精華區beta Cad_Cae 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. CFD-CADalyzer CFDRC公司正致力於開發出一種獨特的CFD軟件﹐它能夠輕鬆地融於產品設計過程──能夠連接設計與分析﹐這有助於引導﹐或者促進未來產品的設計開發。該軟件被命名為CFD-CADalyzer,它由市場需求﹐尤其是立足長遠﹐具有戰略思想的客戶的需求所產生。 2. CFD-ACE+ CFD-ACE+電子研究設計模塊﹕ CFDRC公司為電子領域的研究設計提供了最先進的專業電子散熱/電磁兼容模擬分析軟件CFD-ACE+。CFD-ACE+支持多尺度、多物理場模擬分析。 CFD-ACE+具有對不同尺度的電子模型進行模擬分析的能力﹐可以模擬分析從電子系統級(如PC機機箱)﹐板級﹐芯片級﹐極微小電子器件級﹐到納米級的不同尺度的模型。而且CFD-ACE+支持多物理場模擬﹐對一個電子系統模型﹐可以同時進行流動、傳熱、熱應力/ 變形和電磁兼容分析。 3. CFD-FASTRAN CFD-FASTRAN是CFDRC公司專門為航空航天應用所設計的可壓縮流動的解算器。CFD-FASTRAN是當前所有為航空航天設計的計算流軟件中位於前列的軟件。它采用了多種動網格技術﹐可以模擬絕大多數復雜的航空航天中涉及的各種問題﹐比如導彈發射、機動和多級脫離﹐飛行器飛行動力學及所載各種彈體的發射過程研究。CFD-FASTRAN 具有挑戰性的功能是將基於密度的可壓縮歐拉方程和N-S方程同多體運動動力學、有限反應率化學和非平衡傳熱學耦合起來﹐解決一系列極為復雜的航空問題。 4. CFD-GEOM CFD-GEOM is CFDRC's state-of-the-art, general-purpose geometry and grid generation system. With an extensive set of geometry creation and manipulation, CAD import, and mesh generation capabilities, CFD-GEOM provides meshes for CFDRC's solver packages CFD-ACE+ and CFD-FASTRAN. It can also be used with other CFD/FEA/CAE packages. Its main capabilities include: Easy-to-Learn, Easy-to-Use Graphical User Interface with highly intuitive point & click operation Extremely fast and efficient multi-block structured, unstructured, hybrid, and body-aligned polyhedral mesh generation Numerous controls for specifying local mesh density and global grid quality Automatic mesh updates after geometry or mesh modification Unlimited undo/redo capability Extensive geometry import capabilities via SAT, IGES, and other formats Numerous tools for creating geometries from scratch and cleaning up dirty geometries imported from other CAD systems Scripting and journaling A unique feature of CFD-GEOM is the support for the scripting language Python. All geometry and mesh functionality is accessible from Python script language, enabling the end-user to create custom parametric script templates for his analysis case. The geometry/mesh templates can be used for automated parametric or optimization runs from SimManager 5. CFD-VIEW 後處理軟件CFD-VIEW: CFD-VIEW是CFDRC公司設計的通用後處理軟件﹐擁有直觀的圖形界面﹐用戶可以方便的從整個計算域取出點、線、面、體顯示模擬結果﹔也可以輕鬆的制作動畫。CFD-VIEW是一個相當完備的後處理工具。 6. CFD-VisCART CFD-VisCART is an adaptive Cartesian mesh generation system for use with the CFD-ACE+ and CFD-FASTRAN flow solvers. CFD-VisCART is ideally suited for extremely complex geometries such as underhood for automotive applications and full aircraft configurations for aerospace applications. Significant advantages of CFD-VisCART are its robustness and ease-of-use. It handles imperfect geometries with holes, overlaps and cracks. Furthermore, it offers solution-based adaptive mesh refinement for obtaining optimal mesh resolution. The main features are: Automated, easy to use and learn grid generation process based on wizard methodology Mesh based geometry import from STL (Stereo Lithography), Plot3D, NASTRAN, FAST, and other formats Geometry creation and editing capability Anisotropic Cartesian Grids for optimal resolution in x, y, or z direction A specialized polyhedral boundary layer mesh of zero (stairstepped), one, or N layers to resolve viscous boundary layers is supported Geometry and/or solution based adaptive mesh refinement 7. CFD-Micromesh 前處理軟件CFD-Micromesh: CFD-Micromesh是專門為微電子領域設計的高度自動化的建模及網格生成軟件。CFD-Micromesh擁有非常直觀的用戶圖形界面﹐用戶可以利用圖形庫快捷的建立模型﹐也可以從任何電路設計 (EDA) 軟件導入模型﹐甚至可以導入GIF, BMP格式的圖像來生成模型﹔當基本模型建立起來之後﹐利用CFD-Micromesh的自動劃分網格的功能﹐可以快速的生成高質量的計算網格﹐用戶可以隨意控制各區域網格的疏密。 8. SimManager SimManager The CFD-ACE+ product suite comes with the Simulation Manager (SimManager) software tool, which allows you to perform parametric analysis and optimization studies, and customize and automate your own design process. Using its built-in GUIs and the Python script language, create custom applications based on CFDRC engineering analysis software. SimManager has the following major features: Standard wizards for Parametric Analysis (Design of Experiments), and Optimization with support for Geometric Parameters, Boundary and Volume Conditions, and Simulation Parameters Single (Brent) and Multi-Parameter (Powell, Simplex) Optimization SimManager has the ability to launch and control one or more CFD-ACE+ engineering analysis tools through scripting All CFDRC tool functionality is accessible by means of the Python script language from SimManager. Scripts can be written from scratch or can be created by means of GUI (journaling) Embedded Python interpreter, which allows for incorporation of your own programs into an analysis process. This is useful, for example, for: Addition of new capabilities, such as a control system model Integration of proprietary numerical algorithms Customized GUIs, scriptable plotters, and so on -- 酒 楚王帳裡醉聽歌﹐北戍迎風夜渡河 避亂草堂須典當﹐謫居赤壁借消磨 愁腸一縷紅燭淚﹐壯志孤燈寶劍何 古往今來盡如此﹐無情伴我漸蹉跎 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: