精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
April 22, 2006 Orioles 6, Yankees 5 Yankees' Night of Futility Ends With the Bases Full By TYLER KEPNER From the bench, the pitch surprised Alex Rodriguez. It was a full count, with the bases loaded and two outs and the Yankees down by one. Hideki Matsui was hitting, and Chris Ray, the Baltimore Orioles' closer, can throw a fastball 97 miles an hour. 從板凳球員出發的這位救援投手確實讓明星球員A.Rod驚豔不已,當時球數已滿,壘包也 滿了,洋基隊兩人出局,松井秀喜站在打擊區上,Chris Ray這位金鶯隊的終結者,輕輕 鬆鬆能投出97英里直球。 So when Ray spun a backdoor slider, which may or may not have caught the outside corner, Rodriguez was impressed. Matsui froze, the pitch was called a strike, and the Orioles escaped with a 6-5 victory. 所以在這個緊張的Moment要爆了,Ray冷不防地投出了一顆走後門的滑球,可能有(也可 能沒有)擦到好球帶的邊緣,但A.Rod卻一見傾心,松井更是誇張,變得像急凍人一樣, 這一顆球在主審大喊好球之後,一切都結束了,金鶯隊6-5贏得了比賽。 "I couldn't believe it — a 3-2 slider," said Rodriguez, who struck out on high heat for the second out. "In that situation, bases loaded, runners are going. They deserve it." 「我簡直不敢相信,太神奇了--兩好三壞之後的一顆滑球」A. Rod如是說,澆熄了洋基 反攻的熱火,「在那樣的情況下,滿壘,跑者隨時會爆衝本壘,但他們守住了。」 For the Yankees, it was fitting that the game would come down to a delicious opportunity. They had them all night, it seemed, but in the end, the Yankees left 10 runners on base, including 7 in scoring position. 對洋基而言,在整場球賽裡,處處充滿了垂涎欲滴的機會,但事實上,到了終場,洋基 留下了10個殘壘,其中還有七個在得點圈上,這垂涎欲滴的機會美食,最後連一陀大便 都沒吃到....唉....(對不起各位鄉民,有翻譯者個人的情緒用語!) Their scoring output was not enough to offset an uneven start from Chien-Ming Wang, who gave up six runs, a career high, in five and one-third innings. Wang got 14 of his 16 outs on ground balls, but he struggled when pitching from the stretch in the third and the sixth. 洋基隊的得分不夠讓今天表現不穩定的投手王建民花用,在五又三分之一局的投球中, 失掉六分自責分,創下生涯新高,在十六個出局數中有十四個滾地出局,但在第三局及 第六局的投球裡,他卻陷入了泥沼。 Wang's development in the middle of the rotation is crucial to the Yankees, who dream of luring the free agent Roger Clemens but, for now, have to hope Wang can fill the spot behind Randy Johnson and Mike Mussina. 王建民在投手輪值中扮演了相當關鍵的角色,雖然洋基隊有在肖想自由球員中的神人老 克,但在現在這個時刻,當然希望王建民能頂住,撐起在巨怪強森及七彩穆帥之後的一 片天。 In four starts, opponents are hitting .313 off Wang, and his earned run average is 5.48. But Manager Joe Torre was not discouraged last night. 在四次的先發當中,王建民的被打擊率高達0.313,自責分率5.48,但托瑞對他今晚的 表現並不灰心。 "He's still young," Torre said. "Let's not get too impatient with him. He just lost his zone. It looked like he was just concerned with the runners too much, and he was rushing to the plate a little bit. I thought his stuff was good tonight." 「王建民還年輕,或許我們要對他有耐心,他只是一下子找不到好球帶罷了,看起來 他只是太在乎跑者了,太想把事情做好以致於"加緊弄破碗"(<--台語發音),我想他 今天的表現還不錯。」托瑞說道。 Wang would have done better if he could have solved Kevin Millar, the former Red Sox first baseman who was booed every at-bat by the crowd of 51,282. Millar doubled to start a three-run rally in the third, and finished off Wang with a two-run single in the sixth. 王建民或許可以投得更好如果他能順利解決Millar的話,Millar是前波士頓紅襪隊的一 壘手,在每一次站上打擊區,都獲得了滿場51282位觀眾的噓聲,被噓爆了,(別噓我阿 !)Millar從一支二壘安打開啟了三局一波三分的攻勢,且在六局一支兩分打點一壘安 打把王建民給搞下場了... "Normally, I'm not a good enough player to get booed," Millar said, laughing, after the game. "They love me here." 「正常來講,我還不到夠屌讓全場觀眾來噓我,我想他們喜歡我來這裡。」Millar在賽後 一邊笑著說道。 When Millar batted in the third inning, Wang had retired the first seven hitters, six with ground outs. To Millar, Wang seemed to be getting ahead with his fastball, then using his sinker for outs. Millar planned to jump on a first-pitch fastball, and he got one, clubbing it off the base of the center-field wall for his double. 當Millar在三局上場打擊時,王建民已經解決了前七位打者,其中有六位滾地球出局, 對Millar而言,王建民似乎先用快速球搶好球數,接著用超屌伸卡球解決打者,Millar 心想著那我就來打第一球那個快速球,果然被他逮到了,直飛中外野的一支二壘安打。 "Wang's tough, man," Millar said. "His ball moves, and he's got a big sinker. Trying to get a ball in the air is tough on him." 「小王非常難纏,媽的,他的球會跑來跑去,伸卡球像千斤頂一樣重,想要從他手上打出 個機八鳥飛球實在還真不容易。」Millar說道。 With two outs and Millar on second, Wang lost his control, walking Brian Roberts and Nick Markakis to load the bases. From the bench, the Yankees told Wang to work from the windup, thinking he would be more comfortable. 在兩人出局後,Millar站在二壘,小王不知為何失去了節奏,連續保送了Brian Roberts 和Nick Markakis造成了滿壘,從教練板凳區傳出了暗號,叫小王揮動一下手臂,試著讓 自己輕鬆舒服點。 But Wang is slow from the windup, and on the 3-2 pitch to Melvin Mora, Roberts and Markakis took enormous leads. Mora smacked a grounder to shortstop Derek Jeter, but his only play was to first, and his throw pulled Andy Phillips off the base. By the time Phillips landed on the bag, Mora had slid in safely. He also had accomplished a rarity, knocking in two runs on an infield single. 但小王並沒有更好,在兩好三壞面對Mora時,Mora打出了內野滾地球,Jeter接住了,但 卻不小心傳高了,讓Phillips跳起來接球以致於造成失分。Mora用撲壘的狗吃屎方式安 全上到一壘,且帶有兩分打點。 Orioles starter Kris Benson, the former Met, did no better with a lead than Wang. The Yankees tied the score, 3-3, when Robinson Cano lofted a homer into the first row of seats near the right-field foul pole in the fourth inning. 金鶯隊的先發投手Benson也沒比王建民好到那去,洋基一路緊追著比分,當Cano在 四局打出了右外野靠近邊界附近的一支兩分打點全壘打,洋基追成了3-3。 "Any other ballpark, maybe it would have stayed in," said Benson, who left Yankee Stadium with his outspoken wife, Anna, on his arm. "Here, unfortunately, it didn't. It put me in a little bind." 「在別的棒球場,這一顆球可能會留在場內,在這裡,不幸地,他就這樣無情的飛出去 了。」Benson一手挽著他那直言不諱的老婆Anna。 The Yankees took a 4-3 lead in the fifth when Rodriguez singled home Johnny Damon, who had reached on an infield single, taken second on a throwing error and gone to third on a fly out. But Wang could not navigate the sixth. 洋基在五局前因為A. Rod 的一支一分打點一壘安打,把因為內野安打上到一壘;接著因 暴投上到二壘,再以一顆飛球上到三壘的Damon送了回來,而以4-3領先。 The Orioles loaded the bases on three singles, the third off the right-field wall, before Wang got a force at home on a comebacker. Millar came up next and blooped a single to right, scoring two and putting Baltimore ahead by 5-4. 六局下半,金鶯靠著三支一壘安打把壘包給填滿了,接著小王把回到本壘的打著封殺造成 一出局,之後就被Millar打出一支右邊方向的落地安打,打回兩分,讓金鶯取得5-4的領 先。 They never lost the lead, not even in a thrilling ninth. Damon popped out as the leadoff man, but Jeter walked and Gary Sheffield blistered a single to center. 從此,金鶯再也沒把領先權拱手讓人,一直到九局下半都是,Damon率先在九局造成一出 局,Jeter獲得保送,接著Sheffield擊出中間方向一壘安打。 That brought up Rodriguez, who had made the last out of the first, third and seventh innings. Ray fell behind, 1-0, but after a visit from the pitching coach Leo Mazzone, he fanned Rodriguez, blowing a 96-m.p.h. fastball past him for the third strike. 接著輪到A. Rod,在之前第一局、第三局、第七局都是最後一個衰尾出局者,Ray先投出 一個壞球,但當投手教練Leo Mazzone上來跟他打氣一下之後,靠著一顆96Mile的直球他 把A. Rod三振出局。 "We know he's got a very fine arm, and he throws 96-97 and throws all his body at you," said Rodriguez, who kicked at the dirt after striking out. "I took some good swings, he challenged me, and you tip your cap." 「我們知道Ray有著強健的手臂,且投出96-97mile的速球,盡全身精力奮力一投的那種 氣魄,我揮了幾次空棒,他似乎在挑戰我,你們也看到了結果」在被三振後,生氣地踢 了地上紅土的A. Rod 說道。 Jason Giambi walked, loading the bases for Matsui, who had two walks, a single and a double. But after checking his swing on a slider to run the count full, Matsui was caught looking at Ray's final slider, ending the game. 接著,技安比獲得了保送,到了緊張刺激的滿壘時刻,輪到了松井的打擊,松井在這場 比賽獲得了兩次保送一支一壘安打一支二壘安打,但在揮棒揮擊一顆滑球後造成了滿球 數,而松井看著最後一顆滑球進入本壘版,三振出局,比賽結束。 "I took it because I thought it was a ball," Matsui said through an interpreter, but the only opinion that counted belonged to the plate umpire, Phil Cuzzi. Ray was happy for it. "Obviously it probably started a little bit outside," he said, "but it was called a strike, and that's all that matters." 「我緊盯著這顆滑球因為我覺得是顆壞球」松井透過翻譯人員表達他的意見,但唯一有 用的是主審Phil Cuzzi所說的意見--Strike Out and Game is Over... Ray對這顆球相當滿意,他說「顯然地這顆球是有那麼一點點外側,但主審判了好球, 事情就是這麼一回事。」 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 翻完了,好累,用高亮度的是跟小王有關的,如果懶得看可以直接看高亮度的段落就好 了,希望小王再接再厲..早日找回自己..別忘了你可是王建民,我們的王建民。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: happyoh 來自: (04/22 17:06)
Celts3:有看有推:) 翻得很不錯耶! 04/22 17:06
eaquson:頭推!! 04/22 17:07
kingkobe:推 04/22 17:07
eaquson:@@ 04/22 17:07
nogoodlaugh:翻得好 看來原po情緒有反映到翻譯裡! 04/22 17:07
bokituto:翻的很有趣 推! 04/22 17:08
idiotwind:有看有推...辛苦啦!!! 04/22 17:08
jack555:推~Y 04/22 17:11
freedoms:翻譯的好傳神~辛苦了,小王加油! 04/22 17:13
※ 編輯: happyoh 來自: (04/22 17:23)
Alexander31:最後一段沒翻到主要是Ray也承認那球偏外,但裁判判好 04/22 17:21
happyoh:對不起,修到了不知道誰的推文... 04/22 17:23
nunu0318:推很棒的翻譯... 04/22 17:36
dalireal:推 讚讚讚 04/22 17:41
Eric0605:推 04/22 17:49
crazycone:Benson 不是跟他老婆 Anna Benson 離婚了? 04/22 17:57
happyoh:回樓上,阿哉..這是這篇文章八卦的部分.... 04/22 18:01
charmer153:推推推!!!! 04/22 18:06
happyoh:要看Anna八卦與玉照的請連上面網址..ccc... 04/22 18:08
x8235:第一次看英文在對照你的翻譯 真他馬翻的夠神... 04/22 18:13
happyoh:http://www.annabenson.net/gallery.htm 這裡有很多照片 04/22 18:13
happyoh:是Anna當Model的照片...不知道他跟Benson為啥要離婚.. 04/22 18:15
joeib2004:有看有推...辛苦啦!!! 04/22 18:24
oldlu2002:翻得相當傳神.. 04/22 18:31
harryrain:推一下~~ 04/22 18:38
sunbiba:推推!! 04/22 18:38
zxbnm:H大 翻的真傳神 大推 04/22 18:42
dojob:翻得太讚了 04/22 18:57
ginsnow:大推...翻的好..看的真爽 04/22 19:00
beautyest:有看有推 04/22 19:39
aikobz:推一下,讚~~ 04/22 19:49
kkhi:翻的好 ~ ^^ 04/22 19:57
Coneko:想要從他手上打出個機八鳥飛球實在還真不容易 04/22 20:07
fleece:我想問為什麼大家說benson離婚,賽揚獎就不成立呢?難道得 04/22 20:14
fleece:獎還要看你的婚姻狀態嗎? 04/22 20:15
leewavewater:喜歡這種帶有鄉民味的譯文~~大推啦 04/22 20:37
sickiam:復合了...袁定文消息 lag 04/22 20:42
yuehfeng:推! 04/22 21:29
seanken:PUSH 04/22 21:39
diablofish:push~~ 04/22 21:48
windward:推~ 04/22 21:52
kvw:推 機八鳥飛球 XD 04/22 21:59
postino09:推~~~~~ 04/22 22:17
kaku216:辛苦了 04/22 23:05
sykcurve:wind up 指的不是揮動手臂 而是在滿壘時用開放式投球 04/22 23:20
sykcurve:所以才會說他的wind up slow...讓跑者可以離得很大 04/22 23:21
sykcurve:進而導致那隻兩分打點的內安 04/22 23:22
happyoh:感謝樓上S大 解了我的惑... 04/22 23:24
sykcurve:^^ 我不是S大 我是S洨XD 04/22 23:46
Suplav:很好笑 04/23 00:53