineup in check. Then in the sixth, it all unraveled like a horrific panorama of everything that plagued this Yankee team in April, May and June - faulty pitching and defense - when they were seemingly playing themselves out of a race. 在昨晚比賽前五局中 王如往常 在這一點無法引起別人欽羨的比賽中登阪 臉上依舊僅存冷靜 站在芬威球場投手丘上試著保持著他球路最大的致命性 <-----這也怪怪的 然而一連串失誤等事件在第六局如同可怕的瘟疫般蔓延開來 就像洋基隊在四,五,六月那樣有著缺陷的投球及防守般 當時他們表現得像把自己的競爭力從比賽中消除 : Wang, who had demonstrated that composure in striking out Manny Ramirez : and Trot Nixon after David Ortiz's RBI single in the first, : and getting three straight infield groundouts after Jason Varitek's : leadoff homer in the second, could not extricate himself : from the bases-loaded, one-out crisis he had created in the sixth. 王建仔已經證明他可以在David Ortiz首局帶有一分打點安打後,冷靜的三振掉 Manny Ramirez 和 Trot Nixon兩名打者。 以及在被Jason Varitek第二局一上場就擊出全壘打後 三個直接滾地球處理掉這一局 但可惜無法解除在第六局他自己所製造出的一出局滿壘時的危機 : His primary fault was walking Nixon to force home the first run : of the inning, although Torre later suggested that Wang did not get : the benefit of the doubt from home plate umpire Mark Wegner : on a couple of pitches. Otherwise, the next two Red Sox runs - : which ultimately proved to be the killer runs - could not be charged : to Wang's account. 他主要的錯誤是保送Nixon得到該局第一分,雖然托瑞稍後指出王建民在一系列投球中 並沒有獲得主審Mark Wegner的青睞。 否則後來所失的那兩分不應該會出現且算在王建民頭上 : He got Varitek to hit a hard bouncer to first that should have resulted : in a forceout of David Ortiz at the plate had Jason Giambi's awkward, : off-balance throw not eluded Jorge Posada. An ensuing broken-bat sac fly : by John Olerud to weak-armed Bernie Williams in shallow center field : made it 5-1, and suddenly it was as if Torre's wheel of fortune : had once again come up bankrupt at the worst possible time. 他成功讓Varitek把球擊往一壘 這局應該是發生在Jason Giambi把球傳向本壘 就可以讓老爹在本壘前飲恨,可是大吉卻在身體不平衡下傳了個有點偏的球給Posada 使後來一個中外野有點淺的飛球在臂力有點虛的Bernie Williams管區裡形造就了 一分打點的高飛犧牲打而使比分來到 5:1 (Sox:NYY) 突然間彷彿托瑞的幸運之輪再一次於最糟的時刻成為破局 (啥是幸運之輪?) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^(托瑞a輪子嗎?) : "I'd have to say I was very satisfied with the way Wang pitched," : Torre said. "I say that because of all the ground ball outs" : - eight in all through 6-2/3 innings, not including Giambi's misplay. 托瑞說:"我必須說我對於王當時的投球很滿意""因為在6又2/3局中有八個滾地出局, 其中還不包含Giambi失誤那個一壘滾地球" : In fact, you can place the burden of guilt for this loss at the feet : of the Yankee hitters, particularly the 6-7 hitters, : Posada and Ruben Sierra. It's Posada who created the 2005 Yankee battle : cry "Grind It," but on this night it meant bringing rallies : against David Wells to a grinding in the first and sixth. 事實上 可以將這場比賽的錯誤放在洋基的打者身上來檢視 尤其是那6-7棒打者Posada and Ruben Sierra 這是Posada今年於比賽中發出戰嚎~~~~"Grind it(咬牙切齒)" 他們錯失在第一局及第六局將wells擊倒的機會 : Posada struck out with the bases loaded after Hideki Matsui's RBI single : in the first and grounded out with runners at second and third in the sixth. : Sierra, who looks pretty much done, made the final out behind Posada : on those two lost opportunities, which loomed even larger when Derek Jeter got the Yankees back in the game with a two-run homer off Wells in the seventh. 第一局在松井有打點一壘安打後 Posada在滿壘時被三振 及第六局二三壘有人擊出滾地球也贊助了出局數 而Sierra這個之前對戰數據非常漂亮的傢伙卻在這兩次機會裡 都步上Posada後塵後 貢獻了寶貴的出局數 然而戰局變動隱約出現在七局Jeter擊出2分全壘打後,將洋基適時地拉回了戰場上 : When Wang walked Edgar Renteria with two outs in the bottom half, : Torre finally came to get him. He had not shown fright, but : neither did he show command when he most needed it. His leadoff walk : to Damon in the first and bases-loaded walk to Nixon in the sixth were : what really did him in. 當王建仔在七局下兩出局後保送了Edgar Renteria,托瑞上去見了他一面。 他並沒有表現出驚嚇的樣子反而在他有需要時表現出對比賽的制宰能力 他在第一局首打席保送大門及六局滿壘時送Nixon就展現了他的無懼 : "He got better as the game went on," said Posada, : "and the only pitch he got up in the zone all night was the (home run) pitch : to Varitek. We just didn't help him out." Posada說: "隨著比賽進行他表現的越穩定" "而他唯一投的比較高的球正是被Varitek打全壘打的那球" "只是我們都沒有幫到他的忙" (乖喔~~~下次記得打回來^^) : Any other time of the year, it was a credible enough performance : to earn Wang another start. However, at this juncture, under these : uncertain circumstances, Torre is unable to make any such promises. 再今年的任何一個時間,這種表現已足矣替王拿下一場先發勝投 然而在現今這個關頭托瑞卻不能為此夠做出任何承諾 : Maybe things will look a little more promising today : when the manager's wheel of fortune stops on Randy Johnson. : Originally published on October 1, 2005 當經理的幸運a輪子即將轉到RJ身上此時 也許今天發生的所有事情 應該可以用更積極的角度視之 (呼~~~累~~~ keiny初登板 有錯要講喔) (d喵這就是我的大事情啦 XD 等等會去念書) : http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseball/yankees/story/351458p-299792c.html : 連結的畫面也有王建民的小圖片 : 大致上torre教練很肯定王建民,前半段教練對王建民的回顧與總評看了挺感人的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
irelandblue:推沉重的愁思 10/01 22:32
keiny:上面一篇的大大翻的好順阿 (羨慕!!!) 10/01 22:33
ray2501:你翻的也不錯啊,別這麼客氣啦 10/01 22:35
mmmmmmmmmi:推! 10/01 22:38
lunaluna:ya教授的輪子嘛 10/01 22:39
fangping:好文必推 10/01 23:15
ginpaichio:comfortable in his own skin...應該是指他做自己做的 10/01 23:21
ginpaichio:很舒服自在吧... 10/01 23:22
ginpaichio:我猜的....@@" 10/01 23:22
leaveaway:也不錯:D 10/01 23:30
joanrey:我覺得comfortable in his own skin可翻成'老神在在' 10/02 11:31
keiny:恩~~翻成老神在在四夫不錯^^ 10/02 14:37
※ 編輯: keiny 來自: (10/02 14:45) ※ 編輯: keiny 來自: (10/02 14:50)