精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Wang shines as Yanks blank A's 王建民發威,洋基技壓運動家。 Righty fires eight scoreless frames; A-Rod, Bernie homer 強力右投飆出八局未失分的表現, A-Rod、Bernie 各擊出全壘打。 記者 Mark Feinsand 出處 MLB.com NEW YORK -- With Hideki Matsui and Gary Sheffield sidelined by injury, the Yankees' offense was missing two of its most important cogs on Friday night. 當松井秀喜與 Gary Sheffield 都因傷缺賽,洋基在周五的比賽中可以算是少了 兩門重砲。 The way Chien-Ming Wang pitched against the A's, it didn't make much of a difference. 然而,有了王建民對上運動家隊時的這番壓制力,少了兩門重砲似乎沒那麼嚴重。 Wang shut Oakland out over eight innings, while Alex Rodriguez gave the right-hander all the run support he would need, drilling a solo home run. 王建民讓運動家隊度過八局的無得分窘境,而 Alex Rodriguez 則給這位右投手 即時的助力,轟出一支陽春全壘打。 The end result was a 2-0 win for the Yankees, who bounced back with a crisp game after losing a tough one to the Red Sox on Thursday. 洋基最終以2-0拿下勝利,走出前晚令人難受的敗北低潮。 "It was nice to bounce back," Rodriguez said. "Wang was the star of the day. He threw the ball incredibly; the best he's thrown all year. It was refreshing to have a well-played game on both sides." Rodriguez 說:「能夠走出敗績總是不錯。王建民是今天的焦點、明星。他的投 球不可思議,是他一年以來最好的一次。有場攻守俱佳的比賽令人振奮。」 Wang allowed three hits and walked two batters, but he induced four double plays, facing just one batter over the minimum. 王建民被擊出3支安打、投出2次保送,但他製造了4次雙殺,距離八局面對24位 打者的完美成果只差一個人次(今日王建民面對了25個打席)。 "It was a great pitching performance," said Johnny Damon. "One this team seriously needed." Johnny Damon 說:「這場(王建民)真的投得很好。我們正需要這種表現。」 Barry Zito pitched a gem of his own, giving up one run over six innings, his only mistake coming in the sixth when A-Rod drilled a 1-0 pitch over the wall in left-center field. Zito, who is 1-1 with a 0.87 ERA in his last three starts, allowed five hits and walked four, striking out four. Barry Zito 同樣拿出紮實的成績,六局失一分,這一分是在面對 A-Rod 時所掉。 在六局時, A-rod 在球數1-0時轟出一支飛向左外野的全壘打。目前1勝1負 過去三次先發ERA 0.87的 Zito 被擊出5支安打,保送了4個打者,有 4次三振。 "When you looked at the matchup, Wang against Zito, it didn't seem like it favored us," Torre said. "To have a game that close, pitching against Barry Zito, you have to be impressed. Wang needed one like this." Torre 說:「當你看著兩邊的投手,王建民對 Zito,局面看起來不會是倒向我們。 對上 Barry Zito,比數如此接近,你真的該對這樣的表現感到驚豔。王建民這樣的 表現對他很重要。」 Wang was as efficient as ever, facing three batters in each of the first five innings. He got plenty of help from his infielders, as Robinson Cano and Andy Phillips made some tremendous plays on the right side of the diamond. 王建民,一如往常的有高效率,在前面五局都只面對三個人次的打者。他也從 Robinson Cano、Andy Phillips 等內野手身上得到不少助力,今天內野可是出 現不少精彩好球。 It wasn't until the sixth inning that Oakland even left a man on base, as Wang erased baserunners with double plays in the second, third and fifth innings. 運動家隊直到六局才留下殘壘,王建民在前面二、三與五局都以雙殺解決了跑壘者。 "He lost the strike zone a time or two, but every time he got a man on, he got the ground ball for double plays," Torre said. "He was in so much command tonight." Torre 說:「他有一兩次找不到好球帶、被擊出安打,但每次有人上壘,他又能 製造雙殺。今晚,他真的握有對手的生殺大權。」 With the game still scoreless in the sixth, A-Rod crushed a 1-0 changeup from Zito over the wall in left-center field. The homer was the second in three games for A-Rod, both of which accounted for the game-winning run. 在比賽雙方都掛零六局後, A-Rod 逮住 Zito 一球 changeup 送向左外野。這 是 A-Rod 三場內第二發,而且他兩發都讓球隊超前。 "It was a game-winning home run; it always feels good to do that," Rodriguez said. "The way both guys were throwing, you got the feeling that one run would be the difference -- and it was." A-Rod 說:「這是超前分,能打出超前分總是很棒。今晚兩邊投手的表現讓你隱約 知道一分就會改變戰局,而結果真的如此。」 "I don't know if he was sitting on it or what, but he stayed on that ball real well," Zito said. "It wasn't so much a bad pitch, but maybe bad pitch selection." Zito 說:「我不知道他是猜中還是怎樣,但他跟著那球,跟得很緊。那球投得不差 也許只是我不該選擇那個球種。」 In his last nine games, Rodriguez has three homers and 10 RBIs, including game-winning hits against the Devil Rays, Red Sox and A's. 過去9場比賽, Rodriguez 有三發全壘打10個 RBI,包括對上三支球隊 時的勝利安打。 "Over the last 10 days, my RBIs have all been very important, going back to the Tampa hit," Rodriguez said. "It's pretty cool." Rodriguez 說:「過去十天內。我的RBI都很關鍵,想到對上魔鬼魚的那球, 那真的很酷。」 "We're all pleased for him because it's helping us, but more importantly, it's going to help him help us," Torre said. "He fights himself a lot, so a couple of big, go-ahead home runs have to do a world for his confidence." Torre 說:「我們很為他高興,因為他的表現幫助了球隊,他好球隊就好。他 對自己有些質疑,所以,有幾次重要、關鍵的表現對於他的自信心很有助益。」 Wang made the run stand up, pitching the seventh and eighth without any problems. Of the 24 outs Wang recorded, 20 came on ground balls, mostly the result of sinkers and sliders with plenty of late movement. Of Wang's 85 pitches, only five of them were swinging strikes. 王建民讓計分板上的那個「1」意義非凡,因為他在第7、8局安全過關。在 他的24個出局數中,有20個滾地球出局,大部份是因為他的伸卡球、以及 後段動態相當大的滑球造成的。王建民投出的85球中,只有5個好球是揮棒 落空。 "Any time that Wang pitches, as an infielder, you know it's going to be an active day out there," A-Rod said. "He had 20 ground-ball outs; that's incredible." A-Rod 說:「看到王建民出場,內野手就知道今天有得忙了。20個滾地球出局, 不可思議...。」 Bernie Williams added a solo home run against Randy Keisler in the eighth, giving New York an insurance run. Bernie Williams 在第八局面對 Randy Keisler 時又轟出一發陽春彈,讓洋基 真的站穩。 Mariano Rivera tossed a scoreless ninth to record his seventh save of the season. Mariano Rivera 投出無失分的第九局,拿下本季第七個救援點。 "You have to figure this is the type of game we're going to have to win," Torre said. "We're going to have to get used to playing close games, so the more we do it, the less strange it's going to appear." Torre 說:「你要知道這就是我們該找出致勝之道的比賽,我們必須要習慣 在比分接近的情況下勝出,當我們越來越能夠掌握這種比賽,我們就越來越 不怕進入這種情況。」 Mark Feinsand is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its club -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kevev:有看有推 05/14 10:44
rfi:good! 05/14 10:46
cpur2001:推推推! 05/14 10:47
h0304126:翻的好!!大推啊~~ 還是國外記者報導的中肯啊 05/14 10:48
sunman79979:推~~ 05/14 10:51
Sfly:翻得真好.... 05/14 10:56
kennypippen:^^ 05/14 10:57
chijey:翻的好!! go 05/14 11:05
oddhand:推翻譯 05/14 11:12
starwar:推呀 05/14 11:31
Nelson872:推翻譯 這篇其實已經翻過好幾次 原文出現更多次 05/14 11:48
oumo:推~~~辛苦了啊 05/14 12:21
leaveaway:好 05/14 12:23
troyasap:FAITH~ HYDE~ 05/14 12:51
charmer153: 推 看到王建民出場,內野手就知道今天有得忙了 XD 05/14 12:59
chogosu:英語教學? 05/14 13:37
sandpaper:wa!!! h大要不要開班授課阿XD..掌生殺大權翻的真好 05/14 13:59
thxmotor:推翻譯..你是中文系的嗎...翻得真好 05/14 14:09
cerruti1881:推推 Changeup 變速球跟 RBI 打點有翻就更完美了~ 05/14 14:19
aikobz:推推~~翻的不錯 05/14 15:19
waqw:不推不行XD 05/14 17:10
PHILOSOMA:翻得真棒…有看有推 05/14 19:04
gchee:高手 推一個 尤其推這句'內野手就知道今天有得忙了' 05/14 20:33
seanken:GOOD 05/14 22:18
kkhi:看翻譯 練英文^^ 謝謝 05/14 23:44
datoan:翻的真好!! 05/15 00:30
superwei:好翻譯 05/15 10:12
potatoes:好! 推推! 05/15 16:52
hsuwei:推 05/16 08:46