精華區beta CSSE 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這是一題資格考的題目,找不太到答案,想知道大家的想法 As a system designer, how would you know when you have chosen the best time quantum? What factors would make this time quantum best from the user's point of view? What factors would make this time quantum best from the system's point of view? 個人想法是: 從使用者觀點來考量,response time為優先 從系統觀點來考量則是希望throughput越大越好 希望藉由大家想法與討論精鍊出合理的答案 先謝謝了.. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
PsMonkey:throughput 越大越好→這有點太...廣效了 XD 02/13 09:52
akasan:印象中好像是至少content switch一百倍以上之類的答案? 02/13 10:48
ikari512:亂入一下 是context switch 02/21 23:51