精華區beta CSI 關於我們 聯絡資訊
詳細劇情雷~~ 本集重點: 1) 跟狗爭寵的倒楣鬼。 2) 凱女王可能的春天。 片頭,一排又一排的子彈與槍枝, 在音樂之中,兩男一女的槍戰發生了,三人之中似乎還站著一個人; 最後得以離開的是一個紅衣男子。 布拔、囧尼跟小葛抵達現場, 年輕小夥子Hank由救護車載走了, 布拔告知說他跟死去的女子Dolores是母子,共同經營這間槍枝店。 小葛和囧尼確認了另一名男子的屍體,皮夾裡資料顯示其身分為Edward Smith, Edward的皮夾跟收銀機的錢都沒有短少,所以排除搶劫的可能。 之後囧尼發現了地上的一排血鞋印,顯示還有第四個人在場。 囧尼: The prints suggest the guy stand right here...(店舖的正中心) 小葛: A guy who stayed in the middle of a three way gun shoot, and then stroke away alive? 囧尼: Was he just lucky? Or bullet-proof? 莎拉跟女王在另一個現場, 屍體陳屍在一個凹谷之中,所以女王跟莎拉必須拉著繩子走下斜坡, 負責的警探很紳士的扶了女王一把,莎拉在兩人身後露出意味深長的微笑。XD 死者是一名年輕女子,頭喀在一塊石頭上,身上被一床花被裹著, 警探: Looks like she's just sleeping. 莎拉: Not if flies and bugs are around. 從現場跡證看來,女子可能是在高速行駛中被丟出車輛然後滾下斜坡的, 之後凶手用花被裹住了屍體,因為被子上沒有滾落刮傷的痕跡,但屍體上有。 警探: Suspect may not attempt to hide. 凱姐: Yet make enough effort to tuck her in... 莎拉: It's ugly tender, huh? For a body dump. 布拔在醫院床邊詢問Hank, 結果根據Hank的說法,他原來在店後方, 聽到母親在前面跟人起了爭執,走出來看到那個穿紅衣的男子拿槍指著媽媽, 於是他為了保護母親就開始開槍了,Edward見狀也開始開槍... 布拔: So this guy in red shirt took down you, your mother, and the customer. One against three? Hank: Sir, there are a lot of bullets fired. I didn't know who did who. 小葛跟囧尼在現場忙著模擬每粒子彈從哪飛出的(路徑雷射管插滿了牆啊!) 囧尼: According to Hank, the red-shirt guy is everyone's target. 小葛: Which is consistent of the crossings of the lines. That suggested it is not a moving target. But where a the red-shirt guy's bullets? 囧尼: Well, all those shots are missed. Maybe his fire didn't miss. 此時囧尼接到烤魚傳來的簡訊, 烤魚剛結束驗屍,結果發現是Edward的子彈殺了Dolores, 而Dolores跟Hank的子彈綜合在一起殺了Edward, 最後,Hank身上的子彈經手術取出比對後,是Edward的! 小葛: Well, that answers our question. The man in the red shirt never fired! 囧尼: So all three shoters missed him and hit each other? 小葛: Warrickand I once worked on a case that two men shoot each other in an elevator. 0 out of 25 were hit. 囧尼跟小葛計算了一下射出的子彈跟他們蒐集到的彈殼,發現少了一顆子彈, 那顆子彈很可能就是從紅衣男子射出的! 小葛跟囧尼於是在Dolores身後的牆開始搜尋,找到了穿過牆面的彈孔, 兩人走到後面的房間,發現一個鑲在油罐上的九釐米子彈,應該是Edward的... 小葛拿起了一桶油罐,發現聲音不對,打開來後發現裡面藏著一筆為數不小的錢, 還有依法不得販賣的機關槍零件...... 凱姐跟羅賓爺爺在一起, 羅賓爺爺確認無名女屍死因為頭部與石塊的撞擊, 同時還在她左側頭部發現子彈擦過的痕跡,推測是在死者死前一小時左右射出的。 凱姐: So, the killer shot her but not kill her. Then he dumped her and that's what related to the death. Why didn't he shot her again? 羅賓爺爺: I saw the photos of the crime scene. It is only luck that he dropped her and then she hit the rock. 小葛、囧尼跟烤魚繼續一起查槍店案, 槍戰發生時店裡的監視錄影機徹底掛了, 他們只能找出幾張剛開始時的照片, 但照片顯示Hank說謊,紅衣男子看來是跟著Edward一起進來的, 然後當Hank準備開槍時,他瞄準的是Edward,Edward瞄準的是Dolores, 紅衣男子那時其實正站在Dolores面前; 另外,Hank一開始說Edward只是個隨機上門的顧客, 但是小葛囧尼他們已經發現了收銀機裡的錢有Edward的指紋, 這解釋了Edward皮夾裡的五百多塊錢,他是上門準備買上好些東西的。 烤魚: So Hank is about to make a great money, then why shot a good customer? 囧尼到醫院去詢問Hank,他正在吃綠色的果凍。 囧尼: Get too greedy for the green stuff? 囧尼告知了Hank他們已經發現了店裡的非法交易... 囧尼: So you lied to cops and killed Edward Smith. Hank: He was robberying us! I think about talking to you, but I'm afraid that you guys will take a close look at the store and find the sears...... Honestly, I'm just tried to defend our store... The guy came in, point a gun to my mom, and he even had another guy with him! 囧尼: The guy killed your mom, and you're O.K. to say that he died trying to defend her? He could be a hero! Hank: Telling the truth will not bring her back. And I'm going to do a lot good in the jail. (嘆氣) So you caught him, right? The guy in the red shirt. You got him, right? That's how you learn all this. 囧尼: ... Actually, we're getting close. Hank: Oh, God. 囧尼: What? Hank: Is he still out there? You have to find him. I got the feeling when I saw him stand there while the bullets run around... He was not human. He was like the terminator. A machine. ... This guy, it is not his first day in a death case. As long as he's out there, I'm staying right here. (配合畫面: 紅衣男子在街上洗著沾滿血的手,兩個準備搶劫的人,) (在跟紅衣男子打了照面後卻神秘的放棄了,紅衣男子走遠......) 莎拉在查一台黃色的車,車上有血跡,凱姐加入了她, 凱姐: Is that an ID? 莎拉: (拿出來看,Cashier的名牌,有照片跟名字: Carrie Warren) It's our Jane-Doe. 凱姐: (搖頭) She was dumped by her own car. Clear that she wasn't driving. 莎拉: So, hum, what's going on between you and Vartann? 凱姐: (驚訝的看了莎拉一眼) 莎拉: I'm trained to do detailed observation. (微笑) 凱姐: ... (笑了出來) 莎拉: O.K. I guess it is still on the investigating stages. 凱姐: (笑) No comment. 接著莎拉在車門側發現了跟裹屍的被子相似花紋的布塊, 凱姐取下了還插在車孔上的車鑰匙,發現沒油了,可能就是兇手棄車的原因。 凱姐跟莎拉在Detective Vartann的陪同下前往Carrie的房子。 凱姐: How's it look? 莎拉: No sign of force entry. 凱姐: All Carrie Warren. (檢查著信件堆) 莎拉: Looks like she lives alone? I got a blood trail. Vartann: It's all clear. (確認完房子回來) You're gonna not like what you fing in the bedroom. 於是凱姐跟莎拉進到臥室裡,牆上有建設性的血跡。 凱姐: This is where she got shot. 莎拉: There is no photos of humans. But she sure has a love for Germany Shepherd. 凱姐: Yeah. Roscoe. Oh my God. (轉身看到倒在床邊地上的狗狗屍體) It's Roscoe. (摸,有血) It was shot. Vartann走進來告知說車庫裡有血跡。 凱姐: So, killer is in this bedroom. Shot the dog, and then shot Carrie. Takes Carrie's quilt, and takes the car. Vartann: (打開警用無線電) Contol. I need Animal Control to move a dog's body from the crime scene. (走出臥室) 莎拉: (發現地板上的牛奶空瓶) Carrie is tidy. It's strange for her to leave a trash on the floor of her bedroom. 凱姐: Maybe the killer likes milk. 莎拉: (蹲下照相,注意到床腳) Right aside the bed, milky vomit. I'll collect it to see if we can get the DNA. 凱姐找不到任何男朋友相關的東西。 凱姐: Maybe Roscoe was the only man in her life. 大衛跟亨利在檢查狗狗屍體,莎拉走進去時大衛正在碎碎唸。 大衛: ... hit by a car, poisoned by the spider, trade for a Michael Jackson card (亨利皺眉) ... and my favorite: send to a farm. At least logically. 莎拉: (挑眉) 亨利: The tragic story of his family's dogs. 莎拉: Oh. (亨利離開) 大衛遞上子彈,同時告訴莎拉說狗狗Roscoe是死後中彈的。 莎拉: C.O.D? 大衛: Undetermined at this point. 子彈顯示有刮痕,代表子彈射過Carrie後於鐵櫃反射打到狗狗身上。 小葛跟Bobby在查帶回來的槍, 莎拉戴著子彈去詢問有沒有看到可能吻合的槍枝, 小葛聽著Bobby的敘述後想到了一把槍, 拿起那隻槍,結果一開一顆子彈掉了出來...... 小葛: Oh, the bullet stuck in the case. Bobby: You were supposed to clean that in the scene, Greg. 小葛: I know. Bobby檢查了槍,發現一小塊血肉模糊的組織, 推測是槍枝射擊時後座力擦傷槍手虎口造成的。 小葛說槍是從Chamber裡拿回來的,應該是店裡展售販賣的槍枝, 不應該會有這種"新鮮組織"的存在...... 莎拉: Maybe it is not for sell? 小葛: Wait a minute, if your killer use the gun earlier today and then take the gun to the shop, put it in the chamber... It means he was in the shop. And, there are four people in the shop when the fire began... Maybe your shoter's gun belong to the man in the red shirt... Bobby查了槍枝管制的紀錄,主人為John Racow。 Bobby: Our guy is John Racow, who now lives... 莎拉: (看著螢幕上的地址) right before Carrie Warren... 下一幕,紅衣男子拿出一張照片,上面便是Carrie! 帶著血的大拇指掃過Carrie的臉。 布拔跟莎拉找了John來詢問, John說他把槍送給Carrie了, John說他有個女兒,所以他也把Carrie當成女兒一樣照顧, Carrie有個爛人男友,他不可能七天每天24小時看著她, 而Carrie的Roscoe根本是裝飾用的; 所以他把槍送給Carrie,?她使用,讓她可以自保... John: (疑惑的看著布拔) Something happen to Carrie? 布拔: She's dead. John: ......(抿唇低頭) 莎拉: Someone shot her and her yuppy dog with your gun. John: ... (揮手) I'm done talk. 布拔: What about his name? The boyfriend. John說他想不起來那男生的名字了...... 莎拉跟布拔對望一眼,然後走到另一間房間找全程觀看著的烤魚。 烤魚: This guy wears the boosts. There is no way he will walk away from a gun shot with sneakers. 莎拉: Not to mention that there is no slight bite on his hands. He didn't shot Carrie, and he's not in the gun store. 烤魚: He's not the man in the red shirt. 亨利、小葛、囧尼跟凱姐在一起檢視兩案的證據。 亨利告訴凱姐說Roscoe是被毒死了,跟牛奶中的毒藥吻合, 囧尼很疑惑的問說Carrie怎麼會拿毒牛奶餵狗? 亨利說牛奶是送的新鮮牛奶,很可能在放到Carrie家門前就被下毒了, 小葛提出說也有可能是兇手餵狗喝了牛奶後等著Carrie到家... 凱姐: Well, if it is true. He must know her. He knows the dog, and that she has a gun. 囧尼: And he must have a key... 亨利: Obvious question, does she have a boyfriend? 凱姐: Oh yeah, and I bet he has a red shirt. 小葛跟凱姐檢視著Carrie的布娃娃們。 小葛: (拿著一隻娃娃) Is this really what you women want? 凱姐: (笑) That's what you men thought we want. Like candies. Sweet is good, but sooner or later, we would want some meats and potatoes. 小葛: (耍著一隻娃娃裝聲音) All I want is just a bowl of salad. 凱姐: (笑) God. All those craps still work for you guys? 凱姐接著找到一本紫皮筆記本,第一業貼著張紙條寫著: "My eternal love is yours in life and in death forever, Sam." 小葛: That surely sounds like boyfriend. Although I would never write a love poem to a girl and put the word "death". 凱姐: Something is under the label. 小葛: (弄開紙條,看到圖書館的章) Sam gifted the book from a library and then used it as a gift to his beloved girl. 凱姐: Classic. Call the library and then see who the last guy borrowing it was. 紅衣男子又偷了車,然後盯著John開車走過...... 烤魚、布拔跟莎拉到了Sam Trent的地址, 三人走入室內,一室凌亂,一名男子忽然出現。 男子: Who are you? 布拔: Detective Brass. We're looking for Sam Trent. Who are you? 男子: I'm Paul Trent. Sam's father. He's not home. 烤魚: What happened to you, Mr. Trent? (看著亂成一地的東西) Paul: It was an accident. And I really don't know where Sam is. I don't think you have the right to search my house. 布拔: We do. We have the warrent. Paul: What is this all about? 莎拉: An overdue library book. 布拔: Mr. Trent, we need you to go with me. 莎拉跟烤魚開始搜索房子,進入到一間亂七八糟的房間。 烤魚: Another accident. 莎拉: Hum. 烤魚發現一些浪漫影集的明信片之類的東西... 莎拉: That kind of boy who's looking for his dream girl. Of course Sam's dream girl is dead... 烤魚發現了Sam跟Carrie的合照,問莎拉地點是不是在某間飯店? 莎拉看了看說,應該是在賭城艾菲爾鐵塔上的Skydeck... 莎拉: There is a nice view... I'll take you there some time. 烤魚: Gee. Thanks. 烤魚之後就接著發現了好多張前往Skydeck的票, 烤魚: Maybe it is the Sam and Carries' favorite spot... What you have? 莎拉: (拉開一個抽屜) Letters. (唸著信) Sam, I'll meet you up there... Sam, I'm sorry, I can't be with you anymore... I can't stop thinking of you... Sam, I hope we can still be the best friends... 烤魚: Life is a romance, on and off. 莎拉: Now this is from last week: You need to respect my boundry, Sam. Leave me alone, or my neighbor will kick your ass. 烤魚接著在垃圾桶裡發現殺死了狗狗的藥物, 還有一張紙條,是Sam寫給Carrie的, 大意是說在狗狗離開後兩人可以"永遠"在一起。 莎拉: That sounds like a suicide pad. 烤魚: She's dead. Did he change his mind? 凱姐在實驗室裡,找上溫蒂。 溫蒂檢驗的嘔吐物顯示那是Sam吐出來的, 果然Sam嘗試最後在Carrie的臥房裡自殺,但是失敗了; 此時槍枝上的組織的DNA也出來了,但是那居然是Carrie的! 凱姐: You're joking! She shot herself? 凱姐、小葛跟囧尼重新檢視案子, 四個地點由左至右排列如下: 槍店、車子棄至點、Carrie陳屍處、Carrie家。 凱姐推測兩人自殺都不成功後,他用毯子裹住她開著車, 但沒注意到毯子有一角卡在門上, 急速過彎時門就這樣飛了開,Carrie滾了出去,撞到石頭死亡, Sam用毯子包好屍體,繼續上路,可能想找出必死的自殺的方法? 然後車沒油了,Sam只好下車步行,好巧不巧走進槍店裡, 然後某種狀況下引發了槍戰,只是還是見鬼的沒死成...... 烤魚跟莎拉繼續在Sam那調查, 烤魚發現一個鞋印,看來是牛仔靴的印子...... 布拔跟Paul對話中, 布拔: We're trying to save your son's life. You have to tell us what happened in your house. 根據Paul的說法,John找上門來,沒找到Sam,氣沖沖的離開了, 幾分鐘過後,Sam回到了家。 Paul: Sam, Sammy, are you O.K.? There is a man... I'm going to call the police. Sam: No, no. Dad. Everything will be fine. Paul: Here, take the money and my car. Go! That guy has a gun! Sam: Thanks, Dad. Thank you for all these. 布拔告知烤魚跟莎拉這件事。 烤魚: Sam only took 8 dollars from the full? 莎拉: The price to the Skydeck...... 凱姐跟囧尼繼續檢視著地圖, 同時發現Carrie患有Polar Disorder,會毫無節制的買不需要的東西, 而其中一個剛剛shopping過的地點就是那間槍店...... 凱姐跟囧尼同時注意到在那整條路沿線的終點, 就是Carrie治療bipolar的醫院。 囧尼: He's trying to save Carrie... 布拔他們殺到艾菲爾鐵塔下, 布拔: (對烤魚和莎拉說) Polica officers are there already. You're free to go. I don't want to see any heroes up there. Skydeck那,Sam正準備往下跳,卻被John逮住, John:You son of a bitch. You're a dead man! (烤魚莎拉也趕到了,John揪著Sam的領口舉槍對著他) 莎拉: John! Sam didn't kill Carrie. We found Carrie's tissue near the     trigger. You know what it means. Carrie is trying to kill herself. John: What!? It's a lie! 莎拉: No! Carrie has bipolar. She commitment suicide. You said Carrie needs protection. Not from others, but from herself! Sam: That's not true. I killed Carrie. Jhon: You shut up! Sam: I put the gun toward her, I... 烤魚: John, that's not true. Sam, you're trying to save Carrie. Sam: No! 烤魚: We saw the note. 101 SW, where the hospital is. Sam: ......(哭) 莎拉: Sam, you love Carrie. You tried to save her! John終於把槍放下了,警方衝上前制服Jhon,Sam趁亂跑到欄杆上。 烤魚&莎拉: No! 烤魚: You don't have to die today. Sam: That is what it meant to be! 烤魚: ... You don't have to die today. Sam: Last two people who tried to stop me ended up death. (回想畫面,Sam要求Dolores賣子彈給她,Dolores一笑置之,) (又悲又惱的Sam舉槍對著Dolores,沒注意到在他身後的Edward跟Hank,) (結果Dolores, Edward跟Hank開始對彼此開火......) This where Carrie and I met. And this is the place... 烤魚: You doesn't have to end up here. We know what happened. You tried to save Carrie. 莎拉: And Carrie, she would want us to save you. Sam: (看著烤魚和莎拉) O.K. I have one question. Was it me, or the dog? 莎拉: What? 原來毒牛奶是Sam自己喝的,他潛進Carrie的臥室,喝完牛奶倒在床上等死, 等他被槍聲驚醒過來時,發現Roscoe喝光了剩下的牛奶死了, 而Carrie倒在地板上,頭下都是血,手邊拿著那把槍...... Sam: Carrie loved that dog...... Was the side of me, or the dog that make her put the trigger? 莎拉: It was you, Sam. Of course it was you. Sam: I wish I could say that. (跳) 莎拉&烤魚: No! Sam! (兩人奔到圍欄邊) 布拔在樓下看著Sam落下,落下,落下... 最後完整的降落在消防隊已經張好的防護墊上。 布拔: Code number 4 for the case: success academy. (對著對講機說的) 本集心得: 1) 我愛莎拉八卦女王那一段哪~~ >///< Vartann警官感覺人不錯,請阿編賜女王一個成功的春天吧! 2) 大衛家的狗實在是命運乖舛哪...... 3) Sam實在很...,Roscoe則掛的莫名奇妙。 囧" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
malisse74:感謝! bipolar disorder是躁鬱症 depression的一種類型 12/20 09:16