精華區beta Capricornus 關於我們 聯絡資訊
There may be a few twists and turns this month with a matter that requires some negotiation. You may think you have finally reached an agreement only to find there is some new discord. But if you remain patient and recognize that this will work out in the end, it will be easier and will work out as hoped. You may be striving so hard for something now that it is ratcheting up your stress level to an unacceptable degree. By toning it down and being calmer about pursuing what you want, you can reduce the tension and be more practical and efficient as you reach for what you want. Things are due to progress in this matter this month, but you will get the most mileage out of it if you remain balanced in your approach. You may need an answer from someone on something that is critical to your happiness. Perhaps you have been asking a certain question for a long time, and you are tired of waiting. You are a patient person, Capricorn, but you may feel it has gone beyond the acceptable limits. But even so, it would not be wise to push it. If anything, step away from it and let go. If you are meant to have the answer you want, it will come to you. 這個月可能會有點曲折,會有一些談判要進行。 你以為雙方終於達成協議了,但卻又找到新的歧異。 但你如果保持耐心並且認知到這最終會奏效, 那事情就會容易一點並且如願以償。 你可能已經超努力的爭取某個事物了, 並且幾乎把你的壓力升到一個無法接受的程度了, 對你追求的事物慢下來並保持冷靜, 你可以減少緊張感,並且更實際更有效率的達到你想要的。 有些事會在本月應該有進展,只要你保持平衡,你會得到好處的。 你可能需要別人的答案來回答一個對你至關幸福的事情。 或許你已經疑問好一陣子了,而且你已經感到厭倦。 你是個有耐心的人,魔魔, 但你可能覺得這次已經超出你可以接受的範圍了。 但即使如此,壓迫依然是不明智的。 如果這樣的話,那退一步然後讓他去吧! 如果你註定會得到答案的話,答案會來找你的。 -- Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic http://comitic.com/horoscope -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1604317354.A.74B.html
whitney1222: 推~ 11/02 21:33
chuchu512: 答案快來吧 11/02 23:15
k26880132: 推 11/03 00:14
irene2772193: 我已經快崩潰了 11/03 01:21
Ganesha429: 推~ 11/03 01:29
mieki: 來吧 推 11/03 03:45
B200CDI: 一直都是在這種高壓的恐怖平衡,看來這個月又一樣了 (苦 11/03 07:35
B200CDI: 笑 11/03 07:35
socon15: 推 11/03 09:04
ivyclover: 謝謝分享 11/03 09:21
dearpi: 答案快點來 我真的快崩潰了...... 11/03 09:27
joanjen: 大家加油~ 要適時紓壓呀 11/03 10:40
hsiangyun: 喔,好。 11/03 13:26
Ambition0114: 摩羯是不是一個一直在等好消息的星座啊? 11/03 15:02
killuaz: 今天就要談判了 準! 11/03 15:34