精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
從上次翻了紐時的報導後,這次再試著翻翻看! 不過我真的覺得上一篇關於洋基新秀以及小先生的報導寫得相當不錯~ 讓我明瞭了新秀成長的路程, A-Rod說得話更令人感動~ New York Times October 1, 2005 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/01/sports/baseball/01yanks.html Tied Up: Giambi's Error Dooms Yanks By TYLER KEPNER 冠軍之路受阻:吉昂比的失誤毀了洋基 BOSTON, Sept. 30 - The Boston Red Sox reversed Babe Ruth's curse last fall. On Friday, they put a new twist on Bill Buckner's. Nineteen years after Buckner's error helped cost the Red Sox a World Series title, an error by another first baseman helped them pull even in the American League East with two games left in the regular season. 去年秋天紅襪隊破除了貝比魯斯的魔咒,就在星期五他們將Bill Buckner十九年前的失 誤讓紅襪痛失世界大賽冠軍的慘痛經驗轉移到另一位一壘手吉昂比身上,而且季賽僅僅 剩下兩場比賽而已。 A wild, off-balance throw by the Yankees' Jason Giambi led to two unearned runs in the sixth inning, which turned into the decisive margin in David Wells's 5-3 victory at Fenway Park. Both teams are 94-66, tied atop the A.L. East. 吉昂比一際猛烈且失去平衡的傳球使洋基隊在六局下半多失了兩分,而這決定性的兩分 使得威爾斯以5-3贏得了這場比賽,而兩個球隊戰績同為94-66,在美聯東區並列第一。 "My God," said Wade Boggs, the Hall of Famer who was honored by the Red Sox before the game. "What are the headlines going to be like on Monday if the Yankees don't make the playoffs?" 「我的老天爺啊!如果洋基沒有打進季後賽的話,星期一的頭版標題將會變成什麼樣 子呢?」Wade Boggs如是說 Of course, the wild card could be a fallback for the second-place team in the East, an increasingly realistic possibility after the Cleveland Indians (93-67) lost Friday night to fall a game back in the wild-card race. But the division race is the focus for now, and the Yankees have their best starter, Randy Johnson, on the mound Saturday. 當然,外卡的爭奪或許是美聯東區第二名球隊的另一個希望,且這希望正逐漸濃厚起來 ,因為笑臉人在星期五輸給了白襪,不過目前的焦點仍放在分區的比賽,而洋基在星期 六將推出他們最佳的先發藍迪強森。 "We certainly would have liked to give him an opportunity to clinch this thing," Manager Joe Torre said. "But he'll just have to get us the lead again, and hopefully we can do that on Sunday. But we've bounced back so often, so we're sort of used to it." 「我們確信將這機會交到藍迪強森的手上,他最終將帶領我們獲得勝利,重新帶領我們 重回首位,且幸運地在星期日也發生一樣的事,我們很習以為常反撲成功。」Joe Torre說道。 For the Yankees, Friday's game brought up uneasy reminders of last October, when they controlled the A.L. Championship Series until Boston smothered them in the end. Mike Timlin finished off the Yankees this time with a four-out save, getting Derek Jeter to ground out to shortstop after Robinson Cano singled with two outs. 對洋基而言,星期五的比賽將過往慘痛的回憶帶了回來,去年十月,美聯冠軍對洋基而 言宛如囊中之物,但紅襪卻奇蹟地橫掃了洋基。而今天Mike Timlin解決了洋基的最後 四位打者,讓吉特擊出了滾地球出局,無法將打出一壘安打的卡若送回來。 The Yankees' starter, Chien-Ming Wang, walked six, a career high, but he gave up only four hits over six and two-thirds innings. He allowed five runs, but only three were earned because Giambi threw wildly to the plate with the bases loaded and one out in the sixth inning. Boston scored on that play, and scored again on a sacrifice fly, which would have been the third out had Giambi not committed his error. 洋基的先發投手,人稱小王,在場中保送六人次創下個人新高,但在他六又三分之二局 的投球,只讓紅襪擊出四支安打,失掉五分,只有三分自責分,其他兩分要記在吉昂比 狂野的傳球上(打擊不狂野,傳球狂野做啥),尤其當時處於滿壘的狀況下,先靠失誤 回來一分,再靠高飛犧牲打添得保險分,如果吉昂比不失誤的話,一切都不會發生了。 The Yankees needed to play a cleaner game, especially with the way they kept missing scoring opportunities over seven innings against Wells. The Yankees left the bases loaded in the first inning and two runners on in the sixth. 洋基需要的是一場乾淨俐落得分的比賽,尤其是他們在這場球賽中不斷的錯失得分機會 ,洋基在一局留下了滿壘的殘壘,在六局留下二三壘的殘壘。 "In games like tonight, you have to put the game away, and we didn't do that," Gary Sheffield said. "We had opportunities, and when you let Boomer off the hook, he seems to settle down. He's a big-game pitcher, and we let him off tonight." 「在像今晚的這種比賽中,你必須把比賽本身忘掉,但我們卻沒做到,我們有機會得分 ,但卻讓威爾斯安然度過了,他是一位大比賽型的投手,錯過就沒機會得分了..」謝飛 爾得說道。 One of the stranded runners in the sixth was Giambi, who was held up at third on Hideki Matsui's one-out double that rolled to the wall in right-center. 比賽中跑得有氣無力的其中一位跑者是吉昂比,當時他被松井的二壘安打推進到三壘。 The aggressive third-base coach Luis Sojo said Giambi was simply too far short of third base to make the turn and score as right fielder Trot Nixon threw the ball in. 三壘的指導教練Luis Sojo說吉昂比當時還離三壘有一大段距離,不足以在右外野手 Trot Nixon回傳球進來之前得分。 "In my mind, as soon as he hit it, I think he's going to score," Sojo said. "But you've got to see the relay, and where the ball was. When Nixon threw the ball, he was too far away from third base. There was no way I would send him." 指教教練繼續說道:「在我心中,當松井擊到球的剎那,我想他可以回來得分,但你必 須觀看場中的狀況,當Nixon回傳時,吉昂比連三壘的壘包都還有一大段,我怎麼可能 叫他衝回來得分。」 Jorge Posada bounced a grounder just inside third, and the runners held as he was thrown out at first. Ruben Sierra then flied to center, ending the inning. Posada and Sierra each went 0 for 4 and stranded six runners apiece. 波殺達接著擊出三壘方向滾地球,跑者只能停在壘上不動,接著洗ㄟ啦打了中間方向的 飛球被接殺,結束了這一局,波殺達與洗ㄟ啦在四次打擊中都嚐了鴨蛋。 Still, the Red Sox led by just 2-1 at that point. They had scored on a single by David Ortiz in the first inning and a homer to center by Jason Varitek on the first pitch of the second, a sinker by Wang that stayed high. But the bottom of the sixth got away from the Yankees, just when they seemed to have it under control. 然而,在當時紅襪也僅以2-1領先,紅襪靠著一局下Ortiz的一壘安打及二局下Varitek 相中一記王建民偏高的伸卡球擊出全壘打。然而六局上的無功而返,造就了接下來的一 發不可收拾。 Johnny Damon led off with a single and stole second, and after a strikeout, Ortiz showed his prowess without taking a swing. With first base open, the pitching coach Mel Stottlemyre went to the mound. The decision: walk Ortiz intentionally and go after Manny Ramirez. 六局下,Damon率先擊出一壘安打並成功盜上二壘,下一位打者遭到三振。此時投手教 練Mel Stottlemyre 上了投手丘,下了故意四壞保送Ortiz的決定,專心面對Ramirez。 "Walk a guy who's knocked in 150 runs for a guy who's knocked in 140," Torre said. "You can have that decision." 「保送一位一百五十分打點來面對一位一百四十分打點的,我想這還合理。」Joe Torre 說道。 After a long foul ball, Ramirez singled softly to left, loading the bases. Nixon walked to force in a run, but Varitek tapped a grounder to Giambi at first. 在一記深遠的界外飛球後,Ramirez 擊出了一支滾地安打,將壘包給塞滿了,而Nixon 則獲得了保送擠回來一分,在此時,Varitek擊出了一壘手前滾地球,機會來了。 All the way, it seemed like trouble. Giambi has a terribly erratic arm, and on this play, he had to charge the ball and fire home on the run. It proved too much to handle. 萬萬沒想到,吉昂比出了紕漏,吉昂比擁有非常飄忽不定的傳球,就在這記傳球之後, 接連失分,到了無法掌控的地步。 Giambi fielded the ball but threw off balance, flinging a throw in the dirt, to the right of Posada, the catcher. Ortiz scored an unearned run, and Ramirez scored another when John Olerud hit a sacrifice fly to center. 吉昂比不規則的傳球,先打到泥土再反彈起來,波殺達再也接不住這魔球,Ortiz順勢 得分,而Ramirez則靠著Olerud高飛犧牲打再添一分。 Watching from the dugout, Torre was not sure if Giambi had touched first before throwing home. Sojo, the infield coach, said there was no excuse for Giambi to be off balance on his throw to the plate. Giambi left Fenway Park without speaking to reporters. 從休息區的角度看,Torre不確定吉昂比是否確實接穩後再傳球,而三壘指導教練Sojo 則說吉昂比那記飄忽的傳球沒有藉口,就是失誤,而吉昂比則一言不發的離開分威球場 。 "When you throw off balance, anything can happen," Sojo said. 「當你失去平衡傳球時,任何事都可能發生。」Sojo說道。 The inning ended with a smooth stop by Giambi on a grounder by Bill Mueller. 漫長的六局下,終於在一記吉昂比正面的滾地球中結束。 But the unearned runs were costly, and they looked even worse after Jeter hit a two-run homer into the Red Sox' bullpen in the seventh. Instead of tying the score, all it did was cut the Boston lead to 5-3. 但這兩分非自責分成本驚人,且在及特擊出兩分打點全壘打後,更顯得無限巨大,因為僅 將比分停在5-3,無法將比數拉得更近。 That was the way it would stay, with Chad Bradford, Mike Myers and Timlin each getting an out in the eighth before Timlin earned his 13th save in the ninth. It was a setback for the Yankees, who had lost just 3 of their previous 18 games. But there is still time. 在Timlin取得第十三次救援成功之前,Chad Bradford, Mike Myers 和 Timlin 各自解決 了自己所面對的打者,對洋基來說這是場挫敗,在過去十八場比賽中的第三場敗仗,但別 忘了還有時間。 "We want it," Sheffield said. "We fought back this far to get to this point, and now we put ourselves in position to get to the postseason. We're not going to let up now." 「我們渴望勝利,我們將靠著我們自己將比賽打回來,且帶領球隊進入季後賽,我們不 會就此放棄。」謝飛爾得說 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 翻完了,不過還是希望版友們回頭看看Young Blood Makes Yankees Rush Into First 那一篇,我覺得那一篇真的寫得很好.. 不管怎樣,若王建民在季後賽還有出賽的機會,我還是會為他加油! Go Wang..bring my dream flying... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
allenpeng:推~~~~~ 10/01 21:21
sasman:推一下 10/01 21:21
yuhnyang:推 10/01 21:21
ray2501:推 10/01 21:22
kevev:還沒看先推 10/01 21:22
chrisbs:推... 10/01 21:23
eukaryote:推你 10/01 21:23
wjc:大推!!!!感謝~~~ 10/01 21:28
f2002:感謝囉 10/01 21:31
TenorTuba:感恩 10/01 21:32
jamiemarch:翻得好,推 10/01 21:32
balleys:推,辛苦了 10/01 21:33
talk520:翻的好!感謝^^ 10/01 21:33
happyoh:對了~有人要說一下Bill Buckner十九年前的那段故事嗎? 10/01 21:34
happyoh:因為我對那段歷史不是很瞭解.. 10/01 21:34
shudcs:辛苦囉 多謝你 10/01 21:35
catcake:感謝翻譯 10/01 21:45
wainn:A-Rod在哪裡? 10/01 21:47
KLEMPERER:大笑推..... 10/01 21:48
thefirst:推推推 10/01 21:51
happyoh:回樓上w版友..A-Rod那篇在12690 10/01 21:52
wjc:A-Rod在12690那篇 10/01 21:52
happyoh:一瞬之間淹沒在眾多文章之中了... 10/01 21:52
ljuber:翻的太好了 來王版可以順便學英文~ 10/01 21:55
integrated:推 10/01 22:09
Hockey:吉昂比擁有非常飄忽不定的傳球XD 可以當投手了XXXD 10/01 22:59
lazybonesla:推~~辛苦了 10/01 23:14
leaveaway:也是推薦:D 10/01 23:45
pttdolby:推 阿飄.... Orz.. 10/02 00:26
wei66:推推~感謝 10/02 01:05
mengda:推 10/02 01:23
boyu888:推!!!!! 10/02 01:23
harrywu:推,翻得好呀 10/02 22:54