精華區beta CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《ragirl (ragirl)》之銘言: : 明天要論文口試 還沒準備完 就想睡覺了..只好上官網提提神 : 就看到這篇好文~~希望能帶來好運 ... : 這是我第一次轉錄新聞過來 如果有侵權 請提醒我一聲 謝謝 : Poise and humor carry Wang far : Young right-hander impressives, entertains teammates 冷靜.幽默讓小王走得更遠 這位年輕的右投手娛樂了隊友們,並使他們感到印象深刻 : NEW YORK -- Chien-Ming Wang sat peacefully at his locker, flipping through : a Lexus brochure while listening to his iPod. Nobody took notice and Wang : certainly isn't one to stir up the clubhouse. 王建民靜靜的坐在他的置物櫃前,邊聽著iPod邊翻閱過一本Lexus的車款目錄.沒有人注意著 他,而他也顯然的不是那個能夠讓全隊情緒激昂的人. : Yankees third-base coach Larry Bowa, on the other hand, likes to bark at : players during walks from the bathroom to the coaches' room. His target that : day was Wang, the quiet Taiwan native. 另外一邊,洋基隊的三壘指導教練Larry Bowa,總是喜歡在他從浴室走到教練室的途中對隊 員吼叫.那天他的目標轉到了那位安靜的台灣選手,小王身上. : "What the [heck] did you do, Wang?" Bowa shouted, breaking the room's near : silence. Bowa was insinuating that Wang had ditched his pregame routine : despite seeing the pitcher's sweat-drenched back. "Wang,你在這邊搞屁啊!"Bowa大喊,把整個空間裡的寧靜撕裂開來.儘管看到了小王被汗水 濡濕的後背,Bowa還是暗諷著小王沒有完成他的賽前例行準備. : "Get outta here!" "滾開!" : Wang just stared up in confusion, pretending not to know what Bowa was : saying. It's all part of his act and almost fooled Bowa. 小王只是用迷惑的眼神看著他,假裝著不知道他在說什麼.他就只做了這些,也差點騙到了 Bowa. : "Every time I get on him, he pitches eight innings," Bowa explained to a : somewhat bewildered Shawn Chacon. "每次我動到他身上的時候,他就投了八局."Bowa對有點困惑的Chacon說. : It seems that added stress almost fuels Wang, who at the age of 26 has become : one of the best young pitchers in baseball. But it's humor that has made him : fit into the Yankees' clubhouse. 看起來似乎小王身上被橫加了許多壓力,而他在26歲的年紀就已經成為了最傑出的年輕投手 之一.不過,能讓他融入隊伍的,是他的幽默感. : Wang returns the joke when the game starts. As the Yankees prepare for their : first inning at the plate, Wang points to Bowa in the dugout and yells, : "Out," signaling for him to get out and coach third base. 在比賽開始時,小王把玩笑開回去--當洋基隊的選手已經在打擊區站定位,準備開始第一局 比賽時,小王指向在休息區的Bowa,然後大喊"出去!",暗示著要他上場站到三壘指導區了. : "The things that he says and the way he says them are just priceless," first : baseman Andy Phillips said with a broad smile on his face. "他說的那些(幽默的)話,和他說的那種方式,根本就是無法用金錢衡量價值的."一壘手 Phillips說,臉上掛著開朗的笑容. : Wang, a six-year United States resident, still speaks very broken English : -- although his coaches say he knows more than he lets on. Wang said he : requested a translator in the Minors, but "it never happened." 小王,儘管在美國已經住到第六年,還是說著一口破英文--儘管他的教練說他懂得比看起來 多的英文.小王說他曾經在小聯盟的時候要求要有一個翻譯,但是"這個要求從來沒達成過". : Now he doesn't want one. Wang enjoys soaking in the language. 現在他不需要了.小王十分樂在這個語言中. : He gets some English lessons from his apartment neighbors, but doesn't plan : on taking any formal tutoring. Wang often spends his time memorizing funny : one-liners to use with his teammates, but Bowa said they aren't fit to print. 他從他的公寓鄰居那邊得到一些英文的指導課程,但是他並沒有計劃要接受正式的訓練.小 王經常花時間記憶一些有趣的英文歇後語,用來"對付"他的隊友,但是Bowa說這些東西不大 適合在這邊刊出. : Most of the time Wang sits silently facing his locker, as if he doesn't want : to bother anybody. 大部分的時間小王只是靜靜的坐在他的置物櫃前面,似乎他並不想干擾到任何人一般. : "He doesn't really understand where he fits in this clubhouse yet," Bowa : said. "But everybody looks at him in a different light. They look at him as : a star, as a high-priced performer. And they count on him every time he : pitches." "他還沒真正了解到他在隊伍中是怎樣的角色,"Bowa說,"但是大家已經用不同的眼光來看待 他了.大家用一種對待巨星.有傑出表現的人的方式來看待他.並且每當小王投球時,他們總 是期待著他有所表現." : Whenever his teammates talk about him there are two things they mention -- : Wang feels no pressure and has one killer sinker. 不管何時他的隊友們總是談論著有關他的兩件事情--"小王似乎感受不到壓力"和"小王那 天殺的伸卡球" : It's the first attribute that has made the second-year starter tailor-made : to play in baseball's premier pressure-cooker. 第一件事情讓這個二年級生能夠在這個像壓力鍋般的棒球最高殿堂中如魚得水. : "I'm sure there have been times, but I've never seen him get excited or upset : about anything," Mike Mussina said with a laugh. "I don't know if that's the : language barrier or just how he is. But being a pitcher, that's a good thing : to have." "我很確定已經有很多事情發生在他身上,但是我卻從未看過他對任何事情有興奮或是不滿 的表現."Moose大笑著說,"我不知道是語言的障礙導致這樣,或者是他根本就是這樣的一個 人.但是不管如何,作為一個投手,有這樣的特質是件好事情." : On June 18 at Washington, Wang took a one-run lead into the ninth inning, but : allowed a walk-off homer to Ryan Zimmerman. It was the only time any of his : coaches or teammates could remember seeing Wang show any emotion, as he threw : his glove upon returning to the dugout. 在華盛頓,6/18那個心碎的日子(後面是我添上去的XD),小王帶著一分的領先直到九局上場 投球,眼看著比賽就要結束了,Zimmerman的一隻再見全壘打就這樣飛出了場外.這次也是小 王的教練和隊友們頭一次看到他的情緒表現--當他回到休息區時,小王把他的手套狠狠的摔 到了地上. : The next day, pitching coach Ron Guidry joked with Wang, telling him that : the next time he sent him out to finish off a complete game, he better do it. : Guidry told Wang that if he didn't pitch well in his next start, they were : going to fight the next day in the bullpen. 隔天,投手教練Ron Guidry開了小王一個玩笑,告訴他說下次要是他有機會完投的話,他最好 能夠達成任務.Guidry還跟小王說,要是他下次先發沒投好的話,隔天他要在牛棚跟他打架. (這個是比較俏皮的翻法...正經的翻法是下一場比賽牛棚將要奮鬥的很辛苦~) : Wang went seven innings and picked up a win in his next outing. 小王下次先發的時候就穩穩的投完七局,領走勝投. : "I've come to learn that nothing really fazes him," Guidry said. "I don't : know if it's that he's not caught up in the realm of where he's at, what all : this stuff means. He just goes out and pitches and tries to do the best job : he can." "我現在已經知道沒有事情能夠讓他不知所措了."Guidry說."我不知道是否他還不知道他在 一個什麼樣子的位置,以及他的能力代表著什麼.他只是出場,投球,然後試著做到他所能的 極限." : Wang (14-11, 4.01 ERA) leads the Yankees with 12 starts of at least seven : innings and averages near 6 2/3 innings per start. Wang is eighth in the : Major Leagues entering Thursday's action in innings pitched in 21 starts. 小王(這個戰績怪怪的@@...反正大家都知道了)以他十二次至少吃下七局的先發,以及平均 6.2局的先發局數帶領著洋基隊.小王以他二十一場先發的總局數在投球局數排行榜上排名 第八. : Asked if he has been pleased with his success, Wang shook his hand as if to : say, "So-so." 當被問到他是否對自己的成功感到高興時,小王搖了他的手,彷彿說著"還好啦~". : "Maybe lucky?" he said with a bashful grin. "I want better, better, better." "可能是幸運吧."他害羞的輕揚嘴角,"我想要變得更好,更好,再更好." : Catcher Jorge Posada says without hesitation that Wang has the best stuff : in the Yankees' rotation. Guidry feels Wang could be an ace for the Yankees, : if not another team, in a couple years. 捕手吼黑Posada毫不遲疑地說小王擁有洋基現階段輪值先發投手中最好的資質.Guidry也認 為假如不在其他隊的話,小王可以在幾年內成為洋基的Ace. : While Wang can throw as hard as Randy Johnson, he averages fewer than three : strikeouts per nine innings. Guidry said Wang could blow away opponents with : a mid-90s fastball if he wanted to, but Wang would rather throw his : devastating sinker. 雖然小王可以投的和RJ一樣快,但是他的K/9竟然低到三以下.Guidry說小王可以用他150以 上的快速球(他真的是說mid-90s...不要再有板友看錯啦)輕鬆地把對手"吹"回休息區--如 果他願意的話.但是小王寧願用他毀滅性的伸卡球來解決對手. : "That's his bread-and-butter pitch," Guidry said. "It's like a bowling bowl. : When you watch guys hit it, it doesn't go anywhere." "這是他賴以為生的球種."Guidry說."這就像是一顆顆的保齡球,當你看到對手打到它的時 候,它就是哪兒都不去." : Wang learned the sinker when he attended the Taipei College of Physical : Education in Taiwan. But it's not the groundball pitch that has made Wang : seem like a steady veteran in just his sophomore season. 小王在北體的時候學到了這顆伸卡球,但是他並不是靠著這顆滾滾球讓他在大二的時候就成 為了國家隊的穩定成員. : "I just think the Asian guys who come over here are so well schooled," Bowa : said, also using Hideki Matsui as evidence. "Their work ethic is second to : none. They've just been taught all along the way how way you play the game. : You respect the game." "我真的覺得那些來這邊的亞洲球員都經過了很好的學校訓練."Bowa說,同時也用大松井作 為例子."他們的工作道德真的是無可比擬.他們一路上來就是被教導說要用如何的態度去 打球,以及尊重這個比賽." : That was never more evident in Wang's next to last start against the : Mariners. Wang didn't have his best stuff and was constantly in trouble. : Three Alex Rodriguez errors behind him didn't help. 小王上次對水手隊的先發是個再好不過的例子了.小王並沒有投出完全的實力,並且不斷的 陷入危機中.而三個A-Rod在他身後犯下的失誤並沒有幫上他任何的忙. : But Wang never lost his composure and allowed just two earned runs in seven : innings to pick up the win. 但是小王並沒有失去他的冷靜,並且在他的七局投球中只丟了兩分自責分來贏得勝利. : Asked about the errors after the game, Wang simply said, "Nobody's perfect." 當比賽後被問到他對這場比賽失誤的感想,小王只說,"沒有人是完美的." : It's as if Wang has been in the league for years. Even before Wang made his : Major League debut in April 2005, manager Joe Torre said he was pleased with : flashes of veteran poise from the pitcher. Now Torre counts on Wang to give : the bullpen a rest every fifth day. 這句話讓人覺得他好像已經在這個聯盟裡翻滾了好幾年了.甚至在小王去年四月初登板之前 ,Torre已經先說過他對於小王渾身散發出的冷靜氣息感到很滿意.現在Torre要靠小王給牛 棚一個五天一次,好好的休息. : "We rely on him," Torre said. "When you put him in the company of Randy and : Moose, that's a pretty good neighborhood. He's earned that spot. : Unfortunately [because he's so young] we expect him to do well all the time." "我們依賴著他."Torre說."當你把他跟RJ.Moose放在一起的時候,他也毫不遜色.他已經贏 得了這個地位.很不幸的(因為他還太年輕),我們還是要求他隨時要表現良好." : But despite his success, Wang remains a pitcher not too many teams know : about. 不過儘管小王已經獲得成功,他還是一個對大多數球隊而言很陌生的投手. : Mariners batting coach Jeff Pentland hadn't heard much about Wang -- other : than that he had a good sinker -- before facing him on July 17. After : spending a couple hours of watching him on tape, Pentland compared Wang to : Roy Halladay, the Blue Jays' former Cy Young winner. 水手的打擊教練Jeff Pentland並沒有聽過太多小王的傳聞--除了他有一個漂亮的伸卡球之 外--在7/17面對他之前.在花了好幾個小時看他的影片之後,Pentland把他比做Halladay這 位藍鳥隊的前賽揚得主. : "I'm sure he could care less if anybody knows who he was," Phillips said. "我很確定他應該不在乎別人是否知道他是誰."Phillips說. : That's just the way Wang is. 這就是小王的樣子. : Ryan Mink is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the : approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. 附註:本篇作者Ryan Mink是MLB.com的記者,本篇報導不代表大聯盟官方立場. 翻完了 老樣子 請大家指教啦~ -- 翻譯外電有什麼功用呢? 賺P幣.學英文.拼優文和爆文....很多很多 但是 絕對不能少了一股passion--我翻外電 因為我愛 王建民 我愛 棒球 所以我在電腦前用生命翻譯 用生命愛小王 (謎之音:沒錯!) 如果你覺得我翻的有問題 那一定要告訴我 這是我進步的動力 如果你覺得我翻的很棒 那就請你X->1 然後告訴我你的感受或者是心裡的感動 我是翔魚 請大家多多指教~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
SlipFen:先推在下.. 07/28 04:11
※ 編輯: soaringfish 來自: (07/28 04:14)
nanht:推一個 07/28 04:17
LunaBear:有看有推 辛苦了~ 07/28 04:20
fubon:有看有推 感謝翻譯~~ 07/28 04:21
justkuso:有看有推! 07/28 04:22
niceta:後面那句應該是"我很確定他應該不在乎別人是否知道他是誰" 07/28 04:24
soaringfish:感謝樓上 其實那句我自己就覺得我翻的怪怪的 07/28 04:27
※ 編輯: soaringfish 來自: (07/28 04:28)
monsterjay:大推壓!! 07/28 04:28
hhooo:推一個 07/28 04:30
dianelin:推 (怎麼這麼多人晚上都不睡啊XD) 07/28 04:32
hyper99:有看有推 感謝翻譯~~ 07/28 04:33
heacoun:有看有推 07/28 04:33
twoaxes:感謝~ 07/28 04:41
springxx:有看有推 07/28 04:43
robrob:有看有推 07/28 04:46
oukeheo:推推推 感謝!!! 07/28 04:46
hubert2323:感動~~ 謝謝!! 07/28 04:47
seclusive:大推!!!! 07/28 04:48
heidi424:有看有推 07/28 04:48
chijey:好多喔~~ 辛苦啦!!強者 07/28 04:51
djw:有看有推 辛苦辛苦 07/28 04:52
september02:辛苦了,推 07/28 04:53
eric00:~~ 07/28 04:56
mickyp:翻的不錯~~~ 謝謝啦~ 07/28 04:56
moneyjian:push~~ 07/28 04:57
jehannn:辛苦了^^ 07/28 05:02
kidd007008:感謝 推一個 07/28 05:03
wtim:沒有人是完美的 嗚 好感動阿 07/28 05:04
raikkonen10:PUSH!~ 07/28 05:07
fore4869:推..fit to print沒翻錯啊 就是這樣翻^^ 07/28 05:07
aluba007:推推推 辛苦了~~ 07/28 05:09
lk70691:GOOD 07/28 05:10
chenkimi:讚喔 翻的真棒 07/28 05:12
※ 編輯: soaringfish 來自: (07/28 05:19)
merrope:那句應該翻成"把小王比作藍鳥隊的Halladay"唷~~^^ 07/28 05:23
ason:大推... 07/28 05:25
soaringfish:謝謝樓樓上...我那時想得太快就沒有翻順 07/28 05:27
※ 編輯: soaringfish 來自: (07/28 05:27)
citypao:推! 辛苦了 07/28 05:28
harryrain:推推~~戰績那邊應該是指14次QS、11勝吧~ 07/28 05:33
soaringfish:沒有人這樣寫的吧= =...並且小王也只有11次QS 07/28 05:36
soaringfish:通常都是幾勝幾敗然後防禦率...所以應該是記者打錯 07/28 05:36
OIDA:棒~ 07/28 05:39
deafmute:推推 07/28 05:40
RTY1026:大推阿! 07/28 06:18
rsbh:看完推一個 07/28 06:20
wildtype:先推, Chacon那邊應該只有到有些困惑, 07/28 06:25
wildtype:然後Wang 暗示Bowa 出去三壘指導區,沒有要自己上 07/28 06:26
cuteship:good 07/28 06:32
btohsa:感謝 07/28 06:35
joyallen:大推 07/28 06:41
wsyen:推 07/28 06:46
pilirich:推,翻譯辛苦了... 07/28 06:50
lunaluna:推 07/28 06:55
jajakang:翻得很好很好!! 07/28 06:56
rockon:推推推 07/28 06:57
dspswen:推推推推推推 07/28 07:06
bzbread:有看有推!! 辛苦了!! 07/28 07:09
karlch999:幹!!!!翻的太好啦!!!!!!!! 07/28 07:17
soaringfish:恩...有些東西該改一下...翻的時候沒看清楚 07/28 07:17
※ 編輯: soaringfish 來自: (07/28 07:18)
richertkk:翻的不錯一...加油 07/28 07:27
flameboy:14-11應該是說11勝3敗,總計14場比賽有勝負結果吧? 07/28 07:28
nbatml:有看有推 辛苦了~ 07/28 07:31
lazybonesla:推喔~感恩啦~~ 07/28 07:34
kevev:推 07/28 07:41
soaringfish:這樣寫也是很奇怪XD...沒關係 大家知道戰績就好了 07/28 07:41
waqw:A_A 07/28 07:41
ageneral:不錯喔 呵呵 07/28 07:56
soaringfish:剛剛在黑特鬧的不大愉快 補感謝wildtype和flameboy大 07/28 08:01
HolyGhost:push 07/28 08:01
greatboy:100 07/28 08:13
takeac:P U S H 07/28 08:17
Mizefu:辛苦了,我也愛小王 07/28 08:18
iverboy:也翻的太好了吧... 07/28 08:19
windward:有看有推~y 07/28 08:19
AntYummy:推~ 07/28 08:20
littleken122:有看有推~~ 07/28 08:22
hius:P U S H 07/28 08:23
voglish:看完立刻推 07/28 08:28
saddog:太棒了! 07/28 08:29
youaten0112:純推 07/28 08:29
bdmizar:大推, 甘溫阿! 07/28 08:31
iverboy:小王再幾年後會變ACE..還好不是acer.. 07/28 08:31
lancerevo:有看有推 翻的精采! 07/28 08:32
tsming:MLB造神?可是看起來超high XD 07/28 08:32
iverboy:不知道有沒有人會虛Guidry..他說小王會變ACE耶... 07/28 08:33
Ferrero0212:大推啦....... 07/28 08:37
tubryan:有看有推!!! 07/28 08:37
hetaaron:翻的真好~~~ 07/28 08:38
svel:推啦! 07/28 08:46
Say333:push 07/28 08:47
ShockWu:翻得很好..很有內容的文章 07/28 08:47
tcshen:真是謝謝囉! 大推啦 07/28 08:48
passatjay:推~~~~~ 07/28 08:50
dddaviddd:感恩 07/28 08:53
kapesel:有看有推 07/28 09:04
bigboss:推! 07/28 09:04
gaviniscool:推 07/28 09:05
acidpill:有看有推~~翻得不錯! 07/28 09:07
doubless:推 07/28 09:08
MLP2006:推一砲 07/28 09:09
agoodjob:推~ 07/28 09:09
Veryqqq:有看有推 07/28 09:12
finaldragon:推~~~快爆了~~~!! 07/28 09:16
fascino:給你推一個啦 07/28 09:16
bogy332:有看有推~~ S大辛苦了 07/28 09:19
jethro1122:好文好翻譯呀 非常感謝^^ 07/28 09:20
Falldog:推~ 07/28 09:21
soaringfish:樓上今早好像才在黑特見過面XD 07/28 09:21
soaringfish:變成樓上上了 07/28 09:21
isaverta:想把這篇推爆 推~~ 07/28 09:21
soaringfish:謝謝大家支持啊...感動T_T...(王版果然是溫馨的) 07/28 09:22
jethro1122:黑呀 S大 多才多藝喔 三國你也有涉獵 07/28 09:22
soaringfish:不要提了吧...被黑特的那群傢伙噓到沒心情了 07/28 09:22
owenkuo:大推!!!^o^ 07/28 09:23
cutemaumau:暴暴~ 07/28 09:23
isaverta:恭喜歐文兄推爆~~ 07/28 09:24
Cambridge:祝福您留學生涯順心,您翻譯得鞭闢入裡 07/28 09:22
soaringfish:留學再說吧...我還要考大學@@ 07/28 09:24
DillonYeh:推一個... 07/28 09:28
CHA38:謝謝大大的翻譯喔 07/28 09:29
homer00:P U S H 07/28 09:33
shikaichen:感恩大推 07/28 09:35
zxcv123123:有看有推!! 07/28 09:35
superholy:推一個 07/28 09:35
hssc:謝謝你的用心 07/28 09:35
soaringfish:看到那個紅色的爆字 花費的時間都值得了 07/28 09:36
soaringfish:謝謝大家的支持~大家也要繼續支持小王喔~ 07/28 09:37
CCS1982:雖然不差我ㄧ個推~~但是還是要說聲辛苦了!! 07/28 09:39
cks750321:推 07/28 09:40
aaps:推~~ 07/28 09:44
lab814:推 07/28 09:44
mismrblue:讚喔,這是優文^ ^ 07/28 09:47
Eric0605:推 07/28 09:48
sweaters:有看有推 07/28 09:51
ZFon525:有看有推喔 07/28 09:52
sakya:推... 07/28 10:01
spuit:推 07/28 10:01
theolder:爆了再推一把~ 07/28 10:03
MATSUI25:推~~吼黑Posada 07/28 10:05
mowpi:推! 07/28 10:14
cartoonbear:推~ 謝謝 07/28 10:18
XLA:辛苦您了~小王加油 07/28 10:21
ElvesDaniel:辛苦了~~推推推~~ 07/28 10:28
herstein:辛苦了~~~^^ 07/28 10:29
caryontick:辛苦了, 推 07/28 10:32
easonya:翻得很棒,推 07/28 10:34
antony5124:推 辛苦了 07/28 10:37
vivisapphire:翻得好棒~~~小王好強~~~小王繼續加油喔 ^__^ 07/28 10:41
blurcloud:翻的真棒!!謝謝~ 07/28 10:44
colue:翻的真好,好厲害哪~~~ 07/28 10:46
AlmaMater: push 07/28 10:50
keyishih:推 07/28 10:50
godrick:大推 好流暢~ 07/28 10:54
GGboy:push! 07/28 10:54
ask9192001:有看有推 07/28 10:56
warrick:推 07/28 10:58
※ 編輯: soaringfish 來自: (07/28 11:02)
soaringfish:我改的地方我認為是可以兩解啦...只是讓它完善一點 07/28 11:02