精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《loh (loh)》之銘言: NATIONALS ROLL AS WANG GIVES UP WALK-OFF HOMER 國民隊用全壘打跟王建民說再見 By GEORGE KING June 19, 2006 -- WASHINGTON, D.C. - Ryan Zimmerman watched Chien-Ming Wang take the mound for the ninth inning instead of Mariano Rivera and a thought hit the Nationals' third baseman. "Even Superman has to rest sometime," Zimmerman said of Rivera, who was not asked to protect a one-run lead in the final frame. 當第九局走上投手丘的是王葛格而不是MO的那個moment Ryan Zimmerman心想「MO你也該休息了吧!嘿嘿嘿~~」 Having told Rivera he wasn't going to hurl for a third straight day and not wanting to use Scott Proctor for a fourth time in five games and giving Kyle Farnsworth's balky back a second day of rest, Joe Torre let Wang hit in the ninth and pitch the home half of the inning. Torre讓王葛格繼續投下去的原因是燃燒的牛棚 MO已經連兩天出賽,Proctor在最近五場比賽也投了三場 Farnsworth也需要一天的休息 (這段不太會翻 >"<) When Wang got Jose Guillen on a grounder to the right side, the Yankees were two outs away from celebrating a sensational pitching effort. 當王葛格讓Jose Guillen擊出滾地球出局時 洋基只要再兩個出局數就能慶祝這場勝利 由王建民精彩的投球內容獲得的勝利 Even Marlon Anderson's pinch-hit, ground single to right didn't dim their hopes. One pitch later they trudged off RFK Stadium's turf 3-2 losers when Zimmerman spanked a first-pitch sinker that didn't sink over the left-field fence for a game-winning homer. 既使Marlon Anderson擊出安打,洋基也毫不擔心 但是,Zimmerman第一球就把王葛格失投的sinker咬出左外野全壘打牆外 3:2逆轉比賽,洋基也只能拖著沈重的步伐離開RFK球場 "The kid was courageous today," Torre said of Wang, who fell to 7-3 with the hard-luck defeat that was watched by 45,157 sweaty customers. "He got two ground balls to start the ninth, got a pitch up and lost the ball game." 「這小子今天很猛。」Torre說著 「第九局前兩個打者都擊出滾地球,但唯一的失投卻輸了這場比賽」 在45,157名觀眾的見證下,王葛格冤枉的輸了這場比賽,戰績也變成了7剩3敗 "I threw it bad," Wang said of the fateful pitch. "It was a sinker up." 王葛格:「我投的遭透了,那顆伸卡球沒掉下來」 While lefty specialist Mike Myers and Proctor were throwing in the bullpen, Torre didn't intend to bring them in. If he used Myers for the left-handed hitting Anderson, Frank Robinson likely would have countered with the right-handed hitting Matthew LeCroy. As for Proctor, he was coming into the game only if Torre saw Wang fade or lose the strike zone. 既使換Myers面對左打的Anderson Robinson也可能換右打的LeCroy代打 而除非王建民沒體力或是找不到好球帶 Proctor也不太可能上場 因此雖然Myers和Proctor在牛棚熱身 Torre仍不打算換他們上去投 While Wang inhaled a loss on his 107th pitch that produced the fifth homer he has surrendered, the misbehaving sinker wasn't the Yankees' only problem. 王建民這場比賽的第107球,卻是他本季被擊出的第五支全壘打 Mike O'Connor, a soft-tossing 25-year-old lefty making his 11th career start, allowed one run and four hits in seven innings to help send the Yankees to their seventh loss in 10 games. 另一方面,O'Connor這名25歲的左投 在7局投球中只被擊出一支安打失一分 精彩的投球加上致命的再見全壘打 使得洋基輸了這場比賽,吞下最近10場比賽中的第7場敗戰 Yet, when Alex Rodriguez ripped a two-out, RBI double to the left-center gap in the eighth that scored Melky Cabrera from first, the Yankees had a 2-1 lead going to the ninth. 把鏡頭拉回8局上,A-Rod從Melky Cabrera擊出左外野方向二壘安打帶一分打點 一度使洋基取得2-1的領先 Since 1997, that meant Rivera. But not yesterday, despite Rivera telling pitching coach Ron Guidry he was willing and able. 自從97年以後,MO就是專門在這時候上來關門 但昨天,即使MO向投手教練提出上場要求,最後仍然沒讓MO來關門 "That's what I do, that's my job," Rivera said about protecting ninth-inning leads. "To see [Wang] pitch a good game and lose like that was tough. I prefer me to lose the game than him." MO說:「應該去關門的是我,是我!是我!是我!」 「看小王投的這麼好卻在第九局被逆轉,這感覺很不好受」 「我寧願搞砸這場比賽的人是我」 Rivera didn't criticize Torre for not using him. Still, the competitor in Rivera wanted him on the mound. 雖然Torre不讓他上來收這場比賽 MO卻不批評Torre的調度 "I will never second guess Mr. Torre," Rivera said. "But if it was up to me I would pitch every day. I look at today and they look at the season. That's why I am a player and he is the manager. If it's up to me, I want to be there. I was ready." MO:「我從不質疑Torre,如果我能決定,我每天都會上去投」 「但我看的只是眼前的比賽,而Torre看的是整個球季」 「不同的立場這正是教練和球員最大的不同」 Wang should be used to feeble support. In his last three starts the Yankees have scored three runs. He won the first two, 2-1 and 1-0. Yesterday, giving up three was enough to get beat. 在王建民先發主投時,隊友的火力支援少的可憐 在他最近的三場先發,洋基的豪華打線僅僅幫他打下三分 王建民以2-1、1-0贏了前兩場,但卻逃不過這一場 "It's demoralizing because [Wang] worked so hard," said A-Rod, who had two of the Yankees' five hits. "He was the right guy out there." 「小王投的這麼辛苦我們卻輸球,這結果令人氣餒」 A-Rod為王建民抱不平的說「該拿勝投的是王建民阿!!」 With their bullpen spent thanks to Jaret Wright and Shawn Chacon not going deep in the previous two games, the Yankees desperately needed Wang to work long yesterday. Unfortunately for them, he went one pitch too many. Wright和Chacon前兩場比賽提早下班,因此燃燒了洋基的牛棚 也使王建民不得不超時工作,不幸的是-- 就因為多了這一球而失去了王建民的勝投 http://www.nypost.com/sports/yankees/no_mo__no_w_yankees_george_king.htm 第一次翻,可能還要請翻譯達人幫我改一下 話說我這篇翻譯好像來的有點晚 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
loh:再度求翻譯新聞圖片看了好傷心..(泣)...一樣致贈3000 P幣~~~ 06/19 15:54
Angoboy:原來LOH姊也愛建民 06/19 15:57
loh:上一篇的謝金給了 lukehong板友...^^ 06/19 15:58
youngstory:先推了再說.... 06/19 16:04
abysss:loh姐 晚安 06/19 16:06
caten:4點的話算晚安嗎XD 06/19 16:08
MikuruBeam:請問這一篇有人要翻嗎? http://0rz.net/791wE 06/19 16:18
Baumgartner:上面那篇是這一場嗎? 06/19 16:21
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
squall500:已經有人翻過了 囧rz... 06/20 19:51
Kylet:這年頭連翻譯文章都要和人搶..XD..不過還是大推! 06/20 20:25