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Time With the Yankees Helps Girardi, Just Not on This Night By JOE LAPOINTE Published: June 24, 2006 Joe Torre began managing almost three decades ago and at this stage of his career he can enjoy the success of his coaching proteges like Willie Randolph of the Mets and Joe Girardi of Florida. Girardi brought his young and surprising Marlins to Yankee Stadium last night for a three-game interleague series and lost to his mentor, 6-5, with a sloppy performance by the Marlins, who nevertheless mounted two comebacks. But it was not enough to defeat starter Chien-Ming Wang (8-3) and two relief pitchers, who were aided by three hits and three runs batted in from Jorge Posada and three hits each from Alex Rodriguez and Andy Phillips. Wang tied Mike Mussina and Randy Johnson for the team lead in victories by going seven innings and giving up four runs and nine hits with no walks and two strikeouts. Kyle Farnsworth allowed one run in the eighth before Mariano Rivera retired the side in the ninth for his 15th save. Today's game, which begins at 4 p.m., will be preceded by the annual Old-Timers' event. The young Marlins players said they were looking forward to it and some brought their parents with them to watch the festivities. Johnny Damon, a veteran center fielder who is in his first season as a Yankee, said he was looking forward to it for more than sentimental reasons. "The way our team's been turning over players, we might be scouting," Damon said of the old timers. One of those participants will be Girardi, a Yankee on Torre's first World Series championship team in 1996. In the sixth game of that series, Girardi had a run-scoring triple against Atlanta's Greg Maddux. The two managers speak often and they can commiserate about what happens to young players thrust into new surroundings with bright spotlights on a big stage. At home, the Marlins play in a football stadium before an average crowd of 11,091, the lowest in baseball. But last night in the Bronx, before 54,025 fans in the House that Ruth Built, the Marlins were Broadway-worthy only in the sense of a comedy of errors. They were charged with three errors and could have been booked for a couple more. After missing several ground balls on the infield, they misplayed caroms off the unfamiliar outfield walls and allowed a pop fly to fall safely between two infielders. Still, they managed 12 hits, including three from shortstop Hanley Ramirez, who also made two errors. "They certainly settled in and played us a tough ballgame," Torre said. Asked if that might be a credit to Girardi, Torre replied: "I certainly believe that. He's always been a tough competitor. The toughness on top of the intelligence is a pretty good combination." The Marlins had won 10 of their previous 11 games. Referring to Girardi's years as a Yankees catcher from 1996 through 1999, Torre said he relied on him to assess the mood among the pitchers and in the clubhouse. "He always walked around pretty confident for a guy who hit .250 most of his life," Torre said. "That's saying something. You trusted him." If Girardi only could have trusted his fielders. The Marlins made three errors in the first inning and could have been charged with another as the Yankees took a 3-0 lead against Brian Moehler (5-6). The Yankees left the bases loaded that inning and again in the fourth and stranded 13 runners over all. Wang's worst inning was the second, when he gave up three runs on three consecutive hits, the first on doubles by Jeremy Hermida and Josh Willingham and the next two on a home run by Miguel Olivo. In his previous game, Wang lost, 3-2, in Washington on Sunday after giving up a two-run homer in the bottom of the ninth. Torre said he and Ron Guidry, the pitching coach, assured Wang they were happy with him despite that defeat. Torre said he had to remind himself that Wang, so calm and dependable with his consistent sinking fastball, is 26 and only in his second season. Wang said afterward that Torre's words "made me feel better" and said he felt "very comfortable" and "smooth" in throwing his fastball up to 97 miles an hour last night. He told Torre he could have continued after seven innings; Torre said Guidry told Wang no. Rodriguez, who has increased his average to .287, said of Wang's defeat Sunday : "The whole team felt devastated for him because he did such a great job. But he bounced back." Damon said of Wang: "He's been amazing for us all year. He threw strikes, got ground balls, got double plays." http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/24/sports/baseball/24yanks.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
loh:麻煩翻譯大大了...一樣貢獻3000P幣(後面有一點點王的訪問>///< 06/24 12:53
MaxLJ:哈哈!loh講話了 06/24 12:58
chipin:後半段主要講TORRE安慰王 A-ROD和DAMON稱讚王投得不錯 06/24 12:59
chipin:還有 王今天想繼續投第八局 但是TORRE說不行 06/24 12:59
ljuber:小王好屌 還說想投第八局 被教頭說no 06/24 13:03
ljuber:其實小王是想要降點防禦率吧 XD 06/24 13:04
cms5816:推 loh講話了 XD.. 06/24 13:04
koippo:XDDDDDDDDDDD loh講話頗具新聞性 06/24 13:10
eaquson:感覺不好翻QQ 06/24 13:12
mmx9797:別擔心~~版上翻譯魔人超多~~比專業更專業 06/24 13:14
Devilskiss:loh也會推文 難得 哈哈 06/24 13:14
silcon:呵呵 看到你推文 覺得挺開心的 cc 06/24 13:17
japen768:loh 愛妳唷........cc 06/24 13:22
rresonance:有默契...我在洋基板翻了 轉過來了 06/24 14:41