精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
An authority figure in your life sometimes seems to make your life miserable o n purpose. You may even think that this person has it out for you. This may ha ve been going on for quite a long time, Capricorn, and you may feel that you a re at your breaking point. But this month, you may get a glimpse of why this p erson pushes you so hard, and why your suspicions are based on wrong assumptio ns. This tough love might be coming from admiration rather than resentment or dislike. Be grateful for it. You can become stronger and more skilled through this. A bit of serendipity could put you in the right place at the right time to mak e a deal or meet someone who can help you make your life more secure financial ly. This may seem almost too good to be true at first, so do explore it fully - but you should find that it is everything it seems to be and then some. The fast pace that happens this time of year may have left you feeling agitate d and constantly on edge. But now that the year is coming to a close, it is ti me to settle down and recognize that the rush is over. Find a warm way to wind down and enjoy life with special friends. Doing this will put you back into s hape emotionally. An artistic friend may encourage you to join a class or attend a seminar where you can reawaken your own creative spirit. This would be especially good for you right now. A chance to join a club or organization of some kind could come to you this month. This might benefit you not just personally, but also profe ssionally. 一個你生活中的權威人物有時候似乎會故意讓你的生活很痛苦 你甚至會覺得他是針對你 魔魔 這可能已經持續一段時間 而且你覺得你已經快到極限了 但在這個月 你會察覺到為什麼這個人要這樣壓迫你 你也會意會到你的懷疑是根據一個錯誤的假設 這種堅韌的情感 比起怨恨跟厭惡 更來自於欽佩讚賞 所以要對此表示感激 你會因此變得更強大更熟練 一個意外的安排 會讓你在對的時間對的地方 完成一個交易或是遇見一個人 會使你生活中財務狀況的部分更有安全無慮 在一開始你可能會覺得 怎麼會有這麼好的事情 所以你要徹底地好好研究 但你會發現他就是一切 甚至更多 一年的這個時間 快速的步伐會讓你感到焦慮 且持續的緊張不安 但是這一年要結束了 是時候安定自己 認知這個匆忙的狀態要結束了 找一個溫暖的方式放鬆自己 跟一些特別的朋友一起享受生活 這會讓你的情緒恢復健康 一個富有藝術專業的朋友 鼓勵你報名課程或是參加研討會 可以重新喚起你創新的精神 在現在這是對你非常好的 這個月可能會有機會參加社團或是團體機構 這不僅對你本身有益處 在你的專業上也會有很大的幫助 Copyright c Daily Horoscope http://comitic.com/dh —- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1578306539.A.50F.html
ivyclover: 謝謝分享 01/06 18:59
paradisesnj: 看完覺得充滿希望 01/06 20:54
Ganesha429: 謝謝翻譯與分享~期待生日月! 01/06 22:04
cathyhsu: 感謝分享 01/06 23:30
k26880132: 推 01/06 23:46
good00609: 想要上程式課程了 01/07 02:37
syforever: 推 01/07 09:04
Ambition0114: DH是不是沒有出年運 我a2020都找不到 01/07 19:52