精華區beta C_Question 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我要向大家推薦即將於7/11上午11:00~12:30在卡通頻道播出的”小小車布歷險記” (THE ADVENTURES OF CHEBURASHKA & FRIENDS) 這是一部由俄羅斯兒童文學改編的黏土動畫 在俄羅斯是一個家喻戶曉的故事 距今已經有三十年的歷史了 我無意間接觸到這部動畫 一時驚為天人 但是在台灣似乎找不到任何相關資料 也幾乎沒有人知道或聽過這部動畫 現在看到卡通頻道要播出了 簡直興奮到不行 所以一定要介紹推薦給大家 俄羅斯動畫跟我們一般常看的美國或日本動畫非常不一樣 不僅是故事內容 它的音樂,色彩以及整體的感覺都帶有一股淡淡的哀愁 會讓你有種很不一樣的觀影經驗 俄國原版共有四個單元 卡通頻道好像只播出其中的三個單元 介紹一下小小車布吧 他是一種沒人知道他是誰的生物 有著大大的耳朵 一雙無邪的大眼睛以及單純善良的心靈 這部動畫近年在日本上映 日本女高中生為之瘋狂 在日本的yahoo拍賣可以找到很多相關的周邊商品呢 (台灣都沒有~哼哼) 大家千萬不要錯過了 晚上21:30還有重播喔! p.s.下面是這部動畫的英文簡介: Cheburashka, Crocodile Genady, and Old Lady Shapocliak are three of the most p opular animated characters ever produced by Moscow’s Soyuzmultfilm Studio, be loved by Russian children and adults everywhere. The four animated short films included in this DVD were created by Director Roman Kachanov and Art Director Leonid Shvartsman based on books written by Eduard Uspensky. Art Director Shv artsman worked his magic on Uspensky’s Cheburashka, transforming the kangeroo -like creature with a bushy tail and yellow owl’s eyes into the film’s adora ble innocent-eyed little Cheburashka with big plush ears. The saga begins on the day this sweet creature is found by a fruit vendor in a crate of oranges. Rejected by the Moscow zoo because of his unknown species, he is befriended by a genial crocodile named Genady. Genady works at the zoo a s a crocodile. “Crocodile Gena” Episode (#1): The improbable team befriends all who are los t and lonely and build a Playhouse for Friends. “Cheburashka” Episode (#2): Genady and Cheburashka, now inseparable friends, build a playground for children. “Shapocliak Episode” (#3): Genady and Cheburashka go on vacation and protect nature with the capricious Old Lady Shapocliak. “Cheburashka Is Going To School Episode (#4): Cheburashka fails to meet his b est friend Genady at the airport because he did not know how to read, and is s ent to school by his friends. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hitecC:啊 我家沒有線電視 07/08