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看到小王先發很高興.. 所以先翻這一篇..哈哈... Wang to go in Game 2 http://www.yesnetwork.com/yankees/news.asp?news_id=1431 By Jon Lane YES Network Online October 3, 2005 王建民將在第二場先發 ANAHEIM, Calif. The Yankees' rotation for the Division Series against the L.A. Angels is set. As for the rest of the roster, it's still anyone's guess, though Joe Torre said he's leaning toward carrying 11 pitchers. 洋基隊對戰天使隊投手輪值表出爐,在輪值表出來之前,眾說紛紜,儘管托瑞說他傾向 投手名單有十一人。 Joe Torre hasn't officially decided on the number of pitchers he's carrying on the ALDS roster. "I think it's probably the safest way to go," Torre said. "This ballclub, they do a lot of things. And it's probably more important if you do get a situation where you're going to change a pitcher early that matchups may be what you look for against this team, because they are very well balanced and they are very talented and they do a lot of little things, so we want to give ourselves some options." 托瑞尚未正式決定季後賽投手人數,托瑞說:「十一位投手是比較保險的作法,他們可 以作很多事,尤其是當你面臨到必須提早推上中繼的情況時更顯重要,天使隊是很強的 一支隊伍,他們擁有天份,且有很多的戰術運用,所以我想給自己多點選擇是好的」 Rookie Chien-Ming Wang will start Game 2, followed by Randy Johnson and Shawn Chacon. When Wang takes the mound Wednesday night, it'll be the culmination of a season that began at Triple-A Columbus before his call-up April 27 to replace the injured Jaret Wright. Expectations for Wang were marginal at best, but Wang was the rock of an inconsistent rotation the first half of the season, going 6-3 with a 3.89 ERA before landing on the disabled list July 14 with inflammation of his right shoulder. 菜鳥王建民將在第二場擔綱先發,接著是強森及夏康,當小王在星期三晚間上場時,這將 是小王本季開始於3A哥倫布隊驚奇之旅的頂峰,他在4.27日被升上大聯盟,取代印堂發黑 的萊特,對小王的期待原先不被看好,但王成為前半季不穩定的先發名單中的基石,留下 了 6-3 3.89ERA,接著因為肩膀發炎在7.14進了傷兵名單。 It was first feared Wang's season was over, but he returned, pitched effectively down the stretch, inducing 47 groundball outs over his last three starts, and is now the Yankees' first homegrown pitcher to start a postseason game since Andy Pettitte started Game 2 1995. Chacon was 7-3 after the Yankees stole him from the Colorado Rockies in a late-July trade, and has allowed one run in his last 22 2/3 innings pitched as a starter. But loyalty prevailed despite Chacon having better numbers on the road (6-0, 2.90 ERA) than Wang (3-3, 4.65). 當時很害怕小王的球季就此結束,但他回來了,且表現的如此傑出,在他最近的三場先 發演出了47次滾地球出局,而現在他將成為繼1995年佩提特以來洋基首位農場出身的投 手在季後賽亮相。夏康從洛磯來到洋基後演出了7-3的佳績,在他最近的22.2局的投球裡 只失ㄧ分,不諱言的,夏康在客場的表現(6-0, 2.90 ERA)優於小王 (3-3, 4.65). "I guess if you have to try and analyze it," Torre said, "Wang was the starter before Chacon was. I know I was asked the question, 'Why is (Al) Leiter out of the rotation?' For Wang. Well, the reason Leiter was in the rotation was because Wang wasn't there, and we just felt that he has pitched well enough, long enough, to deserve the shot." 「我想你必須了解王在夏康來之前就是先發投手了,我知道我必須問一個問題,為何 Leiter不在先發名單中?因為小王,而Leiter 在季中為什麼會在先發名單中呢?那是 因為當時小王不在,就這麼簡單,且我們覺得小王投的很好,持久力也夠,且能避免 長打」 GAME 1 LINEUP Torre will employ the standard starting lineup used for the tail end of the season, with Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, Jason Giambi, Gary Sheffield and Hideki Mastui batting one through five. Rookie of the Year candidate Robinson Cano will hit sixth and Jorge Posada seventh. In a mild surprise, Bernie Williams will be the DH and Bubba Crosby, whose walk-off home run to defeat Baltimore Sept. 19 was one of the biggest moments of the season, gets the call in center field. 托瑞排出的季後賽先發陣容為第一棒吉特,二棒A-rod,三棒吉昂比,四棒謝菲爾德, 五棒松井,新人王候選人卡若第六棒,波沙達第七棒,另人意外的是柏尼擔任指定打擊 第八棒,在9.19在對巴爾第摩的比賽中擊出致勝全壘打的克羅斯比擔任中外野手。 NOT MESSING WITH GOOD CHEMISTRY Johnson's seven scoreless innings June 11 at St. Louis were the first step from the season's nadir, when Torre lambasted the team for a careless effort the night before. John Flaherty was behind the plate that afternoon and has caught each of the Big Unit's starts since. That won't change in the Division Series, as Flaherty will again catch Johnson, this time in Game 3. 強森在6.11對聖路易紅雀隊的七局好投,是洋基展開季後賽之路的第一步,前一晚托瑞 針對全隊散漫的表現痛罵全隊,而John Flaherty在當天下午擔任巨怪強森的捕手,至此 他成為強森的御用捕手,而這在季後賽也不會改變,John Flaherty也將在第三場擔綱 先發。 Posada (.262, 19 home runs, 71 RBIs) provides the obvious offensive advantage, but he never clicked with Johnson. The undeniable chemistry between Johnson and Flaherty (.165-2-11) is strong enough to sacrifice a little offense. 波沙達(.262, 19發全壘打, 71分打點)提供了強而有力的攻擊能力,但他從沒和強森搭檔 ,無可否認地波沙達和Flaherty(.1652發全壘打11分打點)有明顯的差距。 "His batting average doesn't show it, but he's still able to do some things for us," Torre said of Flaherty, who had a key sacrifice fly in Saturday's division-clinching win at Fenway Park. "It's such an important part of a game, and when you see something as comfortable as that seems to be, I don't want to mess with it. I think the pitching is too important to worry about the offense." 「雖然他沒有很強的攻擊能力,但他依舊能對全隊有利」托瑞說出他關於Flaherty 的看法,且Flaherty在星期六芬威球場的分區冠軍戰中擊出了致勝的高飛犧牲打, 「那是全場最重要的時刻,而當你看見比賽就如你想像的進行是令人如釋重負的一 件事,而讓他搭配強森絕對比去關心他的打擊重要。」托瑞說 Torre has not decided whether to DH Posada in Game 3 against Angels starter Paul Byrd. 托瑞尚未決定是否讓波沙達在第三場擔任指定打擊,面對天使隊先發Paul Byrd. "I'm not saying we're not going to do it," Torre said. "It's just something that I think the matchups will tell you should do." 「我並沒有說我不會這樣作,我想接下來的對戰成績將會告訴各位我會怎麼作」托瑞說 Jon Lane is a writer/editor for YES Network Online and can be reached at [email protected]. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 翻完了..祝福小王拿到季後賽第一勝.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
happyoh:阿..有強者先翻了... 10/04 12:44
milien:推一下熱心的翻譯者 10/04 12:44
yuliyeah:祝福小王拿到季後賽第一勝.. 10/04 12:47
sylviehsiang:我想請問你翻成印堂發黑的原文 直譯為何??? 10/04 12:48
yuliyeah:the injured Jaret Wright 10/04 12:50
Senphone:XD 樓上的沒說還沒注意到翻譯內容還挺打趣的 10/04 12:50
Jerryerica:推好球 10/04 12:52
hsupohsiang:翻的好~~ 偶祇是快了一點點點而已.. 10/04 12:50
happyoh:因為他太衰了...所以就翻成這樣..哈... 10/04 12:52
happyoh:純屬開玩笑一下..別在意喔..Wright.. 10/04 12:53
COBRAS518:對方要派出Lackey耶! 天啊... 10/04 12:58