精華區beta CSSE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Limpburke (because you are)》之銘言: : (*A(-(*AA)(sqrt A))) fitness:1 : (/A(/(/AA)(/AA))) fitness:3 : (+A(*(sqrt A)A)) fitness:0 : PS.sqrt為開根號的意思, ex:A = (sqrt(*AA)) : Since the fitness measure is a function of the data points we want to explain, : we define fitness as the number of output of the program that come within : 20 per cent of the correct output values. We use this definition to create the : fitness measure of this initial population, to build crossover and mutation : operators that can produce further generations of programs, and to determine : termination conditions. : 請問,fitness的定義為何? 呃....定義是 the number of output of the program that come within 20% of the correct output values 這三個functions是GP自己跑出來的, 然後把A的值帶入這三個function, 再看他們三個哪一個表現的比較好. 從你提供的訊息只知道是 number of output, 但是這裡看不出來這個number是什麼 含義, GP的東西大多是依你要解決的問題來設計的~ : 我看了定義後,似懂非懂,但無法理解為何上面三個前序表示式的fitness值分別為1,3,0 : 請各位先進高手專家,不吝賜教,謝謝,感激不盡! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
H45:請問一下,GP是什麼 @_@> (基因演算法? GA?) 06/18 19:07
supersam623:Genetic Programming? 不過看內容好像不是...... 06/18 21:14
PRAM:GP和GA不同,不過都是演化法則啦,詳細查google scholar吧 06/19 10:16
Eventis:Orz....果然是GP,所以我說還少一小段程式碼啊@@ 06/20 19:39
Eventis:不然怎麼生correct output....@@? 06/20 19:40