精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《loh (loh)》之銘言: : THE START OF SOME-MING : FRESH OFF TUESDAY'S RALLY, : WANG, YANKEES WIN AGAIN : By MICHAEL MORRISSEY : May 18, 2006 -- : We'll never know, until the season is complete, how great an impact Tuesday : night's palpitating 14-13 comeback had on the Yankees. It's just too early : to tell whether the remarkable escape from a 9-0 second-inning grave was a : short-lived thrill or a springboard for the ultimate success. 到球季結束前我們永遠不會知道,星期二晚上那場令人膽戰心驚14比13的逆轉秀,對洋 基帶來了多大的衝擊。要說這場從第二局就九比零落後的墳墓中精彩萬分的脫逃,是短 期的威脅,還是只是個追求最後勝利的起點,都還太早。 : This much can be reported: The short-handed Bombers stayed on the winning : track last night with a 4-3 decision over Texas behind Jorge Posada, the hero : of Tuesday's walk-off victory; and Chien-Ming Wang, who gave a weary bullpen : most of the night off with eight innings. 咱們就拿這些來說吧:這些人手短缺的轟炸機群仍然在勝利的跑道上,在昨晚對遊騎兵 以4比3贏得了比賽。而不只是波沙達這位星期二終結比賽的英雄,王仔讓疲憊的牛棚休 息了幾近整晚的八局。 : "I think we can go back and look at that, for sure," : Joe Torre said of Tuesday's historic victory. "When you come back in a game : like (Tuesday), and everybody contributed, it has to do something for your : confidence. Especially following it up with a game like tonight." 托瑞針對星期二那場歷史性的勝利說:"我想我們當然能夠回顧那場比賽。當你回想星期 二那樣的比賽,大家都有所貢獻,的確是一支強心針。特別是在那之後又有一場像今晚 一樣的比賽。" : Posada - who smashed a two-out, two-run, game-winning bomb the night before, : drove in the first two runs with RBI singles. Meanwhile, Wang recorded his : second straight quality outing, needing only 81 pitches. He was working on a : four-hitter into the eighth when Gary Matthews Jr. tagged him for a two-run : homer to right that cut the lead to one run. 波沙達,昨晚才狂尻了一支兩出局後的再見兩分砲,又接著打了兩支一安並打下球隊的 前兩分。同時,王仔寫下了第二次好投先發的紀錄(另一篇寫三次?),只用了81球。 他在八局上面對四棒打者Matthews,而打了他一支右外兩分彈把比數追到落後一分。 : "Aside from that, he was terrific," Torre said. : Mariano Rivera notched his eighth save with a perfect ninth, redeeming himself : for the shaky outing on Tuesday in which he allowed the go-ahead run. 托瑞說:"除了那球之外,他實在是金變態。" Mo以在第九局的完美投球獲得了他的第 八次救援成功,也把他自已從星期二抖到不行且失去對方超前分的囧境拉出來。 : Although Hank Blalock just missed the game-tying homer with a long foul to : right with one out, Rivera whiffed him on high 95 mph heat on the next pitch. : A popout to short from Kevin Mench ended the game. 雖然Blalock才剛打了支特大號差點變成追平轟的右界飛,Mo下一球還是以95麥的高吊火 球讓他變成人肉電風扇。而Mench打了個遊擊上方的飛球出局結束了比賽。 : After Posada's RBI single to left plated Derek Jeter in the first inning, : the Yankees gave a run back in the fourth on errant defense by Robinson Cano, : who committed two errors and looked shaky for much of the game. : "It won't happen again," Torre said. "Probably after he messed up a couple : times, he started thinking about it." 在波沙達第一局打向左外野將Jeter送回本壘的打點之後,洋基在第四局因台灣之友恍神 的麻花奉送回對方一分,而台灣之友今天整場抖不停的送出兩次麻花。托瑞說:"這不會 再發生了。也許在他恍神麻花了幾次之後,他開始反省了。" : Cano dropped a potential double-play exchange on Blalock's grounder with : one out and one on, and both Phil Nevin and Blalock were ruled safe. 台灣之友在一出局後一人在壘的情況下,Blalock的滾地球既將被策動雙殺時,麻花把球 弄掉了。Nevin和Blalock則雙雙安全上壘。 : Mench then knocked in Nevin with a single to left, but he was out trying to : stretch it into a double. Wang settled down and escaped the inning, and used : twin killings in the next two frames to escape threats. Mench隨後用左外野的安打把Nevin打回家,但是他試圖趴趴造衝二壘慘遭報應。王仔收 完這局的爛攤子後,在接下來的兩局皆召喚DP大神而免於威脅。 : "He doesn't get rattled by the things that happen behind him," Posada said. : "He just keeps coming." 波沙達說:"他完全沒有被身後發生的亂流所影響。他就是繼續做好他的工作。" : Jason Giambi, who left Monday's game with whiplash and missed the Tuesday : comeback, returned to the lineup at DH and sparked the three-run, go-ahead, : fifth-inning rally with a two-out double to left-center. 大吉因為星期一的頸部扭傷而錯過星期二的逆轉秀。今天回到先發後擔任DH,並在第五局 以兩出局後的左中外二安開啟了一次三分超前的攻勢。 : Giambi, who believes he could start in the field by this weekend's series : with the Mets, called Tuesday's walk-off win "unbelievable" and "one of the : best games I've ever witnessed, no doubt about it." 大吉相信他自已可以持續先發到週末的地鐵大戰。他說星期二的逆轉秀"難以置信"且 "毫無疑問的,是我看過最棒的比賽之一。" : After Alex Rodriguez reached on an error, Posada ripped a single off the mound : and into center, and Cano and Bernie Williams followed with RBI singles. : "It doesn't matter what I'm hitting," Posada said. "Right now I just feel : good, I feel comfortable, I feel like I'm doing a lot of things good. : Staying behind the ball. : "Getting that big hit with two outs is important. Hopefully I can continue : that the whole year." 在A-Rod因失誤上壘之後,波沙達打穿投手丘形成中安,而台灣之友和老Bernie緊接著 打出帶有打點的安打。波沙達說:"不管我到底打得如何,我現在真的是爽斃了!我覺 得好似神仙呀,就好像做了好多好事一樣!(譯按:你嗑藥阿?XD)兩出局之後的安打 是很重要的。希望我可以持續這樣一整年。" : If the Yankees (23-15) continue to play well over the long haul, it will be : the strength of the rotation, Torre said. Momentum is only as good as the next : day's pitcher, the saying goes, and Wang was certainly dominant. : "Even when you're at full strength, pitching is so important," Torre said. 托瑞說,如果洋基(23勝15負)狀況持續良好的話,這會成為先發群們的後盾。有句俗語 說得好,氣勢取決於隔日的投手,而王仔的確是呷郎告搞。托瑞說:"即使打者都變成了 超級賽亞人,投球還是相當的重要。" -- 有點累XDDDDDDDDDDD -- MLB的馬林魚,就好像養殖業一樣。蚵仔養肥養大了就往外送。 不過要當養殖業,也是要有本事把蚵仔養肥養大。台灣蚵就總是可悲了點~ 因為台灣的養蚵人總把把一打好蚵養成半打、半打養成三顆、三顆養成一顆~ 最後還榨乾那一顆的汁當蜆精喝。重點是蚵仔如果養不大養不肥還罵蚵仔心態有問題呢! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Liriano:頭推 05/18 19:45
kevev:頸推 XDD 05/18 19:46
ZzzBa:喔喔..強大的對手~~我也要賺P幣啦XDD大家來良性競爭 05/18 19:46
circadian:推翻譯 05/18 19:50
sicnex:養蚵大....真是太肛溫了.... 05/18 19:51
cocolico:推簽名檔~~ 05/18 19:54
tiamohbc:王仔確實呷郎告搞~ 05/18 19:56
cathdral:我比較好奇...哪些算是目前的蜆精呢??^________^? 05/18 20:33
leewavewater:王仔的確是呷郎告搞 05/18 20:34
Nilthoron:翻的好讚  推簽名欓 05/18 20:39
gdgy:"除了那球之外,他實在是金變態。" 05/18 21:01
loh:紅包發出了.....給這篇翻譯者...因為我看他債台高築.....@@ 05/18 21:21
KeeperOf7Key:感恩新聞魔人m(_ _)m其實我是剛去了額板梭了16張XDDD 05/18 21:52
GY4:番的太好,記者很難超的~~ 05/18 22:16
seeback:贊! 05/18 22:29
TPE52:翻的好XD 05/18 23:28
smimi:翻的好XD 05/19 02:18
airflow:參考一下 four-hitter 是第四棒 不是四位打者 05/19 10:29
※ 編輯: KeeperOf7Key 來自: (05/19 18:21)
KeeperOf7Key:感謝指正 05/19 18:21