精華區beta CSSE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這裡可取得早期發出的測試版本 (不含 source code) http://www.geocities.com/truth_out_there/Echoview.zip 再來看看反面(扒糞?)意見. :p http://www.geocities.com/truth_out_there/moredetails.html http://www.geocities.com/truth_out_there/truthexposed.html http://www.ecogito.net/anil/2005/05/rediffs-foot-in-mouth-affliction.html http://www.groupsrv.com/science/about99337-0-asc-0.html 大意就是說, 從早期發出的測試版程式, 裡面可以找到其它 open source 的程式的字串, 顯示了 EchoView 的程式使用了這些 open source 的程式碼. (EchoView 和 MatrixView 到底是啥關係? @_@) 這些 open source 的程式碼包含了... JBIG, LogLuv (沒聽過, 和 SGI 有關), LZW, JPEG (非失真壓縮要用到JPEG? 怪怪的), ABC (使用BWT演算法), ... 等 也有人出來辯護, 此人自己說他不是該公司的員工 (為了避嫌?). 後來此人被質疑他就是公司內部的員工 (網路論壇嘛! 總免不了這樣玩 :p) 不管事實怎樣, 這樣亂用 open source 的 code 是一定會被罵的, 於是真正的公司員工正式跳出來講話了, 說他們正式的商業版本就不含 open src. 了 This is an official response to the recent posting that has appeared on this website. We wish to confirm that ABO is an original technology invented and developed by Scientists at Matrixview. We would like to further confirm that none of our commercial versions contain any kind of open source codes. ABO is a revolutionary algorithm that deals with pixel data in the spatial domain. This will be clarified further when we publish the theory of ABO on our website in the following weeks. As much as we appreciate your interest in ABO, we request you to hold your comments till reviewing our theory paper after which, we will be happy to engage in further discussions. In the meantime, if you would like to contact us on anything, please mail us at [email protected] 當然啦, 罵聲還是繼續不停. 真相到底是怎樣? 壓縮法到底是真是假? 依然霧沙沙. 其實唯一的證明方法, 就是下載那個程式實際測試看看壓縮率. 不過, 我懶... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jeunder:嗯... 那個程式似乎不能 work ? 06/14
taroa:程式看起來像假的…… =.= 06/14
reader:似乎已經有廠商在使用了... 06/15
reader:http://ca.sys-con.com/read/52004.htm 06/15