精華區beta CSI 關於我們 聯絡資訊
照舊的防雷頁 本集重點: 1)又有事跟Paul Millander有關了... 2)出現了個看來又是要發展成連續殺手案的變態 賭城外的一戶民宅,一名女子在沐浴, 浴簾忽然被一名男子拉開。 下一幕,囧尼到了兇案現場, 死在浴缸裡的是那名男子。 警局裡,接續上一集的結尾, 羅賓爺爺跟烤魚目瞪口呆的看著切開的屍體的胸腔內的鬼東西, 男子的胰臟被腸道完整的打了個結纏繞著。 羅賓爺爺: It's red and green, like the Christmas gift. 凱姊走進來,告訴他們說男子資料顯示為Joseph , 然後說屍體被送來時看似為普通的心臟病死因, 羅賓爺爺跟烤魚展示了那個詭異的內容物給凱姊看... 凱姊: Is that his C.O.D.? 羅賓爺爺搖頭說不是,死因確實是心臟病相關發作有關, 凱姊: Yeah, I also have hear attack. Someone gives me that. 凱姊問說是有人切開屍體把腸道繞到胰臟上的嗎? 羅賓爺爺卻說沒有切開的痕跡。 烤魚: One thing is sure. He didn't do this to himself. 布拔在兇案現場詢問女子Marnie, Marnie說死者Ryan跟她本就是舊識, Ryan嚇到她後得到了一個大白眼,然後Marnie就離開去換衣服了, 結果忽然間燈光全滅了,她以為又是Ryan的惡作劇, 去浴間查看卻踩進一攤血跡中,只見到屍體...... Marnie嚇得往外衝,當街攔車,撲進車主Mr. Wincroft的懷裡喊救命。 布拔向Mr. Wincroft證實了Marnie的說詞, 然後原來Mr. Wincroft是社區巡邏負責人(Neighborhood Watch captain)。 囧尼發現有人關閉了電源主開關,通知莎菈說他會重新開啟, 屋內,莎拉開始蒐集證據。 大衛來到現場, 囧尼正看著屋內詭異的簽到板碎碎念。 囧尼: What is going on here? What kind of a house will have a sign-in board? 囧尼跟大衛進到房間裡, 搞半天那是間網上觀看脫衣秀的拍攝現場。 (噗,還是大衛認出來的喔~~) (大衛: Nick, Mr. Robinson and I once watched some live show to... keep our mood. I'm intimately familiar with this bedroom.) 然後大衛跟囧尼進到浴室,跟在那邊蒐集證據的莎菈打招呼, 大衛在屍體的脖子上找到一道single laceration。 羅賓爺爺跟烤魚在解剖室聊天, 羅賓爺爺先問烤魚說在一間完全禁閉的房間內, 烤魚要如何離開?烤魚說只要從原路出去就好啦~~ 然後烤魚反問羅賓爺爺說如果房間裡有一張桌子擋住了門,要如何離開? 羅賓爺爺: You got me. 烤魚: Well, you use the chain to saw the table... Two halves make a... 羅賓爺爺:Hole... Ha! (某貓的os:靠,好冷的冷笑話... Orz) 然後羅賓爺爺跟烤魚繼續查那句詭異的屍體, 羅賓爺爺下結論說那個詭異的腸道結是endoscope或laparoscope手術造成的, 所以他們的嫌犯目標應該是醫生、醫學系學生或者其他相關人士... 囧尼向Mr. Wincroft拿血衣, Wincroft說他跟死者Ryan Lester不熟 然後很感慨的跟囧尼說他們的社區越來越多怪人出沒, 他前幾天還聽說有出現peeping的人。 囧尼: Did you get any description? Wincroft: The minute I got something, you're my first call. 莎菈在則在拿去Marnie的血衣, Marnoie也提到有窺伺者,說是Ryan跟他提到的, 莎菈也一樣問說有更詳盡的敘述嗎? Marnie說就像瑪莉蓮曼森。 囧" 囧尼跟小葛調查網路脫衣秀的錄像, 小葛順道恭喜了囧尼的升值(小葛: You deserve it.) 然後小葛發現錄影機後方有奇怪的東西在運動, 小葛: What's that? A ghost? 兩人將影像放大,赫然發現門後方的木板有個洞,洞裡一只藍色眼睛正在窺伺。 囧尼: Maybe it is ghost. 凱姊辨識出了心臟腸道結死者是一名街友"Joe-Joe" Biglew, 她告知烤魚說Joseph不管怎樣都會去聽Strip得鋼琴演奏, 說Joseph雖然在不同街上游走,但都不會離Strip太遠, 但是屍體發現的地方卻離他平常在的地方很遠...... 烤魚: You also suggest he didn't know Joey, and he selected in random... 小葛跟囧尼回到那間臥室攝影棚, 囧尼在木板上找到了那個洞,洞旁有些白色粉末, 推測是"瑪莉蓮曼森"臉上的粉末, 囧尼找到了一個舊衣架,看來窺伺者利用那個鐵絲做成鉤子拉開窗簾偷窺。 兩人依循衣架上的字樣Diamond Star Cleaner, 找到了Mason家,囧尼跟莎菈上樓尋找Mason家的男孩Craig, 男孩的臥房門上掛滿詮釋詭異的面具, 兩人進入其中,小男生倒在床上 音樂震天價響, 囧尼把音樂關掉,要把男孩拉起身,被男孩很不爽的嗆了, 之後隨行警官把Craig押了出去。 莎菈: Jeepers creepers. 兩人開始檢查Craig的房間,一樣是窗簾大閉幽幽暗暗的。 囧尼: Does anybody believe in sunlight in this neighborhood? 囧尼找到了Craig的鞋,尺寸跟現場鞋印吻合。 莎菈: Look at those masks... aren't they from one of those horror movie? 囧尼: This job is a horror movie. I didn't even want to watch any one of them. 莎菈接著找到一個紙袋,裡面是一隻已經腐爛的死烏鴉, 莎菈拿給囧尼看,然後喃喃的說些人們蒐集死烏鴉的心理分析, 囧尼: Where did you learn that? Grissom? 莎菈: No. Ozzy Osburne. 囧尼笑了笑,繼續拿著手電筒探查四周,看到一隻手... 囧尼: Sara, did Ozzy say anything about collecting dead 莎菈撿起了那隻手,才發現那只是隻塑膠模型手。 莎菈: (想起了什麼) Mason... Like Douglas Mason, AKA Paul Millander? Craig Mason is Paul Millander's adopted son. Son of Millander. 回到局裡,剛跟Craig談完話的布拔走出詢問間。 布拔: Nature or nurture, you choose. He's familiar with CSI. He even mentioned Grissom several times. 莎菈: Well, then I won't mention that I'm Mrs. Grissom. 布拔: So you eventually took his last name? XDDDDDDD 莎菈先跟Mrs. Mason交談。 Mrs. Mason: Craig's father is a judge, not a killer. I won't let my son be punished for Pail Millander's fault! 莎菈: Mrs. Mason, I can gurantee you that your son won't be punished... unless he broke the law. 莎菈進入房裡準備進行採證,說了一些話, Craig: Just shut up and take my DNA. 囧尼跟小葛在外頭,警犬在社區內找到了另一具屍體, 死者Mr. Kilo是個drug dealer,脖子上的刀傷跟Ryan Lester一樣。 警官押著Craig,Mrs. Mason詢問莎菈可以收押她兒子的原因, 莎菈說她們有證據顯示Craig偷窺。 Mrs. Mason: You put your nose into people's houses? Craig: Yeah, but I just want to watch the girls. That's all what they are doing for others to see. I just wasn't paying. I didn't kill anyone! Look, Mom, just ball me out, O.K.? Mom, you believe me, don't you? Mom! Mrs. Mason: ...(無法在看兒子,轉過頭哭了出來,Craig被押走) 莎菈: You son needs a lawyer. 凱姊找到了烤魚,他正在嘗試進行內視鏡手術打結法。 烤魚: This is... hard... You know... it's like... knot the cherry stalk... with...tongue... 凱姊: ... well, I can do that ... after a few drinks. 然後凱姊說烤魚需要允許才能用屍體"練習", 烤魚笑笑的說他不需要允許,凱姊挑眉,結果白布掀開, 被烤魚拿來練習的"屍體"是隻倒楣的豬仔... XDDDD 凱姊: Nick and Sara need some fresh eyes on Mason's case. 烤魚: O.K., I'll be there soon... CSI小組討論時間: 莎菈提到Craig在她詢問時根本不敢跟她對上眼, 烤魚: He's a teenager, and you're an attractive women. 莎菈微笑,然後烤魚又發功了。 烤魚: O.K. If Craig is not truly a ghoul. And if his father didn't come after Grissom. Would you have been considering him all? 然後烤魚指出,從手的模型來看,Craig先天拇指畸形, 所以那隻模型手不是莎柆他們以為的Paul Millander。 為了證實這件事,烤魚到了牢房。 烤魚: Hello, Craig. My name is Ray. I work for CSI lab. May I watch your hands? Craig: ... (伸出手) 烤魚: Let me just document that. Now, could you come over here? Craig: Why would I help CSI? 烤魚: Who said you're going to help crime lab? You're going to help yourself. (走到Craig身邊坐下)You see, Craig, we have something in common. We both have a father who killed people Craig: Your father is also a serial killer? 烤魚: No. He's a soldier for Korean War. He even got a brone star award for that. Craig: That's different. 烤魚: No. It's not. You see, he kept fighting after coming from the field. Every a few days, he'll go to the bars in town. I remebered that one day, he came back home with a blaked eye and big smile on his face. He said how he pounched a man so hard that peel him down on the floor. He said it is the most fun he ever had in life...... Look, why don't you come and slash the jello guy? Craig: What? 烤魚: Come'on, slash it! Show me how much you're not like your father. 烤魚帶著jello man脖子傷的照片向囧尼跟莎菈展示, 果然,Craig的手造成的跟Ryan或者Kilo脖子上的不合。 然後烤魚離開了莎菈和囧尼, 經過某間辦公室時注意到艾禿脖子上打著的ㄐㄩˊ ㄐㄩˋ。 烤魚: ...(默默的向艾禿靠近,伸手。) 艾禿: Crooked? (仰頭以為烤魚要幫他整理好) 烤魚: ...(把領結扯掉) 艾禿: What are you doing? You know how hard those things to tie?(吼~~) 然後烤魚找到了正在整理詭異腸蝴蝶結案的資料的凱姊, 烤魚對凱姊說這位不知名的Dr. Jackal對bowtie有不名熱愛, 因此他認為這個詭異的死後手術是個souvenir, 然後他擔心現在他們看到的死者只是死後練習, 接下來他們可能就會開始發現由Dr. Jackal殺害的死者了...... 囧" 莎菈跟囧尼查血衣,發現Wincort衣服上腹部的血跡室Mornie沾上去的沒錯, 但是肩頭的濺射血跡,顯然是他殺害Ryan時得到的...... 布拔帶隊去逮人, Wincort: Captain Brass, here to protect neighbors? How many times I ask help to police, and you guys alwasys said that you cannot help... until there ia a crime happened? 布拔: Look, next time, you talked to me. You told them you want to speak to Jim Brass, O.K.? Wincort: (一手攬著女兒,一手出示手上的槍)It's too late. 布拔: (對大家以及趕到的囧尼說) Be careful, there is a potential hostage... Wincort: (注意到囧尼) Hey, how much you own your house? 囧尼: I don't know... 300 bucks, maybe... how about you? Wincort: You know... I have a retired benefit or insurence... I put all my storage in the house. At first this neighbors look like a good place. And then there are porn producer and drug dealer now... My American dream comes to a dead enf. This house... is all. 囧尼: Why did you buy this house at first place? Wincort: ...For my family. 囧尼: Then why did you put your family in danger? Mrs. Wincort: (從屋裡走出來) Harvey, please... Wincort: Stay back! (看看囧尼,看看他的女兒) Honey, why don't you go with the big brother? Daddy has some things need to deal with. 小女生: No, Daddy... ~>"<~ Wincort: Just go. (推了女兒一把,囧尼抱住了走過去的小女生) 囧尼: I'll take care of her, Harvey. Wincort: (繼續跟布拔對恃) Come here, Cherry. (在他太太走過來時忽然抓住她,然後把槍抵著自己的下巴) 布拔: No! Just put the gun down! (然後Wincort讓他太太向警方跑了過去,槍還是抵著下巴) Wincort: (看著抱住女兒的太太焦灼的看著他)I just want to protect my family. (最終還是放下了他的槍,被警方壓制。) 警局裡,莎菈去準備釋放Craig。 莎菈: Soon as you're processed, you're free to go. If I made you feel that you're paying for what your father did. I want you know that I'm really sorry. Craig: You know, I barely meet with Mr. Millander. Yet I'm more like a Millander than Mason... I remembered that Dad will take me to the store. He told me the owner, Mr. Millander, was his friend. Then he would play with me, like all fathers did with their sons... I always ask Dad that he had to tell Mr. Millander how talented he is... Then, I lost both my fathers... Making masks and robber hands is my way to keep the connection... 莎菈: ... I can give you a life. Let's go. 囧尼在整理案件資料,看到了烤魚去牢房時的intervire紀錄, 然後囧尼就放來看了,聽到烤魚述說了他父親的故事... 最後一幕,烤魚正在採集勳章上方紅藍白三色布料區一跟線頭上的血跡, 仔細整理好後,烤魚將沾血的棉花棒放進自己的外套口袋裡,收的好好的...... 本集心得: 1) 其實是好看的,某貓喜歡烤魚跟Craig的互動, 還有莎菈最後跟Craig的對話, 然後囧尼對於Wincort的部份也很有味道; 但是阿編真的把烤魚威能開太大了,那個砍痕不同的超基本CSI辨識技術, 有必要這樣特別安排由烤魚來提出嗎??? = =" 2) 烤魚跟艾禿那幕有好笑到,只是實在太似曾相識了... ^_^" 3) 莎菈跟布拔的冠夫姓暗示那裡也很好笑~~ 不過想當然莎菈不可能冠夫姓吧? XDDDDDD 4) 烤魚的過往營造的還可以。 某貓是沒有到覺得本店為了哄抬烤魚面目全分的地步啦! 故事還是好看的(相信如果把烤魚換成老葛就沒有人會覺得不舒服了,不是嗎?), 要鋪陳烤魚的故事也不是不行(反正實驗室每個人的黑頁不都撲過了?), 只是阿編做得真的太沒技巧了點...(鋪陳不等於個人秀好啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!) 會讓追了這麼久的影迷們小小的不適應~~ 不能因為烤魚夠大牌就這樣粗製濫用啊!!! 是說本店的阿編們啊,我對你們還是比對另兩家店有信心的! 加油,好嗎~~ ^.<* -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (10/02 11:35)
l23:演Craig的演員也是小Dexter喔XD 10/02 11:37
mistofavalon:感謝分享 10/02 13:49
nicarobin:最後一幕烤魚放入口袋的不是採了血跡的棉花棒嗎? 10/02 14:07
多謝指證~~那邊我沒看的很清楚烤魚放的到底是什麼~~ ※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (10/02 19:08)
malisse74:個人反而沒有很喜歡這一集 因為證據太明顯但卻拖到最後 10/02 21:05
malisse74:一刻才檢驗 不過打領結的醫生很令人期待 10/02 21:06
pinkwind:不是左撇子吧@@他用右手耶 是大拇指天生畸形 10/03 04:25
pinkwind:所以由曾是醫生的烤魚提出 我覺得很合理 10/03 04:25
pinkwind:砍痕很淺是因為他手部畸形 握不住刀子 10/03 04:26
pinkwind:然後小腸蝴蝶結是打在脾臟(splenic)喔 如果能光靠小洞直 10/03 04:29
pinkwind:穿橫隔 越過重重阻礙直達心臟..我想真的是神了XD 10/03 04:30
pinkwind:然後是最後的...那是勳章別針 針上的血 我一直在想那血是 10/03 04:33
pinkwind:誰的...? 10/03 04:33
感恩~~(抱) 結論是真的不要邊吃晚餐邊看電視邊做筆記,低頭吃麵再抬頭會漏很多! XDDD 是說大家都好好心會幫我修正,那某貓可以繼續一心多用吧?(被拖走...)
ieee:不喜歡好像什麼都需要靠Ray才能破案似的... 10/03 16:45
ieee:Catherine/Nick/Sara都是資深的鑑識人員呀~~~ 10/03 16:47
peruman:不是什麼都靠Ray破案 而是教育觀眾 成見會妨礙客觀的判斷 10/03 19:38
peruman:不過我真的還滿期待蝴蝶結殺手的 至於手法 也許該問小傑 10/03 19:40
peruman:跟奇犽 10/03 19:40
peruman:這集我還滿喜歡的 講了兩個讓我警惕的事情 10/03 19:41
jcshie:我留意到的是...烤魚怎麼帶著手套摸完屍體立刻戴眼鏡 10/03 20:17
jcshie:手套上還有血跡呢 XDDD (在看蝴蝶結屍體那邊) 10/03 20:18
siori:不是很喜歡這集+1 覺得Ray的角色真的太吃重了 10/03 23:07
※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (10/04 02:15)
tiffanyleo:我真的很不適應烤魚 要不是莎拉我不會即時追本店進度 10/04 04:35
peruman:烤魚剛進來時 的確不搭嘎的感覺很重 不過並不是所有的觀眾 10/04 10:03
peruman:都很念舊 加入新血(當然會有成功失敗)是維持新鮮感的長壽 10/04 10:04
peruman:劇集必要的手段 而且目前看烤魚豐富的醫學知識讓本店有了 10/04 10:05
peruman:戰力的升級 那意味著更大隻的魔王會出現 劇情也會更好看 10/04 10:06
peruman:我還是很喜歡老葛 不過 劇集跟現實人生裡 都還是要往前走 10/04 10:07
peruman:下去 10/04 10:08
pinkwind:被抱了(羞) 10/04 22:51
pinkwind:那再補充一個可以嗎..就是..Paul Millander沒有拇指畸形 10/04 22:53
pinkwind:所以才辨識出那個手的模型不是Paul Millander的(原先Sara 10/04 22:54
pinkwind:他們一直誤認)而是Craig的 10/04 22:54
pinkwind:啊 我好壞喔 請不要討厭我一直抓錯>//< 10/04 22:59
welly0923:是我記憶有問題嗎?我怎麼記得.Paul Millander原本是女的 10/05 13:23
他是transgender沒錯啊~~ ※ 編輯: pisacat 來自: (10/06 09:47)