精華區beta Cad_Cae 關於我們 聯絡資訊
程式寫好了,如下,請參考 ; file: get-points.LSP (defun c:get-points( / ) (setq fn1 (getstring "\nInput file name for write: ")) (setq f2 (open fn1 "w")) ; --------------------------------------------- (princ "\nSelect some points for dump: ") (setq ss1 (ssget)) (setq l1 (sslength ss1)) ; for no= 0, no < l1, no++ (setq no 0) (while (< no l1) (setq entn1 (ssname ss1 no)) (setq ent1 (entget entn1)) (setq ent-type (cdr (assoc 0 ent1))) ; (setq ent-type (cdr ent-type)); get "POINT" ; -------------------------------------------- (if (= ent-type "POINT") (progn; ent-type == "POINT" (setq xyz (assoc 10 ent1)) (setq x (nth 1 xyz) y (nth 2 xyz) z (nth 3 xyz)) (princ (strcat (rtos x 1 6) " " (rtos y 1 6) " " (rtos z 1 6) "\n") f2) )); end if (setq no (1+ no)) ); end of while ; --------------------------------------------- (close f2) (princ) ); end of c:get-points() (princ "\nUsage: get-points [Enter]\n") (princ) ; end of file ※ 引述《yp520 (阿育)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《MTLOVER (我要加油~~~)》之銘言: : : 請問在AutoCAD中 : : 如果我框選了ㄧ個範圍 : : 此範圍中包含許多點 : : 有辦法ㄧ次取得所有點的座標值嗎?? : : 謝謝囉~~ : 脫離autocad已有五年詳細已記不清,我只能告訴你邏輯 : 框選並取得「點」元素內的座標直--->匯出文字檔或交由後續程式處理。 : 詳情建議請教板上的sjgau大,他很懂lisp也很主動、熱心助人! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: